Saturday, January 11, 2014

How many BTU's needed to heat a 750 square foot house?

electric fireplaces at big lots on ... fireplace screensaver, big lots, fireplace accessories, outdoor stone
electric fireplaces at big lots image


My husband and I bought a 750 square foot house and we are trying to decide whether or not to get an gas efficiency furnace to heat it (it currently has a 23 year old furnace) or get an electric fireplace. (Maybe a couple.) How many BTU's would we need for a 750 square foot house, taking into account we live in Picton Ontario.

18000 BTU's should do it but if you have lots of sunlight coming in i would go to two ton 24000 BTU's unit 1 ton per 500 SQ FT is the starting point on residential heat loads then you adjust for high ceilings and big windows ETC

Any suggestions how to start my fireplace that is neither gas or electric?

You Know W

We just bought a house and the fireplace is neither gas or electric. Do I just put wood in the fireplace and open the damper. This is the first house I ever owned with a fireplace. We live in Southern California and it only gets cold in the winter. But I just want to prepare myself. Don't want to burn the house down or smoke the house if you get my drift. Any suggestions how to start my fireplace that is neither gas or electric?

You would build a fire there just like anywhere else (ie: campfire). Start with rolled up paper or twigs and light that, when it's burning add medium sized pieces of wood, when that is burning well add a big log or two. The lighter stuff will burn up leaving the big logs smoldering for awhile. Make sure your damper is open when you do this! Also close your damper in the warmer months so that you don't leak a lot of air conditioned air to the outside.

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Friday, January 10, 2014

Is this a good start for a story?

electric fireplaces for corner on in electric firebox model bf39dxp patented dimplex electric fireplace ...
electric fireplaces for corner image
Q. I am 14 and I have more to the story I just want to know what people think of the beginning.

Chapter One

Magic is anything but simple

Winter was approaching rapidly that year. It was only November and yet the air was dry. Will walked briskly up the path to his home, the leaves piled on the sides. Once he got inside he began to ply away the many layers of clothing that covered him.
âWill, is that you?â His mother called from the kitchen.
âYes,â called Will. He walked into the small kitchen and instantly a thousand smells entered his nostrils. A woman with long, curly red hair turned around and Will saw the face of his mother.âI was getting worried about you,â She said with a smile. âYou said youâd be home earlier than this.â
âJamane came in to buy food for the castle,â said Will exasperated. âShe always takes forever.â
âJamane, huh,â said Willâs mother with the smallest of a smirk on her face. âI always thought she was pretty, donât you.â
âSheâs okay looking,â admitted Will. âBut sheâs so pompous and stubborn and sheâsâ¦and sheâs...and sheâs JAMANE!â
âOkay, Okay, thereâs no need to get all worked up. I was only making a statement.â Willâs mother set a plate of cookies onto the small wooden table.
âSorry,â said Will taking a bite of one of the cookies. âWas there a reason why you wanted me to come home early?â
âYes, Aron came over and told me that you need to see him later today.â
âDid he give a reason?â
âNo, but why would he tell me secret information that a sixteen year-old can have?â she said sarcastically, âJust because Iâm not a man doesnât mean that I should be kept in the dark. I mean I was the âmanâ in your life when your father, when your father died.â
Will sighed; his mother had been going on like this since his birthday. âIâm going to see what Aron wanted,â he said getting up from the small wooden table.
âBehave yourself and donât anger that insane skattle of his.â
âDonât worry. Benewen and I get along much better now.â Will smiled and looked at the scar on his arm that Benewen had given him when he was two. In the shape of a W Will was somewhat proud that the only scar he had reflected his name.
Will walked into town and up to Aronâs cottage. He knocked on the door, but there was no answer. âGood, youâre here,â said a grizzly voice behind him. Will turned around to see an old man with short grey hair, electric-blue eyes, and a little fox-like creature weaving around his feet.
âHello Aron. Hello Benewen.â
âThe W begins his name, but someday it will be his fame,â came the sing-song voice of the skattle.
âOkay then,â said Will, he had never gotten use to the way the skattle spoke.
âRiddles are hard to make, but mine are certainly not fake. It is not fun to rhyme, especially all of the time.â
âNever mind him,â said Aron. He unlocked the door and they stepped inside. The floor was strewn with books and old newspapers. There were two armchairs by the fireplace and a small kitchen in the corner, along with two doors on opposite walls. Aron lit the fire and put a kettle on the wood-burning-stove.
âSit down, sit down,â said Aron waving his hand at the two arm chairs. Will cleared the chairs of newspaper and sat down.
âMom told me that you needed to see me.â
âYes,â said Aron giving Will a hot mug of tea. âYour magic test is scheduled for December and I wanted to make sure you knew what you were doing.â
âI have no idea what Iâm going to do, but isnât the test to see if I can do magic?â
âYes it is but you have to know what youâre going to attempt to do.â
âWell, whatâs simple?â
âMagic is anything but simple,â stated Aron, magic was always such a touchy subject with him. âYou have to know the Kragle language thoroughly to be able to make anything happen. You have to know exactly what you want to do. You have to have brains Will!â
âOkay, Okay,â said Will. This was why he didnât like Aron very much; he always got worked up about a lot of things, especially magic. âWell then I guess I want toâ¦umâ¦I guess I want toâ¦um what do you suggest?â
âFor you, I would suggest a decision making charm.â
âOkay, how do I do that?â asked Will, partly laughing.
Aron laughed. âThat one is one of the harder charms. Seriously though, I think that you should try to levitate something.â
âOkay whatâs the word for it?â
âLevitainta,â said Aron. âBut make sure you concentrate and point your finger at the object, like this,â Aron pointed his index-finger at Benewen and flicked it while saying âLevitainta Benewen.â The skattle began to levitate and was hissing and scratching at the air. Will laughed and Aron let Benewen come down.
âBecause heâs master he can do what he pleases but he wonât like it when he gets the sneezes.â Aron smiled at Will and winked.
âCan I try?â asked Will
âTry you may but not on Benewen I say.â
âI think that answers your question,â said Aron with a chuckle. âTry it on that book over there. Say novenaâ
âLevitainta novena,â said Will flicking his finger. The book hovered in the air for a brief moment and collapsed.
âThatâs great!â said Aron astonished and Will thought he detected the tiniest amount of pride in his voice.
âBut it fell right away,â said Will confused and a little disappointed.
âBut it rose,â said Aron. âIt rose because you can do magic. Youâve passed the test and you havenât even taken it yet!â
âI have!? Can you teach me more so that I can ace the test?â
âWork on lifting objects for now and maybe Iâll teach you a little more.â
âThanks,â said Will and he set his mug down, got up and began to walk to the door.
âTell your mother I said âHiâ,â called Aron.
âI will,â said Will and with that he exited the cottage.

Chapter two
Will walked home, his mind full of thoughts. Only one child born a year was allowed to use magic when they turned sixteen. Magic users were limited because they had more power than the King! And if Will trained really hard, he may be that one! Imagine him, a lowly shop helper, a wizard! And Aron seemed pleased. Aron, who always seemed so old and angry, yet was treated with the utmost respect, thought he could do it! If it came down to two people, Aron would choose Will to teach!
Will rushed home, gave his mother Aronâs greeting, and went to his room. His room was nothing special. There was a small bed pushed against the wall, a desk, and a dresser with a picture on it. Will walked over to the dresser and looked at the picture. It was a sketch of a man with straight, dark-brown hair, like Willâs, and electric-blue eyes, Willâs eyes.
âIâm going to make you proud dad,â Will whispered. Will was only a few months old when his father died. King Moragon needed men to fight and chose Willâs dad. Three weeks later, Willâs mother had gotten a letter saying that Willâs father had gone missing. Years passed and there was no word of his father. Eventually he was declared dead.
In that time, Aron had moved into town and Benewen had givven Will his scar when he had pulled on the skattleâs tail. For some reason, this memory always made Will smile. Maybe it was because he was now fond of the skattle or maybe it was simply because he liked the shape, the scar had taken.
Will picked a rock off the floor and sat on his bed. Not knowing the word for rock he hesitantly decided to use the normal language. âLevitainta rock,â he said, flicking his finger at the rock. The rock rose a little higher than the book had and fell a little later, and he didnât need the Kragle language! Will tried over and over again until he could lift the rock a foot in the air for a minute. He was going to be the new wizard! There was no way anyone could beat him now, unless everyone else was practicing too. Will hadnât thought about that before. It would be cheating for Aron to only give him help. He must be giving everyone else help too. Especially the Kingâs son, Morganarth. Yes, thought Will. Morganarth would most definitely be given help. But maybe he wouldnât practice. He was, after all, as arrogant as Jamane, if not more. He would think himself to important to practice. Possibly every sixteen year-old boy would think themselves to important to practice. For they were not as poor and lowly as Will. They all had fathers who lived with them.
Will looked out his window and saw the moon was high in the sky. He crawled into bed and instantly fell asleep.
Willâs dreams were filled with wizards, skattles, and Morganarth. He woke up feeling less confident and lifted the stone in the air just to make sure he really could do it.
He walked into the kitchen and ate the oatmeal that was for breakfast. âAre you going to work today?â His mother asked.
âI have to,â said Will.
âCan you give these quilts to Mrs. Kindle?â
âSure,â said Will taking the blankets from his motherâs hands. âI better get going then,â He said and left the house. He got into town and walked into the grocery store. âHello Mr. Kindle,â said Will cheerfully. âMom told me to give these to your wife.â
âAh yes,â said the store owner. âLillian told me to give you this.â He handed a small pouch of money to Will. âMr. Fisher also sold me quite a few fish today and I need you to stock them in the ice patches.â
âOkay,â said Will. He put his apron on and made his way through the crowded shop to the frozen meat section. He began to place the fish into boxes of ice, when a tanned girl of about fifteen came into the store.
âHello Jamane,â came the voice of Mr. Kindle.
âHello,â said Jamane. She looked around the shop and spotted Will. She smiled at him and he half-heartedly returned it.
âWhat can I do you for?â asked the shop owner.
âI need to buy some fish for King Moragonâs supper.â
âLucky for you, we just got some fish in today. Why donât you help her Will?â
âWhat- oh okay,â said Will not looking forward to this at all. Jamane walked over to him, her long, straight, black hair flowing behind her. âWhat kind do you want?â
âWhat would you recommend?â she asked, still smiling.
âThis oneâs a large one, fresh and looks good,â said Will trying to get her out of the store as fast as he could. But instead of her getting up to leave, she bent down and reached across his arm to examine the fish herself. As if she knew more about fish than him.
âIt looks very good,â she agreed looking a little disappointed.
âIâll wrap it up for you.â Will walked over to the counter and began to place paper around the fish. He truly didnât like the Kingâs slave.
In the same war that Willâs father had died in, Jamane had been taken hostage from her country, Shiqueta and had never even been looked for. She was placed in the Kingâs service and was a kitchen maid. She was also betrothed to the Kingâs son, Morganarth.
Jamane walked over to the counter. âSo when do you test?â she asked.
âDecember,â grunted Will.
âMorganarth is testing too.â
âHas he shown any sign of magic?â he asked trying not to get his hopes up.
âNothing, Aronâs been working on it with him but nothing has happened yet.â
âWhatâs he suppose to do?â asked Will intrigued against his will.
âHeâs suppose to lift an object.â
âHmmm. Well there you go,â said Will handing her the package.
âThanks,â said Jamane. âIâll see you around then Will.â
âYea probably, bye.â Jamane gave Will a strange look, almost a longing one and then turned around and walked out of the store.
Morganarth and her would be the perfect couple, he thought. Both arrogant, stubborn, and, (as much as Will hated to admit it, even to himself) Jamane was exceptionally beautiful.

Chapter three
A life not worth living
Will didnât go directly home after work. Instead he went to Aronâs cottage. He knocked on the door, and Aron allowed him inside.
âWhat do you want boy?â asked the old man.
âI wanted to know,â replied Will cautiously. âWhen you use magic, do you absolutely have to say what you want to do in the Kragle language? Or can you say it in our language?â
âMost people have to say it in the Kragle language, but there are a few people who are powerful enough that they can use ours. Why?â
âI was just wondering incase I get put into a situation where I need to use magic, but I donât know the word for it.â
âYouâre getting ahead of yourself there,â said Aron. âYou have to pass the test first. But yes there are a few people who can use magic without the Kragle language, but those people have to be very careful not to do magic when they donât intend to. And I must warn you Will, itâs not just words that control magic, its feelings too. If you feel very strongly, you can do something that you donât intend to.â
âCan you use magic with out the Kragle language?â asked Will not listening to what Aron just said.
âYes, I am one of those few,â replied Aron. He flicked his finger at a book. âLevitate book,â he said and the book rose high in the air.
âAs long as itâs not Benewen lifted, master may show that he is gifted,â came Benewenâs voice as he walked in from the other room.
âYouâre welcome, Benewen,â said Aron smiling and Will laughed. âSo have you been practicing?â
âYes,â said Will as though he had been a naughty child caught in the act.
âI thought you would be,â said Aron laughing and Will looked up. He wasnât acting as though he was angry. âShow me what you got.â
Will looked at the book Aron had just lifted. âLevitainta novena.â He didnât want to show that he could do it with the normal language. The book rose high in the air and stayed there for about a minute.
âExcellent!â cried Aron when the book came down. âYou have been practicing!â
âI can do something else too,â said Will deciding on the spot to show Aron. âLevitate book,â and the book rose again. Aron looked stunned.
âYouâre sixteen right?â
âYes,â said Will nervously. Now he was wondering whether or not this was a good idea.
âMost adult wizards canât do this! For your test though, stick to the Kragle language. And donât tell anyone that you can do this! If word gets to the King, you will never be allowed out of the castle.â
âSecret, secret, secret make your mouth shut and keep it,â said Benewen as he jumped up onto Aronâs lap.
âOkay,â said Will nervously. âI wonât tell anyone anything.â
âYou better get home now,â said Aron. Will got up, scratched Benewenâs ear, and walked out of the cottage.
Will was worried now. At the time, he thought that showing Aron what he could do was a good idea. Now he wasnât so sure. Would Aron tell the King? Surely he wouldnât. He had told Will not to so why would he? But what if he was forced to said a voice at the back of his mind.
If the King found out, Will would become a slave. He would be forced to do the Kingâs bidding. He would have to fight in any wars. He would have to die to save the soldiers. If he was discovered to have more power than the King, he would be like Aron.
Aron came to Arainia two years after Will was born. No one knew anything of his past. He was subjected to take the magic test and passed. The King became extremely worried, for no one had ever been able to perform magic before. The King made Aron move into the capitol, Juna, and become his slave. Aron wasnât able to do much, for he was under the constant threat of death. All he could do was train any new wizards should they ever appear.
Will knew that he had to be careful now or else lead a life that was not worth living.
Thank you to everyone who reads this and I really do value your opinion so please comment so that I can make this better.
The plot that I have right now has many twists and turns but I'm positive that it will only be enough to fill a 200-300 page book if this all works out right, if that.

Wonderful!! This story had the makings of the beginning of a new fantasy series. It has adventure, turmoil, and a hint of romance (Jamane). You have a very nice writing style that makes the reader want to know more about Will. Your story has good, smooth flow and very informal, thoughtful language. You might want to get more in touch with Will's feelings, though. For example, when Jamane casts a longing look in Will's direction when he is wrapping her fish, you could say that he felt a bit confused or embarrassed. During the part when Will vents his feelings about Morganarth, you could say he was imagining doing some rather mean things to him ("Will could almost picture himself sinking his fist into Morganarth's sneering, arrogant face." or you could say" "Will imagined himself unleashing his magical powers while Morganarth grew red-faced with jealousy.) I think that getting the readers more connected with Will would make the readers feel much closer to him and would make them more willing (pun intended) to follow him on his journey. You did an awesome job and I wish you luck on your story. (I hope your story turns into a book or a series!!! It's sure to be a bestseller!)

Wood working people out there?

Atsa me At

help., I have an electric fireplace insert, want to build a corner mantle for it? Have you ever done such? Any ideas...? Have all my own tools to do so, going to buy a preformed top piece for this, but was wondering what I would use for the side, bottom? thank you

Should first determine what the house aria you install, what type of material is to be installed, if I get more details I can give my opinion, if you want me more specifications to see if I can help.

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Thursday, January 9, 2014

Is an Electric Fireplace Worth it?

best electric fireplaces for heat on up, we had a real fireplace. I loved the smell, look and the heat ...
best electric fireplaces for heat image


Heating in our house is starting to get unaffordable for us. Does anyone have an Electric Fireplace in their Bedroom? Does it keep you warm at night?
Which would you recommend, electric or Fuel?
It says it uses as much Electricity as a Coffee Machine.

Having an electric fire is your bathroom would be against building regulations as electricity and water don't mix, your best option is an oil filled towel heater. I installed one last winter and left it on all the time as once they are hot they do not use much power and it kept the whole upstairs at a reasonable temperature.
Gas or coal is always cheaper than electric for all other fires, I bought my electric fires from they were really helpful advising me on which ones to buy as they have different power outputs and they also got me my bathroom heater even though they don't stock them!

How long can you safely run an electric fireplace heater?


Just bought a Hampton Bay electric fireplace heater with tv stand. It's 1,350 watts and 4600 btu's per hour. How long can we safely run this(overnight)? Trying to heat our apt with this rather than gas heating

We don't have the identical unit, but one similar, I think. We were in Hawaii for two months. The fireplace heater is in an old fireplace minus the chimney. We left with the power on but with the remote keeping the power off. When we returned we noticed the living room warmer than normal (summer). Sure enough, a power outage had occurred sometime during the two month absence and the remote turned the fireplace heater on when the power came back on. No way of knowing how long it was on...days, perhaps weeks. No fire, no damage of any find.

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Hello, I am wanting a electric fireplace and i waited too long i guess. Home depot and lowes?

electric fireplaces dimplex on Dimplex DF203A-ST 20
electric fireplaces dimplex image


and stores like that are sold out. Does anyone know any places that sell them year around? I live by Dayton Ohio but any stores would be great. Thank you
Well i could call the electric company but we installed solar panels last year so that is definelty helping with my electric. My panels can run the fireplace. But thank you anyway.

Google "Dimplex". That's the brand HD sells. Look for local distributors and start calling.

Do electric fireplaces really look real?

Richie Ric

The ones I saw at walmart and homedepot look like crap. I looked online and some some from a company called Dimplex that looks pretty real. Has anyone bought one of these? Do they look real? I don't want to be be embarrassed with some piece of crap that I bought online and can't return. Does anyone have any other companies to suggest? Thanks.

do electric fireplaces look real?...well they kind of do, but the better electric fireplaces are not going to be at a big box store, you really need to visit a specialty fireplace shop. Any shop worth its bricks will carry a good brand that looks more realistic.
Overall though you are not going to fool anyone that an electric fireplace is a real one. They are an aesthetic all their own.
Personally i like the look of them and they are easy to operate but they are not going to fool anybody into thinking they are real.

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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

How in the heck do I heat my room?

electric fireplace 44 on ... - ClassicFlame
electric fireplace 44 image


So my room is currently 52 degrees and dropping. The ceilings are high (around 12' in the highest spot) and I am having a HUGE problem heating it We just put shrink wrap over the door and window (I have an outside door leading, well, outside). My temperature is still dropping. I was heating with a quartz heater, that doesn't cut it when it's 9 degrees outside though. So I got a Lasko cyclonic heater, very nice heater, but doesn't do it either. My room was 44 with it last night. So I'm using a small ceramic heater right now, just to test it. How do I heat it, I can't think of anything else to do.

BTW: we heat w/ wood and it won't reach down to my room, a fan doesn't help, and leaving my door open helps, but its 52 and dropping with it open currently.

Tack a tightly woven blanket with a plastic bag on the door side over the door. Same with the window. If your electric won't blow run both heaters before you go to bed. Sleep on the couch if you have to when it's that cold. This is going to cost a fortune. You will need to figure out a more economical heating supply. Consider an franklin stove even electric baseboard heat. I'm guessing this is a basement bedroom. Are your walls concrete? if so you need to get the fiberglass panels. Do you have carpeting? Installing polyethylene under the carpet will act as a moisture barrier from the cold air coming up. You can also set a series of fans from the fireplace to the opening.

Another way to get heat down there is a passive hole. A grate on the upper floor that leads to your bedroom with a lever will also help to cool the house in the summer time.

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Technological products after 9/11?

electric fireplaces youtube on Manchester Electric Stove - Victorian Fireplace Shop - YouTube
electric fireplaces youtube image

em. shadow

Has there been an emergence of technological products as a result of 9/11 that have aimed to make families feel safer?

Braille Glove invented by Ryan Patterson.
Phone tooth invented by James Auger and Jimmy Loizeau.
Nano-tex - nanotechnology wearable fabrics invented by Nano-tex LLC.
Birth control patch invented by Ortho McNeil Pharmaceutical.
Foveon Camera Chip invented by Richard Merrill.
Date Rape Drug Spotter invented by Francisco Guerra.
Solar Tower invented by Jorg Schlaich.
Virtual keyboard invented by Canesta and VKB.
ICOPOD invented by Sanford Ponder.

Optical Camouflage System invented by Susumu Tachi, Masahiko Inami, and Naoki Kawakami
Toyota's Hybrid Car
Ice Bike invented by Dan Hanebrink
New Toy Robots Max the robotic cat invented by Omron, LUCKY, THE ROVING ROBO-RAPTOR invented by Walt Disney Imagineering, and Sony builds Aibo a companion called Orio.
New Fabrics, Salmon Skin Leather invented by Claudia Escobar and Skini, and Luminex a glowing fabric invented by Luminex.
Java Log a log for your fireplace made from used coffee grinds and invented by Rod Sprules
Infrared Fever Screening System used in public buildings to scan for people with a high temperature from a fever or sars invented by Singapore Technologies Electronics and the Singapore Defense Science and Technology Agency
The No-Contact Jacket invented by Adam Whiton and Yolita Nugent, protects the wearer by electric shocking any attackers.

Adidas 1 the thinking shoes with a built in microprocessor that decides how soft or firm support the wearer needs. Chosen by Popular Science magazine as the best recreation invention of 2004.
Translucent Concrete developed by Hungarian architect Aron Losonczi and called LitraCon and is based on a matrix of parallel optical glass fibers embedded into the concrete that can transmit light and color from the outside. However, this is not the only translucent concrete out there. Inventor Bill Price has been developing another variety.
Ka-on or Flower Sound are plants that play music invented by the Japanese based Let's Corporation. Flowers bouquets will act as loudspeakers when placed in a special vase that has electronics hidden in the base.
Intel Express Chipsets - Grantsdale and Alderwood are the code names of Intel's newest chips that will provide superior and inexpensive built-in sound and video capacities for the PC including the ability to do high definition video editing without additional computer cards.
SonoPrep invented by bioengineer Robert Langer, is a device that will deliver medication by sound waves rather than injection. According to the Sontra Medical Corporation, SonoPrep's manufacturer: The small, battery-powered device applies low-frequency ultrasonic energy to the skin for 15 seconds. The ultrasound temporarily rearranges lipids in the skin, opening channels that let fluids be delivered or extracted. After about 24 hours, the skin returns to normal.

YouTube - the online video sharing and viewing community - was invented in 2005 by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley and Jawed Karim. YouTube was named Time Magazines Invention of the year in 2006.

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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

How to get prior owners smell out of house?

best deals on electric fireplaces on Electric Fireplace with Remote | Shopping - The Best ...
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We just bought a condo from the original owner. I first smelled a slight burning/fruity/perfumey smell when we inspected it, but it didnt completely turn me off. Since buying, we suspected maybe she smoked. Its hard to say- the smell is really weird and faint- like a country/perfume/smoke smell. Now, we think it was the fireplace or something that smelled smokey. But, the condo smells like the old owner. Even my husband took down some sheetrock from the Dining room to put in some electrical wires, and i smelled a peice of the inside of the sheetrock, and it had that perfumey smell. So, its even inside the walls... Its not horrendous, and we are getting a HEPA whole house air cleaner installed soon, as were not moved in yet- but every time i come over here i smell it. (her).

BTW- we painted the whole place, even closets, refinished the wood floors, and remodeled the kitchen. Its in the walls. It tends to go away once we open the windows and i have a carbon filter i run which helps too.
ps. we did already paint the entire place (as mentioned), and took ALL old carpeting out, replaced with new carpeting/pads/hardwood floors. :)
No, the prev. owner is not a wife or girlfriend- lol.. i moved here w/ my husband (well- will be soon :) but it was an older woman so it has sort of that "old" person country smell. I do really think she smoked in it b/c i can smell it alittle now in only 1 room (i have a really sensetive nose..ll) where the walls arent fully closed up yet (a closet). So, i think were doing good. Since the paint dried in the closets and we did the trim,that really helped the little bit that was lingering.
Once we get this hepa thing (its an IQ Air- apparently the kind on extreme home makeover and takes 99% of impurities out of the air w/o any ozone) we should take care of the remainder.

one last thing- i bought a regular $20 box fan, and taped a Carbon/Hvac filter on the back, and run it continuously too- that really helps the smell, and the VOCs from all our new wood/paints/etc.


There are always smells that cannot be neutralized at the source because the source cannot be accessed. For these types of odors, you need a product that can absorb the smell before it emanates throughout your home. A musty basement, stale smelling closet, or a hidden animal nest in an inaccessible wall may disperse smells that cannot be directly dealt with.
Few suggestions for your consideration:

You can remove almost any odor from your home by boiling cinnamon, orange peel(you can also add lemon peel) and cloves in about two cups of water. This will not only eliminate lingering odors, but freshen the air in your home as well. Leave it uncoverd, also boil again once it gets cold or whenever you get another chance to give a boil.

Placing a few drops of tea tree oil in any room of your house or even in your car will eliminate lingering odors and freshen the air. You can also use tea tree oil in your dish water or laundry to cut lingering odors that are difficult to remove.

Placing a cotton ball soaked in pure vanilla extract in a small saucer and placing it anywhere in your home or even your car will eliminate odors and freshen the air, giving it a sweetened scent.

Using these tips will help keep your home and car smelling clean and fresh no matter what the lingering odor might be, without the use of harsh cleaning products that can discolor or leave an odor of their own. By using items you already have in your home,
1) Arm & Hammer Baking Soda. In a sixteen-ounce trigger spray bottle, add two teaspoons of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda to two cups of water. Shake Well. Next, spray the air of any room or area to banish bad odors. To deodorize a closet or refrigerator, place an open box of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda on a shelf.

2) Bounce. Inside of an air-conditioning vent or on top of a fan, tape a Bounce dryer sheet. It will blow fragrant air throughout the house. You can also place Bounce sheets under mattresses, sofa cushions and carpets to improve their smell. Don't forget to use them in your hamper and drawers. Be sure to take advantage of the different varieties of this products in order to vary the sweet fragrances floating through your home.

3) Downy. In a sixteen-ounce trigger spray bottle, add one tablespoon of Downy liquid fabric softener and water. Shake well. Then spray the air. You'll be surprised at how much better it smells afterwards.

4) Heinz White Vinegar. In order to remove stubborn smells lingering in the air from cooking, paint and cigarettes, place a small bowl of Heinz White Vinegar in the room. You can also put it in a spray bottle and spritz it around the room. This solution will act as an odor neutralizing foul smells.

5) Car Freshener Pine Trees. Those strongly scented Car Freshener Pine Trees can be used to improve the odor of other things besides your vehicle. If you hang them on a blind in front of a window or taped against an air conditioner, it will freshen up your home. You can also bring one to work to battle interoffice odors.

6) Kingsford Charcoal Briquets. If you place a clean, used coffee can filled with charcoal briquets in a closet or chest, it will absorb odors. (Warning: Make sure the briquets are unused and fresh also.)

7) Maxwell House Coffee. Using fresh grounds of Maxwell House Coffee, fill a bowl and place it in a room. It will deodorize and freshen that room.

don't care for Candles because of the black smoke, and agree with plug -in don't last long enough, you can go broke.
My favorite two are
Liquid Poupperi< sp bad!
simmer in a electric warmer
The Candles that are made for simmering in electric warmers
Both Reasonable Price and Both will Make your Home Smell Good!
Good Luck!

What color of furniture can I buy to match my mahogany platform bed?


The bed only came with the 2 nightstands, it looks very nice and sleek but I don't know what other color to use. I need a dresser or a 5 or 6 drawer chest for my clothes. The walls in my room are off white. Im trying to keep it simple and modern looking. Maybe a few frames in black/white pictures. Any help. Only serious replies.

Mahogany can go towards the red or brown shades so I wish there was a picture. There is a bedroom set in black that Ashley has that has a brown wood top and comes in two dressers and a wardrobe that you could try, but it is more cottage style with round feet. I would go black for a modern look. Wicker could go too. The furniture stores have such great deals now it is worth walking through a few and snapping some pics with your phone and holding it up at home. Remember you don't want to just like it - furniture is a long term commitment! Be sure you love it and it suits the storage needs you have. Otherwise, I often think it looks modern and streamlined to do a California closets type of treatment and have no dressers - just built ins. then you can put up some beautiful artwork or a mirror or a tv over an electric fireplace and play up the romance with the added spaciousness. A rug and chair in front of the fireplace is what I did and I love the feel.

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Monday, January 6, 2014

For homeowners in northern states: How high do you set your thermostat?

72 electric fireplaces on Real Flame Fresno 72 in. Media Console Electric Fireplace in Black for ...
72 electric fireplaces image

Cesaria Ba

I'm a new homeowner and I was told by the gas company that a way to save money is to set it at like 68 degrees when you're home and when you're going for the day (or sleep) drop it down to 60 degrees.

What about you? What's your strategy?

*I asked this here because I assume there are more homeowners here than other places*
I've never had a heating bill and i'm just freaking out and don't want to open it and it's a gazillion dollars lol!

First you want to weatherproof. If your windows are older cover them with plastic covering (you can buy product in local hardware store). You can also purchase door sealers which are beads of cushion that you put around the edges of your doors to stop drafts. The suggestion of the gas company is legitimate in terms of how to handle your heat consumption, you do want to keep it cooler when your not around for long periods (four hours or more) to save on energy. What temperature you set this at is based on your needs. I usually keep our house at about 72-73 and would lower it a little while I was gone (maybe 5-6 degrees). You should also consider installing a digital thermostat, so you can program it to lower and raise temperature based on your schedule. Set it to start warming the house back up a half hour before you arrive.
These are all temporary things that can be done immediately, next year you should consider more permanent renovations to your home. Whether to replace your windows (if don't seal properly), check your insulation, buying an additional heat source (fireplace, pellet stove), changing your current heat source (switching to gas, oil or electric) or replace your furnace since these are the investments that will bring around real energy savings.

Another winter requirement up north is to empty any outside waterlines and turn the line off from the source at the beginning of each winter season to make sure you don't rupture the pipes and end up with something flooded out next spring. Just added this in just in case.

Did Jason voorhees ever use a hockey stick as a weapon?


No, but he was hit in the head with one.

Here are all of Jason's victims

1 : Alice - stabbed in the temple with an ice pick
2 : Crazy Ralph - garotted with barbed wire
3 : Policeman - hammer claw to the head
4 : Scott - throat slit with machete
5 : Terry - knifed
6 : Mark - macheted in the face
7 : Jeff and
8 : Sandra - double impaling with a spear
9 : Vickie - knifed
10 : Paul - disappears, presumed dead

11 : Harold - meat cleaver to chest
12 : Edna - knitting needle to back of the head
13 : Fox - pinned to rafter with pitchfork through neck
14 : Loco - pitchfork to the stomach
15 : Shelly - throat slashed (offscreen)
16 : Vera - spear fired into eye
7 : Andy - macheted in half while walking on hands
18 : Debbie (pregnant) - knifed from beneath hammock
19 : Chuck - electrocuted on fuse box
20 : Chili - impaled with fireplace poker
21 : Rick - head squeezed until eye pops out
22 : Ali - bludgeoned with a wrench; later recovers and is macheted.

23 Axel - surgical hacksaw to the throat, neck broken
24 Nurse Morgan - chocked
25) : Hitchhiker - knife through the neck
26 : Samantha - knife through the torso
27 : Paul - spear to the groin
28 : Terri - spear in the back
29 : Mrs. Jarvis - killed offscreen
30 : Jimmy - corkscrew through hand, cleaver to the face
31 : Tina - thrown through a window, lands on a parked car
32 : Ted - knife to the head through movie screen
33 : Doug - head crushed in Jason's bare hands
34 : Sara - axe to the chest
35 : Rob - garden harrow to the throat

36 : Allen - heart ripped out.
37 : Darren - impaled on a spear and tossed aside.
38 : Lizbeth - speared through the mouth.
39 : Burt - arm ripped off, impaled on a tree branch
40 : Stan and
41 : Katie and
42 : Larry - triple decapitation with a machete
43 : Martin - broken bottle in the throat
44 : Steven and
45: Annette - double impalement with a machete on their motorcycle.
46 : Nikki - face crushed against RV wall
47 : Cort - hunting knife in the head
48: Roy - pieces of him are found strewn in woods
49 : Sissy - head ripped off
50 : Paula - hacked up with a machete
51 : Officer Thornton - dart in the forehead
51 : Officer Pappas - head crushed in Jason's bare hands
53 : Sheriff Garris - broken in half

54 : Jane - tent spike in the neck, impaled to a tree
55 : Michael - tent spike thrown into his back
56 : Dan - Jason's hand through his body, neck broken
57 : Judy - bashed against a tree in her sleeping bag
58 : Russell - axe to the face
59 : Sandra - pulled underwater and drowned
60 : Maddy - scythe in the neck
61 : Ben - head crushed in Jason's bare hands
62 : Kate - party horn in the eye
63 : David - butcher knife in the stomach, beheaded
64 : Eddie - throat sliced with a machete
65 : Robin - thrown through a window
66 : Amanda Shepard - speared from behind
67 : Dr. Crews - tree-trimming saw in the stomach
68 : Melissa - axe to the face

69 : Jim - impaled with a spear gun
70 : Suzi - stabbed with a spear
71 : J.J. - bashed in the head with her electric guitar
72 : Boxer - hot sauna rock in the chest
73: Tamara - stabbed with a mirror shard
74 : Jim Carlson - harpooned in back
75 : Admiral Robertson - throat slit with a machete
76 : Eva - strangled
77 : Wayne - electrocuted on a control panel
78 : Miles - impaled on a deck post
79 : Deck Hand - axe to the back

80 Gang Banger #1 - stabbed through the back with his own syringe
81 : Gang Banger #2 - bashed and scalded on a steam pipe
82 : Julius - decapitated by punch
83 : Cop - dragged into an alley, killed offscreen
84 : Charles McCullough - drowned in a barrel of sewage
85 : Sanitation Worker - bashed in the head with a wrench

86: Coroner - eats Jason's heart and becomes possessed
87 : Coroner's Assistant - Autopsy probe in the back of the neck, face pushed through a metal grating
88 : FBI Agent #1 - pencil through his spinal cord (offscreen)
89 : FBI Agent #2 - fingers through his skull (offscreen)
90 : Alexis - slashed up with a straight razor
91 : Deborah - stabbed through the back with a barbed wire spike ripped in half
92 : Lou - head crushed (offscreen)
93 : Edna - head slammed in car door
94 : Josh - possessed by Jason, shot in head and impaled with poker, later melts away

(XX) : David - head bashed against faucet (cut from theatrical prints)
95 : Diana - knife-sharpening pole in back
96) : Robert Campbell - possessed by Jason, later shot in head, run over with car, impaled on a barbecue skewer
97 : Officer Ryan - head bashed against a locker
98: Officer Mark - and
99 : Officer Brian - heads bashed together
100 : Ward - arm broken, falls dead through the diner doors
101: Diner Patron (plaid shirt) - crushed onto diner counter
102 : Shelby - burned to death on a deep-fat fryer and grill
103 : Joey B. - face bashed in
104 : Vicki - impaled on a barbecue skewer, head crushed by Robert

105 : Randy - possessed by Jason, later his neck is severed with a machete
106 : Creighton Duke - bearhugged to death by Jason

107 : Private Johnson - head wound, chain wrapped around neck
108 : Guard 1 - machine gun to the head
109 : Guard 2 - choked and thrown, shot by Guard 3
110 : Guard 3 - face bashed in by noose pole
111 : Guard 4 - choked by chain around neck
112 : Dr. Wimmer - impaled by noose pole
113: Sgt. Marcus - thrown through metal door
114 : Adrienne - face frozen in liquid nitrogen and smashed on counter
115 : Stoney - stabbed in stomach with uber-machete, which is then pulled through blade first
116 : Azrael - back broken over knee
117 : Dallas - head crushed against wall
118: Sven - neck broken 119 : Condor - impaled on large mining drill
120 : Geko - throat slit with uber-machete
121 : Briggs - impaled on large claw hook
122 : Kicker - Cut in half with uber-machete
123 : Fat Lou - hacked to bits (offscreen)
124 : Professor Lowe - decapitated (offscreen)
125 : Crutch - electrocuted on pilot console
126 : Waylander - back broken, dies in walkway explosion
127 : Janessa - sucked through grate into space
128 : Sgt. Brodski - impaled on spike, stabbed with uber-machete, dies entering Earth 2's atmosphere while riding Uber-Jason

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I have about 1000 squ.feet of living space in the lower section of my home, since this is where we spend most?

best electric fireplace heater reviews on ... - Stonegate� Traditional Black Wood Stove Electric Fireplace Heater
best electric fireplace heater reviews image

ken e

of our days ,I am looking to buy a energy savings space heater to cut down on my heating costs this winter . I have heard so many mixed reviews on which heater to buy ,can anyone who really knows what they are talking about recommend the best heater to buy
I am leaning towards the infrared modals but not sure if the cost effectiveness that the makers state is actually true

If you have gas in your home. Get a new efficient gas fireplace. Not only will it save you a bundle on heating cost over any electric space heater but it will give you instant zone heating. It will offer a beautifully aesthetic live flame too. When you are done with the additional heat for the evening you can turn it off without waiting for a fire to ember and sucking the heat out of the home. The fireplaces are also more efficient then your furnace as they supply direct heat. In many areas you can get a vent free gas fireplace..Lowes has them for about $ 500.00. The savings would pay for themselves in 2 years times over the electric units.

What is the most energy effecient portable heating fan?


I want one that heats well and will lower my energy bill

nergy efficient home heating - "Space Heater Reviews" by Sam Streubel

The portable space heaters reviewed in this article are electric radiant or convection space heaters, cost less than $100, and offer a maximum heat output of 1500 watts.

All of the following space heater suggestions are rated an average minimum of 4 out of 5 stars by consumer reviewers.

Radiant heaters work like the sun by warming people and objects. Radiant heaters without fans are not designed to heat an entire room, but excel at providing instant heat for one or two people.

Two examples of radiant heaters without fans are radiant heat panels and parabolic heaters.

Radiant heat panels are constructed with the heating element embedded in the panel. By virtue of their simplicity, they are safe, reliable and maintenance free.

The Presto Parabolic Heat Dish is a cost effective choice for workshops or garages when you want to heat just you and not the entire building.

The Cozy Legs radiant heat panel, with only 100 watts of heat output is by no means a whole room heater, but performs admirably when installed under a desk or hung on the wall to warm a bird cage.

The next four categories of radiant heaters are equipped with fans to provide whole room heat.
Quartz Infrared Heaters Quartz infrared heaters can cost as little as $50, or as much as $450 for the SunTwin or EdenPure heaters. The SunTwin brand features copper heat exchangers for consistent, non drying heat; a child and pet friendly cool to the touch exterior, fan assisted heat for larger spaces, and a lifetime washable filter.

The less expensive Marvin 1500 watt quartz heater uses replaceable quartz tubes in front of a reflector and a fan to project whole room heat. Quartz heating elements reduce positive ions in the air and consume very little oxygen. Reviews say this heater works extremely well. The security locked grill swings out for easy quartz tube replacement. Replacement tubes are readily available for $9.99 each.
Ceramic Heaters Ceramic heaters come in a wide variety of models: fixed, tower, oscillating and pedestal. One of the most popular and inexpensive of these is the Honeywell HZ-315. Weighing in at only 3.3 pounds, it's the mighty mite of space heaters capable of quickly heating small to mid-sized rooms.

A specialized version of the ceramic heater is the remote controlled Soleus Air MS-20A. The cool to the touch exterior, even heat, and wall mounting feature make it a favorite for nurseries.
Electric Fireplaces What are they? Expensive space heaters or a piece of furniture that also keeps you warm? Definitely a piece of furniture. If you went crazy and spent $2200 on an electric fireplace (they're out there), it still won't heat your room any better than the $299 model.
Electric Stoves Similar to the electric fireplace, an electric stove is a radiant, fan assisted space heater installed in a decorative housing. The most popular model by far with consumers is the Dimplex CS3311 compact electric stove.

You can continue to read the reviews for convection heaters, micathermic heaters and oil filled radiators at Sam's Guide to Small Heaters.

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this spring my family is going camping without my mom...?

electric fireplaces new jersey on kb jpeg new jersey and philadelphia fireplaces stoves and fireplace ...
electric fireplaces new jersey image


this spring break my family of 6-1 (my mom is at college), so it'll just be:
dad, 47
sisters, 18+16 (16 year old's bday, turning 17)
brother, 11
me (girl), 13

we need to know a few things first though:
where to go
-not to far from 08054
what to bring

and we want to rent camper big enough and not to expensive!
thanks! :]

There are many state and private campgrounds in NJ. Many of these are closed during the Winter, but most open in March and April, so you shouldn't have too much trouble finding something nearby. With a camper you might prefer a private campground so you can have electric and water hookups for your camper (not available at state campgrounds). Many private campgrounds rent campers and cabins, or you can lookup RV Dealers to see what's available to rent. State campgrounds don't rent campers but many do have cabins you can rent.

Because it will still be cold with a chance of snow you will not be fishing and probably not canoeing or kayaking (although that can be great fun even in winter, as long as you're properly experienced and prepared). That makes the excellent Cape May area campsites less attractive, because there's not much to do when its cold at the seashore. If it were me, I'd head to the Pine Barrens in and around Wharton State Forest (Hammonton/Chatsworth area). Atsion (on the lake) and Godfrey Bridge camping areas in Wharton State Forest are good if you don't mind carrying your own water and running off battery in the camper. Cabins are available at Atsion. There are also some more isolated camping sites further in the park that are accessible via unpaved sand roads. Wading Pines in Chatsworth is a good private campground in the area.

These sand roads go all over the Pine Barrens and many can be easily traveled by a family AWD/4WD SUV or Pick-Up. Many of these roads are also listed on Garmin and Lowrance GPS Navigation Systems (not TomTom, and I don't know about others). Driving the sand roads looking for ghost towns (now just bare spots next to the road), building ruins, wildlife, geocaches, and the Jersey Devil are popular activities. There are some tiny but nice beaches along some bends in the rivers and streams in the area that are good for a picnic (or a quick swim in warmer months).

If you are willing to go farther then NJ than I would head to Florida for the warm weather and beach, but you'll be competing with all the college kids and their ideas about Spring Break. I prefer the Western and Southwestern states myself: Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada; but these are too far for a one-week trip. You can also go to PA or upstate NY, but in the Spring I don't think they have more to offer than NJ.

Staying in a camper is a lot like staying in a vacation cabin or bungalow. Besides the normal stuff (clothes, soap, shampoo) you'll need to bring your own towels and flip-flops for the public bathrooms/showers, your own toilet paper, plus all your own plates, cups, napkins and utensils for eating. You might also need to bring your own pots, pans and cooking utensils. Of course you'll need food and drinks and condiments, but you'll also need dish soap, sponges, scrubbies and paper towels. Coolers for food and beverages and a small propane grill, and maybe 2-burner camp stove for cooking outside. Folding table and chairs to eat on if there's no picnic table. Lanterns and flashlights, too.

The camper (or cabin) will usually have some sort of heat (furnace in the camper, and furnace or fireplace in the cabin). You'll need to charge the battery every day or so (by hooking to the car and allowing to run until charged) to run the furnace and the lights in the camper if you don't have electrical hook-ups, and make sure you don't run out of propane. But that means you only need a normal sleeping bag (not a cold weather one) or a bedroll made of blankets for sleeping, plus your pillow (and teddy bear).

If campfires are allowed you'll need to bring your own wood, kindling and tinder (or make kindling/tinder on-site) for the fire. Don't forget hot dogs and marshmallows to roast over the fire.

Of course lots of trash bags because you have to keep a clean campsite, carry out all your trash (or place in dumpsters if provided), and put your dirty clothes in something.

For clothing you need clean underwear and socks for every day, but can wear the same pants and shirt for two or more days (hey, this is camping, not a luxury resort!). Also bring a sweater or sweatshirt and sweatpants in case it gets cold, and a warm jacket, hat and gloves. Thick socks and good hiking boots or shoes are recommended.

Binoculars, fishing pole and tackle, GPS for geocaching, camera, magnifying glass are good ideas. Each person should carry a full water bottle, brightly-colored bandanna, signal whistle, flashlight energy bar and a few other emergency items just in case something happens while out on the trail hiking or something.

That's the basics. I could go on for pages but I think you get the idea. Ask more questions if you think of them.

(BTW, I've stayed at dozens of KOA's across the country. Most are good, some are very good, but many are so-so and some downright awful. In any case, there are no KOA's in NJ.)

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Sunday, January 5, 2014

Will it cost more to heat up your house using just space heaters or just using the heating system?

electric fireplaces target on Decorations Fireplace. Awesome Faux Stone Fireplace With Electric Gas ...
electric fireplaces target image


I have had almost 30 years experience in designing and correcting heating systems for houses and commercial buildings.

You can actually save money using electric space heaters sometimes.
Here is when and how:

The first situation is if the actual cost per BTU of your heat is cheaper by electricity is less then by your other method of heat. You need to factor the efficiency into your calculation. Some areas of the country (like the northwest) actually have quite cheap electricity rates compared to oil or propane, for example. Electric heat is nearly 100 percent efficient, Gas ranges from 60 percent for older systems to slightly over 90 percent for the best new systems. Oil ranges 50 to 85 percent or so. If your main source of heat is electric then see the second situation below.

The second method is if you can close off all of your house and basically "live" in one room. Heat that room ONLY with the electric space heater to a comfortable temperature and turn down the temperature of the rest of the house as low as possible to avoid freezing the pipes. Make sure that the room that you heat with the space heater does not contain the thermostat for the main heating system or it won't have an accurate measurement.

The electric heat may be more expensive, but you aren't heating much of the house with it so your total bill will be much smaller.

Remember that all electric heat is almost 100 percent efficient, wether it is a light bulb or a fancy heater that looks like a fireplace. So there is no need to buy anything more then a basic safe heater for $20 to $30 at the hardware store or Target. Avoid the cheapest, since they aren't as dependable.

Check out this link for an excellent Fuel Cost Comparison Chart.

what electric, wall mounted fireplace has the most realistic fire?


A very popular wall mounted electric fire is the Be Modern Orlando:

The Be Modern Orlando is available with a curved, black glass fascia or a flat glass fascia. It features LED lighting which have a selection of colours to represent a real fire.

Alternatively, have you seen the new LCD electric fires? These feature a real image of a fire (like a movie) and some offer a selection of scenes and even sound!

Dimplex make 2 electric fires with the LCD effect:

A new manufacturer of electric fires is Celsi Fires. They offer a similar style of electric fires and the flame effect can be seen here:

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Suggestion for bedroom fireplace?

electric fireplace 32 on Seagate 32
electric fireplace 32 image


We want a fireplace for our 20x13 feet bedroom and we'd like to be able to turn the heat down.
Any recommendations of something that looks good and appropriate sized?

I recommend having a look at electric fireplaces. There are heaps of them to look at that would suit a bedroom. I have seen some of them for myself and was very impressed how good they look. I even embarrassed myself when I first saw one because I thought it was a real timber fire.

They do have heat settings but as far as what size to buy you would have to ask them.
Below I have found some pictures for you to look at.
In the first site scroll down the the bottom of the page to see the 2 bedroom fireplace pictures.


where is a good place to go camping near olive branch, ms or bolivar, tn?


me and some of my friends want to go camping but we dont know anywhere to go
we want to go somewhere that would be fun and we would have a bunch of stuff we can do

Chickasaw State Park is about 20 miles from Bolivar in Henderson, TN...

Chickasaw State Rustic Park is situated on some of the highest terrain in west Tennessee. Of the area's 14,384 acres of timberland, 1,280 acres are used for recreation. The remainder is state forest managed jointly by the State Forestry Division and the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. The park is located in Chester and Hardeman Counties, 18 miles south of Jackson, Tennessee on State Hwy. 100.


A park recreation director, on duty during the summer months, conducts group games, arts and crafts, evening movies, campfire programs and hayrides.

Biking & Hiking

The park has hiking and biking (mountain bike trails available) trails that are open year round. No overnight camping is allowed on the hiking trails.


Rowboats and pedal boats are available for rent on Lake Placid. No personally owned boats or gasoline powered motors are allowed on the lake. However, electric trolling motors are allowed. Fishermen, young and old, enjoy the lake and often dine on fine catches of bass and bluegill. A valid Tennessee fishing license is required for persons over 13 years of age.

Tennessee Boating Regulations (exit TDEC)


Chickasaw offers 13 vacation cottages, some sleeping up to six persons and fully equipped for housekeeping. The cabins, complete with fireplaces and televisions, are nestled among tall pines and located within easy access to Lake Placid. Cabins are available by reservation year-round with the months of June and July available on a weekly basis. Reservations may be taken up to a year in advance.

To Reserve call: 731-989-5141


There are three campgrounds at Chickasaw State Park. The RV campground has 52 sites, each with water and electrical hookups. The tent campground has 29 sites, and water is available. The wrangler campground is designed for visitors traveling with horses. There are 32 sites, each with water and electrical hookups. All park campsites have picnic tables and grills. Modern bathhouses provide hot showers and restroom facilities. There is a playground in each campground.

For more information call: 731-989-5141


Fisherman, young and old, enjoy lake fishing on Lake Placid and can expect fine catches of bass, catfish and crappie. Boats may be rented at the park. No personal boats are allowed.

A valid Tennessee fishing license is required for persons over 13 years of age.

Legal Limits:
Crappie - limit 30, no minimum length
Bass - limit 5, minimum length 15"
Catfish - limit 5, minimum length 15"
Bream - no limit, no minimum length

Tennessee Fishing Regulations (exit TDEC)
Tennessee State Parks fishing policies

Group Camping

The 131-capacity group camp is available to family groups and organizations and is completely equipped with dining hall, cabins, bunks, toilet facilities and its own swimming area. The dining hall contains cooking and serving utensils and equipment. Campers need only supply linens, food, medicinal and sanitary supplies and staff. The group camp is open from April through October and reservations are required.

For Reservations: 731-989-5141

Group Lodge

This facility accommodates 40 persons. The building features divided quarters with bunk beds and sleeps 20 people to a room. Central heat and air are provided as well as dishes, utensils, microwave, ice maker, freezers, refrigerator and stove. Groups must supply their own linens. A 45-day notice of cancellation is required for a refund of the deposit. Check-in time for this facity is 3 p.m. and check-out time is 10 a.m.

Horseback Riding

Horses are also available for rent from the park stables. The guided trail takes approximately one hour to complete. Children under 9 years of age may not ride on the trail. Stables are open March through Thanksgiving weekend. The stable is open weekends in the spring and fall. Call the stables at 731-989-9494 for cost and hours of operation.

Located near the stables, the Wrangler Campground is designed to meet the needs of the park visitors traveling with horses. Many visitors bring their own horses to Chickasaw to take advantage of the approximately 100 miles of trails in Chickasaw State Forest.

The Wrangler Campground features 32 sites with water and electric hookups. Horses may be picketed at the campsites. A bathhouse with shower and restroom facilities is available, as well as a lighted arena and playground. Please note that horses are not allowed on paved roads within the park.

Meeting Facility

The Sagamore Lodge meeting facility seats 100 people. Folding tables and chairs and central heat and air are provided. This building is popular for weddings, meetings, and reunions.

Picnic Facilities

There are 7 large covered picnic pavilions that can each accommodate 50 people. Each pavilion is equipped with a grill and water spigot.

Three of these pavilions can be reserved by calling the park office.


The park's 100-seat restaurant offers excellent Southern cuisine in a restful atmosphere. The restaurant is open throughout most of the year.

The restaurant is open Thursday through Sunday, serving dinner on Thursday nights from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. and Friday nights from 4 p.m. until 10 p.m. On Saturdays and Sundays, the restaurant serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner with hours from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Saturday and 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Sunday. The restaurant features homestyle country cooking and delicious buffets. For more information, call the restaurant at 731-989-6807.


The picturesque swimming beach on the shore of Lake Placid is very popular with visitors. A modern bathhouse serves the swimming beach.

Other Activities

The park features a hiking trail, tennis courts, basketball courts, archery range, playgrounds, horseshoe pits, volleyball court and lighted ballfield. There is also horseback riding in the summer months. Many visitors bring their own mounts and explore the more than 100 miles of roads and trails within Chickasaw State Forest.

Tour Buses

Tour buses are welcome and roads in the park are accessible to tour buses.

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Any one out there ever buy an electric fireplace?

electric fireplace 1500w on ... Electric Fireplace Portable Quartz Infrared Space Heater 1500W | eBay
electric fireplace 1500w image

Atsa me At

for your home? Not an insert. Which did you buy? I would like to get one that has a large open face so I can see more of the flame..a no headache one...seems everything you buy anymore, if you don't know the correct questions to ask the sellers, they don't go out of their way to warn you of potential problems/hazards, well of course not they want to sell their items...thank you.

I wouldnt buy an electric if your looking for heat. They are stictly for looks. Sales guys will tell you "OH and it does 3000 or 5000 BTU" If you have a $30 space heater from Target that sits under your kitchen table, then you know how much heat that is. That will heat your bathroom after some time and thats it. All they put in them is a cheap little space heater. If your looking for something large to view Lennox makes the best one on the market but they charge for it. You will spend $2-3000 just for the fireplace and with 220v it will do 10,000BTU with 110v it just does 5000btu. But at that price I would just go for gas or wood, because you still have to purchase a full surround mantel. It def. looks the best out of all though because it doesnt use just standard lights. Other wise all the other brand are just cheap little boxes with lights in them with a 20 dollar space heater. Heat Surge claims to be Amish, but when purchased look on the back and you will see MADE IN CHINA, it's all chip board, Amish don't use chip board, so if the sticker is missing thats proof rite there.
I just recommend pick the one you think look the best, just don't plan on purchasing it for heat. And I would not leave the heater on for long times. Leaving just the fireplace on is just a 60W. bulb but with the heater at the same time you have about 1500w an hour

Do electric fireplaces really help you save on your electric bill?


Nope. If you want to save some money; use a 1500w space heater in the room you are in, and keep the thermostat in the house set at 50, or 55. Shut it off - and unplug it - when you are not using it.
How much money you will save depends upon the peak rate from your power company, and what type of heat your house has now.

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How do you take paint off of brick?

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Sherry R

Tudor brick home built in 1926. Homeowner painted the fireplace. We want to know the steps to restore the fireplace back to the original brick. Thanks!

Getting paint off of anything is always a messy business. With brick, it's extra messy, and hard, because the mortar between the bricks is not at the same level.

Sandblasting works, but requires a lot of equippment, and gets a lot of sand (potentially wet sand, depending on the machine used) all over the room... better for exterior work.

Chemicals may work, but I am not impressed. Usually this just dissolves the paint, and you have to wipe it off. The paint spots you're sure to miss will often seep deeper into the cracks and crevices... but if the paint is some sort of earth tone, this may not be too big a deal, might just make it look like "used" bricks. As a bonus, chemicals usually do not damage the bricks themselves, which would otherwise get some amount of apparent weathering.

A wire brush is probably the second best way to do it. They don't get sand all over like a sandblaster. You have more control over what gets removed, and what does not get removed... but doing this by hand will literally take forever.

Rotary wheels with wire bristles on them can be attached to dremel tools, electric screwdrivers, drills, or even some rotary saws. They sacrifice some of the accuracy of a wire brush for a much faster overall process. This will probably take less time than using paint remover chemicals, but slightly more time than a sand blaster. You're likely to get paint chips and bits of brick and mortar dust everywhere, but at least there will be no wet sand. You might be able to find rotary wheels of different sizes and thicknesses... one like a big roller would be great for the brick surface. A much thinner one should get the horizontal mortar between the brick layers, and a very small one could get the detail work in the vertical mortar between individual bricks in a layer.

How to get prior owners smell out of house?


We just bought a condo from the original owner. I first smelled a slight burning/fruity/perfumey smell when we inspected it, but it didnt completely turn me off. Since buying, we suspected maybe she smoked. Its hard to say- the smell is really weird and faint- like a country/perfume/smoke smell. Now, we think it was the fireplace or something that smelled smokey. But, the condo smells like the old owner. Even my husband took down some sheetrock from the Dining room to put in some electrical wires, and i smelled a peice of the inside of the sheetrock, and it had that perfumey smell. So, its even inside the walls... Its not horrendous, and we are getting a HEPA whole house air cleaner installed soon, as were not moved in yet- but every time i come over here i smell it. (her).

BTW- we painted the whole place, even closets, refinished the wood floors, and remodeled the kitchen. Its in the walls. It tends to go away once we open the windows and i have a carbon filter i run which helps too.
ps. we did already paint the entire place (as mentioned), and took ALL old carpeting out, replaced with new carpeting/pads/hardwood floors. :)
No, the prev. owner is not a wife or girlfriend- lol.. i moved here w/ my husband (well- will be soon :) but it was an older woman so it has sort of that "old" person country smell. I do really think she smoked in it b/c i can smell it alittle now in only 1 room (i have a really sensetive nose..ll) where the walls arent fully closed up yet (a closet). So, i think were doing good. Since the paint dried in the closets and we did the trim,that really helped the little bit that was lingering.
Once we get this hepa thing (its an IQ Air- apparently the kind on extreme home makeover and takes 99% of impurities out of the air w/o any ozone) we should take care of the remainder.

one last thing- i bought a regular $20 box fan, and taped a Carbon/Hvac filter on the back, and run it continuously too- that really helps the smell, and the VOCs from all our new wood/paints/etc.


There are always smells that cannot be neutralized at the source because the source cannot be accessed. For these types of odors, you need a product that can absorb the smell before it emanates throughout your home. A musty basement, stale smelling closet, or a hidden animal nest in an inaccessible wall may disperse smells that cannot be directly dealt with.
Few suggestions for your consideration:

You can remove almost any odor from your home by boiling cinnamon, orange peel(you can also add lemon peel) and cloves in about two cups of water. This will not only eliminate lingering odors, but freshen the air in your home as well. Leave it uncoverd, also boil again once it gets cold or whenever you get another chance to give a boil.

Placing a few drops of tea tree oil in any room of your house or even in your car will eliminate lingering odors and freshen the air. You can also use tea tree oil in your dish water or laundry to cut lingering odors that are difficult to remove.

Placing a cotton ball soaked in pure vanilla extract in a small saucer and placing it anywhere in your home or even your car will eliminate odors and freshen the air, giving it a sweetened scent.

Using these tips will help keep your home and car smelling clean and fresh no matter what the lingering odor might be, without the use of harsh cleaning products that can discolor or leave an odor of their own. By using items you already have in your home,
1) Arm & Hammer Baking Soda. In a sixteen-ounce trigger spray bottle, add two teaspoons of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda to two cups of water. Shake Well. Next, spray the air of any room or area to banish bad odors. To deodorize a closet or refrigerator, place an open box of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda on a shelf.

2) Bounce. Inside of an air-conditioning vent or on top of a fan, tape a Bounce dryer sheet. It will blow fragrant air throughout the house. You can also place Bounce sheets under mattresses, sofa cushions and carpets to improve their smell. Don't forget to use them in your hamper and drawers. Be sure to take advantage of the different varieties of this products in order to vary the sweet fragrances floating through your home.

3) Downy. In a sixteen-ounce trigger spray bottle, add one tablespoon of Downy liquid fabric softener and water. Shake well. Then spray the air. You'll be surprised at how much better it smells afterwards.

4) Heinz White Vinegar. In order to remove stubborn smells lingering in the air from cooking, paint and cigarettes, place a small bowl of Heinz White Vinegar in the room. You can also put it in a spray bottle and spritz it around the room. This solution will act as an odor neutralizing foul smells.

5) Car Freshener Pine Trees. Those strongly scented Car Freshener Pine Trees can be used to improve the odor of other things besides your vehicle. If you hang them on a blind in front of a window or taped against an air conditioner, it will freshen up your home. You can also bring one to work to battle interoffice odors.

6) Kingsford Charcoal Briquets. If you place a clean, used coffee can filled with charcoal briquets in a closet or chest, it will absorb odors. (Warning: Make sure the briquets are unused and fresh also.)

7) Maxwell House Coffee. Using fresh grounds of Maxwell House Coffee, fill a bowl and place it in a room. It will deodorize and freshen that room.

don't care for Candles because of the black smoke, and agree with plug -in don't last long enough, you can go broke.
My favorite two are
Liquid Poupperi< sp bad!
simmer in a electric warmer
The Candles that are made for simmering in electric warmers
Both Reasonable Price and Both will Make your Home Smell Good!
Good Luck!

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