Monday, December 30, 2013

How much is the average cost of Gas and Electeric for 2 people in 3 bedrooms house in NJ?

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We just bought a house and we dont have any experience about the cost of utilities. Could someone please help me in this rtegard?
We are just 2 people and we were freezing in winter time by keeping the temperature from 10 PM till & AM on 60 and 65-68 from 7AM till 10 PM and most of the time we had our wood fierplace on, however we have receieved 3 bills for gas and electric since we moved to our new house. The house is good isolated and there is no gas licking. The oven is gas and gas furnace is well-maintained 10 years old.
The following is our bills for Gas and Electric
Jan : $123 Gas & $33 Electric
Feb: $ 300 Gas & $77 Electric
Mar: $255 Gas & $70 Electric

I appreciate your help

Be carefull with the wood burning fireplace. If you are using the gas furnace and the wood burner at the same time you are loosing heat up the chimney.

Run the furnace (68-70 degrees) without the fireplace and you will cut your gas consumption.

Wood burners smell great but will cause your gas bills to go up.

How to save on electric bill?

Future Die

My husband and I moved into a house that is all electric. Our old house had gas heat. So far, we HATE electric heat! It doesn't heat the house very well at all. The temp at night has been in the 40's and the heat seems to always run!

We have shut off the vents in the upstairs, because no one is ever up there. The heat is set on 65. What else can we do to save on our electric bill?

Insulate your attic and basement

Maintain glazing in window panes and caulk around windows to prevent air leaks. Use weather stripping where needed.

Use the damper in your fireplace

Weatherstrip around doors.

Install insulated drapery on your windows. Open drapes in the morning to let the sun in. Close when the sun goes down to keep the warmth inside.

Unplug all electronic chargers when not in use.

Use Smart Strips on all electronic equipment. This is a multi outlet devise you plug a bunch of things into and turn the strip off to cut off the current to all those electronics that are drawing electricity even when not turned on.

Use a Smart Strip in your kitchen for your microwave and small appliances. Turn it off after every meal.

Change all light bulbs to Compact Florescent Lights.

Wash only full loads of clothing in cold water. Do several loads in a row so you take advantage of the warm dryer.

Take shorter showers.

Is your dryer vent air tight?

Are all storm windows down?

I turn my heat down to 60 degrees at night and sleep under a cozy down filled duvet. It is heavenly.

I turn my heat down to 60 degrees when I leave the house.

Watch television in the dark at night.

Moist air keeps a house warmer than dry air. Add humidity to your home in the winter time.

If you are using your oven tonight, bake the potatoes for tomorrow night's dinner. A toaster oven uses less electricity than a conventional oven and I am a convert since a friend cooked some really delicious meals in that toaster oven of his. I now believe in toaster ovens.

Do not be fooled into thinking you are saving money on your electricity bill if you run appliances in the evening. The fact of the matter is that, yes, electricity is being saved, but the savings is only for the electricity company. Your electric bill is one flat rate per usage and it does not change rates according to the time of day you use your electricity. This is a common misconception most people are lead to believe, when, in fact you pay the same rate morning, noon and night.
Yeah, it is wise to use appliances on off peak hours, but it saves you not one dime on your bill.

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