Saturday, November 23, 2013

600+ electricity bill - What do I do now?

electric fireplace 32 on Napoleon EFC32 Curved Electric Fireplace
electric fireplace 32 image


We have lived in our house for a year and a half now and have had no problem with our monthly utility bills. Every month we have approximately the same bill, going up slightly in the colder months (100-200 per month depending). Last month we received a bill for almost 300 dollars but decided it must have just been very cold that month. However, a few days ago we received our electric bill for November - 593.00.

I assumed this must be a mistake; a faulty reading, a computer error, something! When I called Appalachian Power to find out what was happening they instructed me to go out and check the meter. So I wandered out into the snow in my slippers and finally found the little gray meter box and read her the number on the front. She was silent for a few seconds and then said..."yes, that's the reading we have as well"..Needless to say our house was pulling enough electricity to run a small factory.
She told me that if the current usage patterns continued our bill for december would be over $1,000.

She instructed me to turn off the breakers to the heat pump because this was usually the culprit for such a large amount of useless wattage. I finally located the correct breakers and heard the fan stop running. An hour later I checked the meter again and the usage had gone down to a fairly normal (but still more than i would have expected without heat) rate.

A few days before this fiasco I had called our Landlord (Chris) to explain/complain to him that the heater would not heat the house over 64 degrees. He brought us some gas for the fireplace to keep it warm in the living room but didn't bother to check the heat pump as "Heat pumps can have a hard time in the cold weather".

So I called him after discovering the heat pump was using ~1000 dollars a month to attempt to warm a 1000 square foot space to over 64 degrees and he "explained" to me that it must be something else and that his electric bill had also doubled this month.
He then reluctantly came down to the house and brought us a brand new filter! However, upon turning the breakers to the heater back on and watching the meter, it was still pulling almost a kilowatt a minute (a LOT). Needless to say, I turned the power to the heat back off.
When I called back our thoughtful landlord had left for vacation with his girlfriend.

Here I am, two days later, sitting next to the gas fire huddled up with my 1 year old daughter trying to keep her warm.

The power company agreed to send someone out to do an 'energy audit' and check the meter again sometime next week. until then, I am stuck either footing 1000 dollar bill from the power company or not moving away from this fireplace ever again.

What would you do?

I agree with several answers here that the Heat Pump is not going to help as well at temperatures below 32 degrees. And here's why, the heat pump is only capable of raising the temperature around 40 degrees above the outside temperature. At that point the heat strips kick in to assist. the heat strips are what is causing the high electric bills. given that, you may also have a low Freon level in your heat pump. that will reduce the design temperature difference from 40 degrees to something significantly less. Possibly only 10 degrees which means the heat strips may be coming on when the outside temp is only 60 degrees instead of 32 degrees.

Other items that will help if the Freon is at the correct level:
1) change those filters
2) Clean the condenser coils
3) make sure there is no air flow blockage to the return vents

The best thing to do right now is to get the landlord to call an experienced HVAC service company to check it out.

Going camping.. is there a safe kind of heater for a tent?


it is a 2 bedroom tent, 6 ft high... not sure of other dimensions, but it is large. I'm in PA and tonight it will be in the low 40's. Is there such a thing as a safe tent heater? (we will have electric)

I have a 18' X24' canvas wall tent with a "stove jack" built into it for a fireplace/wood stove for winter heat and my wood stove works very well for this tent. But even flameproofing for canvas isn't always flameproof. With the modern vinyl tents made now adays there really isn't a safe heater to use. Buy a good sleeping bag with a rating below 20degrees F to keep you warm and toasty. I have a mini Dachshund that insists on going camping with me and he works way better than any heat source available to man. He literally roasts me out of my sleeping bag every time since he sleeps inside my bag with me at my feet. The most economical way to go in my opinion is the colder rated sleeping bag for several reasons including you don't need to carry extra bedding material with you, no water to heat up, no flame/fire danger, and it is a renewable overnight heat source good for many camping trips so its economical! The 40's arn't to cold to deal with when it comes to overnight temps. You can go to Wal-Mart for a cheap bag rated at 32 degrees but again I would suggest spending a little more for a better bag but, that's up to you. Good Luck

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How do I turn on my electric fireplace ?

electric fireplaces media on ... Model Edison 8200 Electric Free Standing Fireplace Gel Fireplace
electric fireplaces media image
Q. OHK...So there is a knob that has Off-On-Ign-Pilot and then another to the right that has nothing on it but it turns...maybe for the high-medium-low...idk but anyways it's supposedly on because i turned something in the wall, but now idk what to do help !(: I need to get this thingy on lol(: 10 pnts for whoever gives me the answer that may help !(: Thanks(:

An electric fire place usually comes with a key that is used to turn a knob near the fire place letting gas in. Turning the knob to the left closes the gas, turning it to the right opens the gas, a switch is for the fire to be turned on after the gas is on. If the switch doesn't work then maybe BEFORE you turn on the gas, light a match (BE CAREFUL) and leave it in the fire place where the gas comes in. THEN, turn on the gas which will light the fire place. PLEASE BE CAREFUL because there are a lot of accounts where people light the match thinking that the gas is off when it is really on and end up burning themselves. I would recommend talking to a Professional about this issue before attempting anything.

Can you share your advise to survive in a Winter snow storm without electricity?


My home had power outage for the past 2 days. Without electricity, there is no heat, light and cannot cook food. The fireplace and chimney is not working either. Do you have any experience of this situation? What is the best way to survive? Please give me your tips and advise? I want to prepare for the next one.

We went a day without electricity this last storm.
I first have food and water for each person for 5 days. Stored away.
Include foods that can be heated with a single pan or pot. Or cooked in one pot or pan. Instant hot cereal, cold cereal, powder milk, tuna,crackers, oil for cooking, canned fruit, etc. I like to have special things like those disposable jiffy-pop popcorn pans, marshmallows to roast. I also make large batches of soup/stews/chili beans/stir-fry fixings; put one dinners worth into a zip lock freezer bag and keep in the freezer. These can be just heated up in your 'camp' burner dinner pan. If by March/April they haven't been needed I use them for dinners and make more in late Fall for the next winter. Also have food stored for the animals. Dog,cat,pig whatever. I have bags of pellets for the horses if they run out of hay.
FOOD SPOILAGE: The food in your fridge needs to be eaten first. I put milk and cheese in a large bowl with snow to keep them longer. Don't open the freezer unless you are pulling food for a meal. I use snow to pack the food and keep it from spoiling. I also use the rule- when in doubt throw it out. If you think something might me spoiled, don't eat it. I use snow to pretty much keep food cold.
COOKING: have a single burner that attaches to a propane bottle. (the kind you get for camping) I heat water for coffee/hot chocolate and can cook dinner in one pan.
CLEANING: I have two dishpans. Heat up water for washing and rinsing on your camp burner.
HYGENE: We have an electric water heater so when the power goes out I don't have hot water. I don't care for freezing cold showers so...Once a day scrub your body with a warm soapy wash cloth.
HEAT: Have an alternate source of heat. If you don't have wood and a fireplace, buy a camping heater that takes batteries. Have two sets of extra batteries. ( Never run it while you sleep)
WARM: Layers of clothing keep you warmer than just one warm jacket/coat. Have one pair of wool socks for each person. Wear a clean pair of cotton socks under the wool ones each day. Move....moving around warms up your body.
LIGHTING: I use old fashion kerosne lamps ( keep out of kids reach) I tape a small lighter to the side of the base so I don't have to search in the dark for something to light it with, If you don't like kerosne lanterns then you can buy camping lanterns, propane or battery powered.
use self contained votive candles for the bathroom (10 stored for emergency), I have medium size fashlights that can be attatched to a rope to hang around my neck,(I like to have my hands free) PERSONAL: have medications, cold medicines, reading material, deck of cards, sanitary napkins, a journal, picture album, things YOU would like.
PAM: the spray- for your metal snow shovel. It keeps the snow from
When you know a storm is coming is past Thanksgiving check your supplies, get what you may need. Also apples, bananas, and oranges are great to pick up when a storm is coming. They don't have to be refridgerated.

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Friday, November 22, 2013

Best way to build a fireplace against a brick wall?

electric fireplace 30 on HOME Electric Fireplace Products - ADDCO
electric fireplace 30 image


One of our walls in out living room is brick and we would like to have a fireplace there. How would you suggest building one? It has a gas pipe hookup but we are also looking at electric ones. My husband can lay bricks, tile, stone, whatever. He can also make a mantel. We would really appreciate any tips or suggestions!

visit a hearth store, they have many options for vent free gas fireplaces, since you already have the line there its your best option, you can buy them with the mantel or without, if its a zero clearance model it will only produce heat out of the front and so the brick is a moot point. i recently installed one in my living room and constructed my own mantel for it, took me about 20 minutes to install and alother 30 to build the mantel, very easy

How difficult is it to pipe gas in for a gas stove?


My house is mainly electric, but we do have a gas fireplace on the first floor within about 30 feet of the stove. How difficult and how expensive would it be to have someone come in and pipe in gas to the kitchen so I can have a gas stove? I hate electric stoves!

Couple hundred bucks around here. If you are handy, DIY, materials are cheap.

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Any suggestions how to start my fireplace that is neither gas or electric?

electric fireplaces big lots on Stone fireplace 1024�768 dry stack stone fireplace custom timber log ...
electric fireplaces big lots image

You Know W

We just bought a house and the fireplace is neither gas or electric. Do I just put wood in the fireplace and open the damper. This is the first house I ever owned with a fireplace. We live in Southern California and it only gets cold in the winter. But I just want to prepare myself. Don't want to burn the house down or smoke the house if you get my drift. Any suggestions how to start my fireplace that is neither gas or electric?

You would build a fire there just like anywhere else (ie: campfire). Start with rolled up paper or twigs and light that, when it's burning add medium sized pieces of wood, when that is burning well add a big log or two. The lighter stuff will burn up leaving the big logs smoldering for awhile. Make sure your damper is open when you do this! Also close your damper in the warmer months so that you don't leak a lot of air conditioned air to the outside.

How do you take paint off of brick?

Sherry R

Tudor brick home built in 1926. Homeowner painted the fireplace. We want to know the steps to restore the fireplace back to the original brick. Thanks!

Getting paint off of anything is always a messy business. With brick, it's extra messy, and hard, because the mortar between the bricks is not at the same level.

Sandblasting works, but requires a lot of equippment, and gets a lot of sand (potentially wet sand, depending on the machine used) all over the room... better for exterior work.

Chemicals may work, but I am not impressed. Usually this just dissolves the paint, and you have to wipe it off. The paint spots you're sure to miss will often seep deeper into the cracks and crevices... but if the paint is some sort of earth tone, this may not be too big a deal, might just make it look like "used" bricks. As a bonus, chemicals usually do not damage the bricks themselves, which would otherwise get some amount of apparent weathering.

A wire brush is probably the second best way to do it. They don't get sand all over like a sandblaster. You have more control over what gets removed, and what does not get removed... but doing this by hand will literally take forever.

Rotary wheels with wire bristles on them can be attached to dremel tools, electric screwdrivers, drills, or even some rotary saws. They sacrifice some of the accuracy of a wire brush for a much faster overall process. This will probably take less time than using paint remover chemicals, but slightly more time than a sand blaster. You're likely to get paint chips and bits of brick and mortar dust everywhere, but at least there will be no wet sand. You might be able to find rotary wheels of different sizes and thicknesses... one like a big roller would be great for the brick surface. A much thinner one should get the horizontal mortar between the brick layers, and a very small one could get the detail work in the vertical mortar between individual bricks in a layer.

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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Where can I find an Electric Fireplace?

best prices on electric fireplaces on Fireplace Wood Mantels | Antique, Contemporary Electric Fireplace ...
best prices on electric fireplaces image

Zach U

My aunt wants an electric fireplace to put in front of her real fireplace. Where can I get an affordable, and efficient at warming a room up one? Walmart? Target? What is the price range and do I need dimensions or is it one size fits all?

My father put an insert like that in his cobble stone fireplace. I must admit is is handy to start it with a flip of a switch and it put out some pretty good heat. He bought it through a local fireplace retailer.

When we install them out of our shop we put in a chimney balloon to plug the flue first then install the insert and hook it up to the electrical. The installation is pretty simple. If you can lift 40 lbs or so you can DIY it.

Electric fireplace or money?


My daughters birthday is coming up. Shes always said she wanted an electric fireplace so I was planning on purchasing her one. But she also loves to have money and spend it on makeup and things. Which one should I do? I can't decide.

As a seasoned mom of 4 girls that are now adults I suggest you price the fireplace and make sure it is doable. If so get that as girls and boys have a tendency to use money for items that are not the best choice like ear and body piercings. I also suggest that you tell her when she does go shopping on her own that a receipt is required for your book keeping. This detours the temptation of stealing and you don't need to bring up that word to her.

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picture over fireplace?

electric fireplace questions on Electric Fireplace - 4600 BTU, Model# 23WM912-S118 : Questions ...
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I have a question for anyone who is involved in interior decorating or design. I recently purchased an electric fireplace for my new (older) home. I later chose a picture to have framed to hang over my fireplace - however, I hadn't measured before choosing the matting and frame and well - my fireplace is 36" wide and my picture is 38" wide. So I was wondering if this is something you've seen before - or if pictures hung above fireplaces are typically smaller. Will it seem unbalanced?

It shouldn't matter for 2"....Make the picture the focal point instead of the fireplace....

How to upgrade heat system in 35 yr old home? Electric heat cost is a killer. attic/cellar was insulated?

git along

Would propane addition be good? switch completely to $ oil $ There are 2 fireplaces but do not want to get into wood stoves, because this was my inlaws house and i rent it out and don't want the tennants burning it down.. My husband was going to handle this but just died suddenly of cancer. I know I dont HAVE to upgrade, tennants pay for heat, but I can deduct cost of upgrade on taxes and make the house more attractive to potential tennants (winter heating costs top 800/month!) its about 2500 sq. feet.
ONE MORE THING since I still have 400 characters :-) What kind of caulk should I use (A)around outside doors and (B) around the bathtub surround? 2 different types? Thanks in advance, look for more queries in future!!
ps I live in Massachusetts, gets 80 to 90 in summer, as low as -20 below 0 in winter. gets quite cold!

Lot of questions here but let's see if this helps. Going with natural gas if you have opportunity is the best route. Oil is definitley not cheaper than eletric. If you live in a warmer climate you could try a heat pump however if you have heat pump you will still need to install an air handling unit for your air conditioner. If you go with propane or natural gas you could install a boiler system with radiant or in floor heat. We put in a boiler in a first home it was built in 1947 and we found that it was great because you never had cold spots in the house everything was toasty. But agin if you install a boiler you need an air handling unit for your a/c. You can use a water heater for in floor heat but it is not as efficent as a boiler. We also found that are utilites with the bioler were about 70% less than the gas furnace. I would suggest that you talk to a couple of heating contractors and tell them these are the items you are looking for and have them give you a quote and then compare the gas, propane, heat pump and boiler options and decide which is the economical for you.

Look at you windows and doors caulking is a could thing however, if they are really bad you may want to consider replacing them. I would you a silcone exterior caulk for the outside and inside arounf the windows and flexible paintable caulk.
For your tub surround They have caulk made for tubs and tiles. Make sure that it is waterproof and paintable.
Goof Luck.

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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

What is the best all around electric fireplace to buy? (realistic, money...)?

best electric fireplaces on ... Electric Space Heaters Bible  How To Pick The Best Electric Heaters
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I wanna purchase a electric fireplace for a bedroom. I want it to look realistic and have lots of options. Low flame, high flame, heat on, heat off
Can I build a mantle around an insert?
Any info would be great!

You can comparison shop and read reviews on this site.

does anyone know how to build the fire effect for electric fireplaces?

Johnny C

looking to build my own electric fireplace effect. Not with silk.

Go to a fireplace shop and study the electric ones there. That should give you some idea of how they work and how you can duplicate the process.

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Why can't a wood burning stove in a garage be vented liked a direct-vent fireplace?

electric fireplaces built in on Built-in Electric Fireplace Insert  A Gas Fireplace Alternative ...
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Doctor Sus

I realize direct-vent fireplaces are gas operated but I thought if I constructed an air intake adjacent to the hot chimney and ran it to the stove it would act in a similar manner; however, I was told this can't be done but wasn't given an explanation. Could someone clear this up for me?
Just to clarify, I would have the burner exhausted out the side of the garage AND the air intake would be adjacent to it, like a direct-vent fireplace.

Well the wood burning stove in a garage theoretically is in a location with other flammable materials and or fuel in your car. Wod stove, sparks, fumes = BOOM.
THat is why code requires electric outlets to be 4 feet off the ground in a garage.
If you will be doing any wood work you have a second problem. Build up of sawdust in the air. A guy was killed with the same set up. Wood dust in the air, opened the wood stove door to reload, dust detonated (yup DETONATED) killing him.
So please ponder the location and other factors before using a wood stove in the garage.

Building a man cave out of a storage building, was wondering if a 5,000 btu electric fireplace would heat it?


I want the temperature to be 70 degrees throughout the winter, it gets around 20 degrees around here. The building that will be heated is 200 square feet and will be insulated throughout.

If I were taking on such a project for myself, I would invest in sealing any possible air leaks first, and then focus on high insulation R-factors -- highest in the ceiling area, next highest in the walls, and any compromises left to the flooring. With enough attention to stopping any air leakage and providing sufficient insulation, 5000 btus is certain to maintain the temperatures you want. Air temperatures will most efficiently be maintained if you provide yourself an air-lock type of entrance -- an entry chamber that divides the outdoors from the indoor heated space. Close the outside door before opening the interior one. This might enhance the "cave" imagery too!

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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Is an Electric Fireplace Worth it?

best electric fireplace with heater on pace Heater Reviews: Best Electric Heaters
best electric fireplace with heater image


Heating in our house is starting to get unaffordable for us. Does anyone have an Electric Fireplace in their Bedroom? Does it keep you warm at night?
Which would you recommend, electric or Fuel?
It says it uses as much Electricity as a Coffee Machine.

Having an electric fire is your bathroom would be against building regulations as electricity and water don't mix, your best option is an oil filled towel heater. I installed one last winter and left it on all the time as once they are hot they do not use much power and it kept the whole upstairs at a reasonable temperature.
Gas or coal is always cheaper than electric for all other fires, I bought my electric fires from they were really helpful advising me on which ones to buy as they have different power outputs and they also got me my bathroom heater even though they don't stock them!

What kind of space heater should i get?


The downstairs in my house is so cold even when the heat is on and I wanna get a good heater that will heat the whole area. I was thinking one of the new Dyson hots or maybe an electric fireplace? Any suggestions?

The space heater is a band aid for a deeper issue. How is the heat being lost? Look for places where cold air is entering. A couple of $1.50 tubes of caulk can block a lot of air infiltration. Is the bottom of the door letting cold air in? Little flap things are available to seal that. Clear plastic film can be attached to the inside of windows to block cold air coming in. If you buy an electric heater, look for a UL listed label to ensure it is safe to use. Also, see if it shuts off when tipped over. That is important.

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How do I know if my fireplace has a blower?

electric fireplaces 36 on Electric Fireplaces | Electric Fireplace Inserts, Mantel Packages, TV ...
electric fireplaces 36 image

Crystal C

We bought our house a couple months ago and the realtor said it had a blower (I think she was just trying to sell the house) there is a switch near the fireplace but it doesn't power anything around it nor does it turn on anything in the fireplace. Ive never owned a fireplace so I don't know much about it. It just says "Underwriters Lab Fireplace #P-249915 model HS 36 True Heat.

The fan on these fireplaces is supposed to be very quiet. I've often had to use a piece of tissue paper over the intake (bottom grill) to see if it was working. The tissue will be held in place over the vent, if the fan is pulling any air in through the lower vent.

Usually, a fireplace with a blower is on its own circuit breaker... so you may want to check the circuit panel for that breaker. It may even be a GFCI breaker.

Most often, a built in fireplace/insert will have the switch located on the front of the unit itself, not on a wall nearby. The switch on a wall nearby may be for something else, perhaps a ceiling, or attic fan, for example.

Look for that breaker, and if all else fails, take the front grill off and see if the fan has electric coming to it, when the switch is flipped, by testing with a multimeter. If you need to, call an electrician.

Good Luck

Additional -- By the way, if you are in a mobile home, that wall switch may actually be to a powered fresh air intake. This would be located under the floor of the home, usually behind the fireplace. Sometimes these are set up with a plug and outlet... and it may be unplugged. Again, these also tend to be GFCI outlets, and if so, may be tripped.

Have Fun

Places and Things to check out in Ventura County?


Hi I am planning on visiting ventura county since I will be going to school at Moorpark College soon. Is there anything around the Moorpark/Thousand Oaks/SemiValley area I should definately check out? Where do all the college students hang out? Also, I'm going to be looking for some nice areas to live...any siggestions? Also I have a dog so any dog parks or things for dogs to do? Any help would be great!

So Many Things To Do!

1. Plan a day discovering that rare find in one of the many antique and thrift shops on Main Street. Visit the galleries, perfumeries, jewelry, dress and bookshops that dot the alleys and main thoroughfares.
2. Book a ghost tour with Richard Senate, historian, author and resident expert on Ventura history. Senate knows all the scuttle about past and present witches, ghouls and goblins as well as those unsolved Ventura mysteries. Visit his website
3. For day hikes in Ventura County go to
4. For elegant self-indulgence and well being, go to the Spa at the renovated Ojai Valley Inn, (only 11 miles from downtown Ventura) where from Monday to Thursday, non-guests can use the spa facilities for $50/day. (This includes pools, sauna, steam room, Jacuzzi, exercise rooms, luxurious lounges with fireplaces, etc.) With any of the massage services, the spa is $20/day. Visit or call 805-646-5511 for information and reservations. The golf course is available for $65 after 2:00 PM, $170 before.
5. Leave time to take in a play at the Rubicon Theatre at 1006 East Main Street. Enjoy a star-studded cast of professional actors and outstanding plays. or check your local newspaper listing.
6. Donât miss the Ventura County Museum of History & Art at 100 East Main Street (805-653-0323). Explore early Chumash culture, the vibrant Mission and Rancho era, the great rush of 19th century settlement and 20th century growth through their award-winning long-term exhibit, Ventura County in the New West. This small museum is filled with murals and replicas of furnishings, homes, businesses, and agricultural equipment from the 18th though 20th century. This is a great place to bring your kids.
7. Across from the Ventura County Museum is the Albinger Archaeological Museum, a fun museum that features the five major cultures that have found home in Ventura - Chumash, Spanish, Chinese, American and Mexican. You can also see artifacts dating back 3,500 years. Outside is the foundation of the âlost mission church,â an ancient earth oven and the oldest standing structure in Ventura County â the mission filtration building.
8. You will find the San Buenaventura Mission at 225 E. Main Street. One of the original California missions, it was founded in 1782 and completed in 1809; the present mission includes a restored church and a small museum which opens into a garden. The entrance is through the gift shop. This beautiful mission is the last built by Padre Junipero Serra, the force behind many of the missions here in California.
9. Off the beaten track, Ventura Harbor Village is a secret known to some savvy Angelenos and Venturians, yet still to be discovered by the rest of the world. Nestled in a marina next to the waterfront, the Village offers you hours of surprise shopping, restaurants, harbor cruises, music and comedy. Harbor Village features over 30 specialty shops and restaurants, comedy club, hoppinâ music on weekend afternoons, a 36-horse carousel, narrated harbor cruises; pedal boat, electric boat, and kayak rentals; sport fishing, dive shop and charters. The Village faces a marina filled with motor and sailboats, yachts and fishing vessels.
10. If your children â of any age - are getting tired of sight seeing, take them to the Carousel Marketplace (805-644-3234) in the Harbor Village where they will find pinball machines of all types, games galore, and a real merry-go-round.
The Marketplace also has a room to rent for birthday parties right next to the carousel.
11. Ventura Dive & Sport (805-650-6500) sells and rents diving equipment, sport clothing and accessories. They will be your center points for outfitting you and reserving the dive boats to Channel Islands that leave from the Harbor Village marina.
12. Pacific Sailing (805-658-6508) offers sailboat charters, harbor cruises, coastal excursions, sunset cruises and Channel Island trips on their 30-foot boats.
13. Go fishing off the Ventura Pier with other local fishermen; or take a long stroll, bike or roller blade on the paved bike trail along the waterfront and beaches that lead to the pier.
14. Visit Olivas Adobe, a wonderful example of Spanish architecture depicting how the wealthy and powerful lived. This adobe is over 150 years old and featured on the National Register of Historic Places. Look for âCowboys, Heroes & Outlaws,â an event designed for the entire family to get to know more about American Cowboy Western heritage. There will be a children's "cowboy college" and a Chumash Village. Go to for more details.
15. Also donât forget to check your local listings and the above website (#14) for the schedules for two annual events for everyone: the Ventura County Fair at Seaside Park (August) and the downtown ArtWalks (April, August, and Nove

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Metals Class Sheet Metal Projects?

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I need an idea for a sheet metal project to do at my school.
I've already done a toolbox and a dustpan. Any ideas you got please i need 'em. If you got one please send the layout with it please. Thank You.


Try the following books for ideas :

Sheet Metal Fabrication Basics
by Timothy Remus

101 Metal Projects for the Novice Blacksmith: A how-to Shop Manual for Beginners
by Ken Scharabok

Projects idea from me :

1) A metal/wire bender

2) a Hammer or Judge mallet

3) a Steam engine

4) a metal lathe

5) a wood lathe

6) a One lug engine

7) a trip hammer

8) a vice

9) a mechanical clock

10) a electric generator or motor

11) a forge or kiln

12) a heat treat oven

13 ) a metal wood plane

14 ) a scale model steam tractor or make it full size- really score some points for that

15. a Scale model of a working steam engine train

16) a Sawmill or bandmill

17) a screwdriver or wood chisel set

18) a bit and brace drill with home made drill bits.

19 ) a steam organ

20 ) a center punch

21) A nail punch

22) a tesla engine

23) A drill press made out of pipe fittings

24) A odemeter or mechanical counter

25) A pluse jet

26 ) a super simple CNC Machine

27) A go Cart

28) A torch or parts carrier- all metal contruction expect the wheels

29) Sheet metal Brake

30) A tap & die set

31) A slip roll

32) A 5 or 6 cylinder radial engine ( gas or Steam Powered)

33) A electro-dischage Machine ( EDM)

34) a Windmill

35 ) a small blast furance for melting aluminum,brass,bronze..ect

36) English wheel

37) A Tool box

38) A dust pan

39 ) A watch maker lathe

40) a workbench

41 ) sheet metal hole maker

42) A mailbox or holder

43) a Dust pan

44) a Cup holder

45) a whistle ( the type you blow into)

46) a Chow Chief( type you see in western movies to call the cowboys to breakfast, lunch,dinner) Triangle

47) A grill for cooking food ( like steaks)

48) a Pitcher

49) a cuttery set

50) bracelets, necklaces,ear rings - great for moms and sisters

51) Candlabras, fireplace gates, front gates, candle stick Candle holder

52) Spoon rest, Cooking rack, metal plates, knife,fork & spoon, coffee pot, coffee cup, canteen, Coffee mug rack Plate holder, caddy

53) Gun holder, fishing holder, tree stand,gun rack, fishing takle box

54) Lamp, shelf for knicknacks

55) a Lunch tray along with a knife,fork, and spoon ( made from the same material)

56) A windmill

57) A sheet metal/ pop can airplane.( with propeller) that you hang and the propeller spins

58) a Cookie, Flour,Sugar,Coffee and Tea can container with lids

59) cookie cutters, Cake pan, skillet, guard railing glamp holders

that all I can think of for right now.

Did Jason voorhees ever use a hockey stick as a weapon?


No, but he was hit in the head with one.

Here are all of Jason's victims

1 : Alice - stabbed in the temple with an ice pick
2 : Crazy Ralph - garotted with barbed wire
3 : Policeman - hammer claw to the head
4 : Scott - throat slit with machete
5 : Terry - knifed
6 : Mark - macheted in the face
7 : Jeff and
8 : Sandra - double impaling with a spear
9 : Vickie - knifed
10 : Paul - disappears, presumed dead

11 : Harold - meat cleaver to chest
12 : Edna - knitting needle to back of the head
13 : Fox - pinned to rafter with pitchfork through neck
14 : Loco - pitchfork to the stomach
15 : Shelly - throat slashed (offscreen)
16 : Vera - spear fired into eye
7 : Andy - macheted in half while walking on hands
18 : Debbie (pregnant) - knifed from beneath hammock
19 : Chuck - electrocuted on fuse box
20 : Chili - impaled with fireplace poker
21 : Rick - head squeezed until eye pops out
22 : Ali - bludgeoned with a wrench; later recovers and is macheted.

23 Axel - surgical hacksaw to the throat, neck broken
24 Nurse Morgan - chocked
25) : Hitchhiker - knife through the neck
26 : Samantha - knife through the torso
27 : Paul - spear to the groin
28 : Terri - spear in the back
29 : Mrs. Jarvis - killed offscreen
30 : Jimmy - corkscrew through hand, cleaver to the face
31 : Tina - thrown through a window, lands on a parked car
32 : Ted - knife to the head through movie screen
33 : Doug - head crushed in Jason's bare hands
34 : Sara - axe to the chest
35 : Rob - garden harrow to the throat

36 : Allen - heart ripped out.
37 : Darren - impaled on a spear and tossed aside.
38 : Lizbeth - speared through the mouth.
39 : Burt - arm ripped off, impaled on a tree branch
40 : Stan and
41 : Katie and
42 : Larry - triple decapitation with a machete
43 : Martin - broken bottle in the throat
44 : Steven and
45: Annette - double impalement with a machete on their motorcycle.
46 : Nikki - face crushed against RV wall
47 : Cort - hunting knife in the head
48: Roy - pieces of him are found strewn in woods
49 : Sissy - head ripped off
50 : Paula - hacked up with a machete
51 : Officer Thornton - dart in the forehead
51 : Officer Pappas - head crushed in Jason's bare hands
53 : Sheriff Garris - broken in half

54 : Jane - tent spike in the neck, impaled to a tree
55 : Michael - tent spike thrown into his back
56 : Dan - Jason's hand through his body, neck broken
57 : Judy - bashed against a tree in her sleeping bag
58 : Russell - axe to the face
59 : Sandra - pulled underwater and drowned
60 : Maddy - scythe in the neck
61 : Ben - head crushed in Jason's bare hands
62 : Kate - party horn in the eye
63 : David - butcher knife in the stomach, beheaded
64 : Eddie - throat sliced with a machete
65 : Robin - thrown through a window
66 : Amanda Shepard - speared from behind
67 : Dr. Crews - tree-trimming saw in the stomach
68 : Melissa - axe to the face

69 : Jim - impaled with a spear gun
70 : Suzi - stabbed with a spear
71 : J.J. - bashed in the head with her electric guitar
72 : Boxer - hot sauna rock in the chest
73: Tamara - stabbed with a mirror shard
74 : Jim Carlson - harpooned in back
75 : Admiral Robertson

How much does it cost for a pilot light to stay on in gas fireplace?

best electric fireplace for the money on Be Modern Bramwell Eco Electric Fireplace Suite -
best electric fireplace for the money image


I just moved into an apartment that has a gas hot water heater and a "decorative" gas fireplace. All the other appliances are electric, including the main heating system. The fireplace doesn't work well for heating purposes and since it's approaching the warmer summer months I wonder if I should have the pilot light shut off to save money? How much gas does just having the pilot light use?

If you're not going to use it for for more than a couple of days turn it off. If you use it daily during the colder months, you might as well leave it on b/c the pilot light costs next to nothing, I was told it costs pennies a day to run the pilot. If you really want to know the exact amount- call your gas company.

What are the ways you are trying to cut costs?


I do a food co-op (Angel Food Ministries), We are very conservative with the heat, electric, and water bills. We do not eat out. What are some ways you are cutting costs?? I think we all could use this information
I do not use credit cards and never have used them.
eskie lover you sure have some great ways to save... Thank you.

I grow my own citrus, avocado, veggies and herbs. When I over produce, I either share my excess harvest or exchange it with other neighbors who also have over produced or freeze the excesses. It saves us all money on groceries. I also learned a great new technique called morphing meals from nutritionist Robin Miller on Food Network. For example, tonight I am roasting a huge pork loin. I will cut it in thirds, however, so that over the weekend I can make a snitzel and then we can have stuffed pork rouladen early next week. I try to get as many meals as I can out of the main ingredients and that is a real time and money saver. I also line dry most of the time instead of using the dryer and always use the air dry function on the dishwasher. I also don't run either my central heat or air conditioner. I tinted my windows, planted trees strategically to shade my home, installed high R value insulation, use ceiling and window fans and heat my home using wood in my fireplace insert. I usually buy 2 cords of seasoned wood from the grove ranch above my canyon for about $100 each and that is much cheaper than running the furnace which uses both natural gas and electricity. We also have a system we call OPG in our neighborhood. It means, other people's gas. Most of the people who have children have to make at least 2 trips to the school daily. So they carpool so that there are fewer trips and then ask when they go whether any neighbor needs them to pick up anything on their way. Those of us without children also offer when we are going somewhere to save someone else the trip. We also offer each other clothing or furniture when they are no longer needed and before we donate them to charities. LOL I think I've furnished at least 2 of my neighbor's kids 1st apartments over the years.

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Monday, November 18, 2013

Looking for the 'BEST' Heater-experience preferred please :)?

best electric fireplaces consumer reports on Free Standing Outdoor Fireplace - Fireplace
best electric fireplaces consumer reports image


We have a 2 story office building. The office space on top is currently not being used. The bottom office is long & narrow. It is approximately 1000 square feet with 14 foot ceilings. It is brick on the two longest sides (top to bottom) with the front wall totally being glass (windows). The back wall is brick and glass as well. There are 2 ceiling fans we use to keep the heat from totally going upstairs.
It currently heats with a propane furnace but when it gets really cold we spend about 300 on propane every two weeks to heat it. Not an option any more. I sure like the way the heat fills the whole place but we simply can't afford it.
I wanted to put a wood stove in but the stove pipe alone is over $1000 . We have offices on both sides of us so the stove pipe has to go up 2 stories and that is also not an option. Neither is a pellet stove.
I am looking at possibly getting an Edenpure Gen 4 or one of those Amish stoves. Those are really the only ones I have heard of so I am open if you have other ideas. I would like suggestions as to what you think might work in this space to heat it as well as your own experiences.

Thank you in advance for your replies.
Thank you PA for your thoughtful detailed answer. I wasn't looking for a free lunch just a solution that wouldn't eat MY lunch every month...*smile* Thanks again

I have friends with both - and like them........but there's no such thing as a free lunch. Their comments:

the Edenpure is safe around kids & pets because the cabinet stays cool . . . . . but no way does it heat an entire house - and doubt if it would evenly heat the space you describe. The Edenpure uses quartz infra-red tubes to heat a copper plate: you aren't getting the heat directly from the tubes - heating the copper plate makes it a steadier heat as the tubes cycle on and off. My friend says that it's nice for a room - does no good in heating adjacent rooms in his small house.

I believe the "Amish fireplace" units also use quartz heating tubes, but have a more powerful fan to distribute the air over a greater area.

Most plug-in electric space heaters draw 1500 watts @ 110 volts when on - - - I think that's the same consumption of the Edenpure and "fireplace". A disadvantage of quartz infra-red tube heaters is that the tubes burnout just like light bulbs . . . . they cost from $30 to $45 each and I believe the heaters have 3 or 4 of them. I understand that it's quite a job to disassemble the Edenpure to replace the tubes.

Google Edenpure and "Amish Fireplace" "reviews" and "complaints" and you'll find posts by both satisfied and dissatisfied buyers.

Consumer Reports tested electric heaters a couple years ago: they didn't think much of either (and many others) . . . on their recommendation we got Honeywell baseboard heaters at about $65 each and are very satisfied with them.......maybe the info is still available at the CR website or BUying Guide.

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Sunday, November 17, 2013

where is a good place to go camping near olive branch, ms or bolivar, tn?

electric fireplace 45 on FP10-15-09-OAK Stonegate Electric Fireplace With Adjustable Thermostat
electric fireplace 45 image


me and some of my friends want to go camping but we dont know anywhere to go
we want to go somewhere that would be fun and we would have a bunch of stuff we can do

Chickasaw State Park is about 20 miles from Bolivar in Henderson, TN...

Chickasaw State Rustic Park is situated on some of the highest terrain in west Tennessee. Of the area's 14,384 acres of timberland, 1,280 acres are used for recreation. The remainder is state forest managed jointly by the State Forestry Division and the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. The park is located in Chester and Hardeman Counties, 18 miles south of Jackson, Tennessee on State Hwy. 100.


A park recreation director, on duty during the summer months, conducts group games, arts and crafts, evening movies, campfire programs and hayrides.

Biking & Hiking

The park has hiking and biking (mountain bike trails available) trails that are open year round. No overnight camping is allowed on the hiking trails.


Rowboats and pedal boats are available for rent on Lake Placid. No personally owned boats or gasoline powered motors are allowed on the lake. However, electric trolling motors are allowed. Fishermen, young and old, enjoy the lake and often dine on fine catches of bass and bluegill. A valid Tennessee fishing license is required for persons over 13 years of age.

Tennessee Boating Regulations (exit TDEC)


Chickasaw offers 13 vacation cottages, some sleeping up to six persons and fully equipped for housekeeping. The cabins, complete with fireplaces and televisions, are nestled among tall pines and located within easy access to Lake Placid. Cabins are available by reservation year-round with the months of June and July available on a weekly basis. Reservations may be taken up to a year in advance.

To Reserve call: 731-989-5141


There are three campgrounds at Chickasaw State Park. The RV campground has 52 sites, each with water and electrical hookups. The tent campground has 29 sites, and water is available. The wrangler campground is designed for visitors traveling with horses. There are 32 sites, each with water and electrical hookups. All park campsites have picnic tables and grills. Modern bathhouses provide hot showers and restroom facilities. There is a playground in each campground.

For more information call: 731-989-5141


Fisherman, young and old, enjoy lake fishing on Lake Placid and can expect fine catches of bass, catfish and crappie. Boats may be rented at the park. No personal boats are allowed.

A valid Tennessee fishing license is required for persons over 13 years of age.

Legal Limits:
Crappie - limit 30, no minimum length
Bass - limit 5, minimum length 15"
Catfish - limit 5, minimum length 15"
Bream - no limit, no minimum length

Tennessee Fishing Regulations (exit TDEC)
Tennessee State Parks fishing policies

Group Camping

The 131-capacity group camp is available to family groups and organizations and is completely equipped with dining hall, cabins, bunks, toilet facilities and its own swimming area. The dining hall contains cooking and serving utensils and equipment. Campers need only supply linens, food, medicinal and sanitary supplies and staff. The group camp is open from April through October and reservations are required.

For Reservations: 731-989-5141

Group Lodge

This facility accommodates 40 persons. The building features divided quarters with bunk beds and sleeps 20 people to a room. Central heat and air are provided as well as dishes, utensils, microwave, ice maker, freezers, refrigerator and stove. Groups must supply their own linens. A 45-day notice of cancellation is required for a refund of the deposit. Check-in time for this facity is 3 p.m. and check-out time is 10 a.m.

Horseback Riding

Horses are also available for rent from the park stables. The guided trail takes approximately one hour to complete. Children under 9 years of age may not ride on the trail. Stables are open March through Thanksgiving weekend. The stable is open weekends in the spring and fall. Call the stables at 731-989-9494 for cost and hours of operation.

Located near the stables, the Wrangler Campground is designed to meet the needs of the park visitors traveling with horses. Many visitors bring their own horses to Chickasaw to take advantage of the approximately 100 miles of trails in Chickasaw State Forest.

The Wrangler Campground features 32 sites with water and electric hookups. Horses may be picketed at the campsites. A bathhouse with shower and restroom facilities is available, as well as a lighted arena and playground. Please note that horses are not allowed on paved roads within the park.

Meeting Facility

The Sagamore Lodge meeting facility seats 100 people. Folding tables and chairs and central heat and air are provided. This building is popular for weddings, meetings, and reunions.

Picnic Facilities

There are 7 large covered picnic pavilions that can each accommodate 50 people. Each pavilion is equipped with a grill and water spigot.

Three of these pavilions can be reserved by calling the park office.


The park's 100-seat restaurant offers excellent Southern cuisine in a restful atmosphere. The restaurant is open throughout most of the year.

The restaurant is open Thursday through Sunday, serving dinner on Thursday nights from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. and Friday nights from 4 p.m. until 10 p.m. On Saturdays and Sundays, the restaurant serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner with hours from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Saturday and 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Sunday. The restaurant features homestyle country cooking and delicious buffets. For more information, call the restaurant at 731-989-6807.


The picturesque swimming beach on the shore of Lake Placid is very popular with visitors. A modern bathhouse serves the swimming beach.

Other Activities

The park features a hiking trail, tennis courts, basketball courts, archery range, playgrounds, horseshoe pits, volleyball court and lighted ballfield. There is also horseback riding in the summer months. Many visitors bring their own mounts and explore the more than 100 miles of roads and trails within Chickasaw State Forest.

Tour Buses

Tour buses are welcome and roads in the park are accessible to tour buses.

need a project for metal shop?


i am taking metal shop next year and i need a goo metal project i could make. i like skateboarding but already made a mini ramp. my teacher suggested i make a new design for skateboard trucks. my idea is to make longer trucks that have a spring on each side of the cup to push the board up instead of the rubber bushing. if you are a skateboarder please comment on this idea. i am not sure if i want to do it though. any other ideas would be greatly appreciated. maybe some furniture would be good.


I've been waiting for question like this? Here's your answer:

Try the following books for ideas :

Sheet Metal Fabrication Basics
by Timothy Remus

101 Metal Projects for the Novice Blacksmith: A how-to Shop Manual for Beginners
by Ken Scharabok

Decorative Wrought Ironwork: Projects for Beginners
by Thomas F. Googerty

Metal Projects, Vol. 1
by John Walker

Metal Projects, Vol. 2
by Bill Fifer

Metal Projects, Vol. 3
by John R. Walker

Metal Spinning Projects
by Smith, Earl E. Smith

Twenty-Four Metalworking Projects
by Percy W. Blandford

Giant Book of Metalworking Projects

Metalwork for Craftsmen: A Step-by-Step Guide with 55 Projects
by Emil F. Kronquist

Twenty-Four Blacksmithing Projects
by Percy W. Blandford

Decorative Wrought Ironwork: Projects for Beginners
by Thomas F. Googerty

The Complete Metalsmith
by Tim McCreight

Complete Metalsmith: An Illustrated Handbook
by Tim McCreight, McCreight

Metalworking: The Best of Projects in Metal 1990-1991, Vol. 2
by Joe D. Rice (Editor)

Projects and Designs in Metalwork
by Ian Punter

Early American Metal Projects
by Joseph William Daniele

The Metal Craft Book
by Deborah Morgenthal, Janice Eaton Kilby, Janice Eaton Kilby

Projects idea from me :

1) A metal pipe/wire bender

2) a Hammer or Judge mallet

3) a Steam engine

4) a metal lathe

5) a wood lathe

6) a One lug engine

7) a trip hammer

8) a vise or Compound Angle Drill Press Vise

9) a mechanical clock

10) a electric generator or motor

11) a forge or kiln

12) a heat treat oven

13 ) a metal wood plane

14 ) a scale model steam tractor or make it full size- really score some points for that

15. a Scale model of a working steam engine train

16) a Sawmill or bandmill

17) a screwdriver or wood chisel set

18) a bit and brace drill with home made drill bits.

19 ) a steam organ

20 ) a center punch

21) A nail punch

22) a tesla engine

23) A drill press made out of pipe fittings

24) A odemeter or mechanical counter

25) A pluse jet

26 ) a super simple CNC Machine

27) A go Cart

28) A torch or parts carrier- all metal contruction expect the wheels

29) Sheet metal Brake

30) A tap & die set

31) A slip roll

32) A 5 or 6 cylinder radial engine ( gas or Steam Powered)

33) A electro-dischage Machine ( EDM)

34) a Windmill

35 ) a small blast furance for melting aluminum,brass,bronze..ect

36) English wheel

37) A Tool box

38) A dust pan

39 ) A watch maker lathe

40) a workbench

41 ) sheet metal hole maker

42) A mailbox or holder

43) a Dust pan

44) a Cup holder

45) a whisle ( the type you blow into)

46) a Chow Chief( type you see in western movies to call the cowboys to breakfast, lunch,dinner) Triangle

47) A grill for cooking food ( like steaks)

48) a Pitcher

49) a cuttery set

50) bracelets, necklaces,ear rings - great for moms and sisters

51) Candlabras, fireplace gates, front gates, candle stick Candle holder

52) Spoon rest, Cooking rack, metal plates, knife,fork & spoon, coffee pot, coffee cup, canteen, Coffee mug rack Plate holder, caddy

53) Gun holder, fishing holder, tree stand,gun rack, fishing takle box

54) Lamp, shelf for knicknacks

55) pop can crusher

56) truck ramp

57) a Trailer

58) a tree climber spikes or tent pegs

59) a pair of truck or car stand from a twos of piece of pipes and a two inch diameter pins and Angle iron

60) a metal ladder

61) a Metal locker or broom closet

62 A wielding bench

Ash Tray, Hexagonal Ash Tray, Hammered Ash Tray, Card-Table, Match-Box Holder, Label Holder and Luggage Tag, Cookie Cutter, Sugar or Flour Scoop, Cup or Measure, Oil Measure, Recipe Box, Picture Frame, Desk or Dresser Trays, Candy or Nut Dish, Colonial Candlestick with Reflector, Colonial Sconce, Candy Dish, Candelabra, Console Candleholder, Calling-Card Tray, Dinner Bell, Napkin Ring, Bud Vase, Letter Rack, Bill File, Pie-Crust Nut Dish, Titbit Dish, Twin Titbit Tray, Triple Titbit Dish, Trophy Cup, Fruit Dish, Three-Footed Bonbon Dish, Filigree Bonbon Dish, Low-Footed Bonbon Dish, Bonbon Dish, Treat Dish, Footed Fruit Dish, Table Lamp, Painted Flowerpot holder, metal Flowerpot , Shelf, Bird Bath, Lighthouse, a combination safe a big rotary mower adjustable drafting table a gazebo, ice fishing stove, bleachers,ski-wheeler, combination safe, ice fishing stove, a Ice hole maker, brick making forms, Indexing plates,Lock and key, electric wielder (only for the very exprience metalworker and electrical knowlege needed for this project SO BE VERY CAFEFUL WHEN DOING THIS ONE), Spotwielder unit, calipers, Compass, ruler, protractor, drafting template, test jig for measuring tapers, a Morse taper test plug,Car engine hoist,a gun or pistol, trailer ,bending fork,COLD CHISEL,drill point gauge,glue scraper,Marking gauge, offset screwdriver, soldering iron ( blacksmith type), hydraulically operated bearing press, heavy duty auto ramps, do it yourself anvil,plate dog, hydraulically operated wood splitter,abrasive cut off saw ,a barbecue grill. spare tire carrier, A jobbox, woodworking dovetail pattern gauges, a window box, weather vane,annemeter, windmill, plum bobs,croll saw, a electric metal filer, a metal shaper, a woodworking shaper, a paint stirer, a snow sled, paint spray gun, a metal paint booth. a sand blaster gun and metal booth, Drill hole guide, a parts oil cleaning tank, a panograph. Metal drafting triangles 45 degrees and 30-60 degrees, a set of metal french drafting curves.candlebox with small drawer for matches that hold candles.

I hope this helps.

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Where can I get a replacement circuit board?

electric fireplaces canada on ... electric fireplace in Burlington. Here's A Look At Electric Fireplace
electric fireplaces canada image


I am looking for a hef22 circuit board for an electric fireplace.Can anyone help with a phone #,website etc

CFM Home Products
2695 Meadowvale Blvd. ⢠Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L5N 8A3

Help with a natural gas venting question please help!?

Q. We are finishing our basement and we are going back and fourth between an electric fire place and a gas fireplace. I want gas but I don't know if it can be vented properly. We don't have an existing fireplace so we have to get something called a "zero clearance fire place". Its like the insert that goes into a fire place you just case around it with some sort of decorative casing. Anyhow the only outside wall available to us is underground and under a front window and in a flower bed. It can't be vented up to the roof because... well its in the basement and we can't have a vent pipe going through our living room. How is venting done in this case or can it be done. There is no where else in the basement it can go I'm at a loss. Also the electric fireplaces say they will only heat 400 sqf.....the area to heat is at least 800 square feet. And we live in Canada so we can't get the vent free ones.

They make a new fireplace that vents in PVC but they are pricey. From what I have seen of them they can have longer runs that would allow you to run it down the wall farther and just box it in.

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How do you heat your home and keep Heating prices low?

electric fireplaces prices on ... Iron Electric Fireplace Insert (NDY-19E) - China Fireplace, Heater
electric fireplaces prices image


With natural gas prices rocketing sky high - what are you doing to keep your heating bills at a minimal? Any unique ideas to heat up your place without giving up your arm this coming winter?

Currently we have an air-forced duct system in place. I really hate it, the heat does not distribute evenly throughout the house and despite of having a so-called humidifier installed
into the system, we still have excessive dry air.

I really liked those old water based - radiator heaters, it minimized static and really kept homes warm -- whatever happen to those?

Anyway, give me ideas on how to maintain a nice warm house this winter, I do not want to make this a major project -- keep it nice and simple.

I also have two non-working fireplaces in this old house, I don't have the slightest idea how to use / maintain one. Currently there are sealed off, and if I get it going ... will it even be safe? will it be worth it ? Please share your ideas with me -- I am desperate! ~thanks

The house I own had no heating system other than a blower box on the fireplace when I bought it. Several thousand dollars later I had central heat with a heat pump in place. I thought all would be great, until I got my first heating bill. If I use that thing I can expect heating bills to range from $300-600 a month in the winter.

SOOOoo I have become something of an obsessive about tricks and alternative heating sources.

1. You would not believe how much outside air leaks into your house. Go around when it's cold and windy and put your hand over door cracks, keyholes in the knobs, window sills, even along the floor by the wall. If you can't plaster over the leak, tape it. All that cold air coming in just drives up your costs.

2. A $4 flannel blanket from Walmart works wonders when hung over doorways that are not regularly used. I also hang them over windows as a cheap alternative to heavy drapery.

3. Those fireplaces? Forget 'em. They'll suck out more heat than they put in. The only time a fireplace really does good is if you are either right in front of it, or you have a blower insert that forces the heat out into the house instead of sending it all up the chimney.

4. I can't say enough about those $1.25 draft dodgers that you stick on the base of your doors. Just peel the backing and stick them on. Any hardware store or Walmart will have them.

5. Insulation. When is the last time you checked it in your attic? You lose a LOT of heat through the ceiling, so a few hundred bucks worth of blown in insulation can save you thousands over a few years. You need at least 6 inches of insulation up there (I put in a foot!), so if it's all compressed down to a few inches, it's time to resupply.

Look around, you'll find one of those radiators. I finally realized the heat pump was very efficient until the outside temp dropped below 45, then the meter nearly spun off it's base. So, I hooked up a free standing, vent free, propane fueled fireplace that will make the place toasty warm when the temp drops into the 30s or below.

Avoid the temptation to get little electric space heaters. The energy they use up to make that little bit of heat is NOT worth it.

Gel burning fireplace inserts?


I have a fake fireplace made of what seems like a hard plastic and want to put a ventless gel burning insert inside, is this possible without danger? Are they insulated?

not really usefull, totally for looks and way over priced. Keep in mind they are not meant to burn for long periods of time and in given circumstances may be a fire hazard.
If you have gas hook up you might try looking into gas ventless- they actually produce heat and look ok, are insulated, and totally safe when professionally installed.
Even electric fireplaces are more uselfull- although more costly to run - they do actually produce heat and look nicer.

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