Saturday, January 25, 2014

Do those amish electric fireplaces actually save money?

electric fireplaces cheap on ... Sense Fox Hill Electric Fireplace Stove | cheap electric fireplace
electric fireplaces cheap image

Chris H

I've never used an electric heater and have always used a real fireplace at home....Now I'm at school and really can't be using the heat and skyrocket my gas bill. So, does anybody know if they are actually cost efficient?

They're just a regular electric space heater that's overpriced and which they spend a lot of money advertising. Like most electric heaters, they are only efficient if you use them in a small room and you turn down the heat in the rest of your home. So if you want one, save some money and get a cheaper regular electric heater with the same number of watts.

Can you switch a gas home to an electric one?


I am looking a homes to buy, but I want an all electric home, with electric heat, air, stove, ect. Most of the homes in my area run on gas. Is it possible to convert a most gas home into a home run by electric? If it is possible, what is the process and how much do you think the cost would be?

It is far easier and cheaper to convert a gas home to electric, than an electric home to gas.

Consider the major applicances you will need to switch, most which can be done without major contracting and investment:

Stove: Electric stove will cost you about $300-800 depending on the model you choose. If you do not have 230/240v power in the kitchen, it will cost you about $600 to have a liscenced contractor run this wire.

Water Heater: Cost of a new water heater will be $200-600 depending on model and capacity. Lower cost models will run on 120V, probably no need to rewire, or at most, $200 to run a 120/230v line in your garage or where the heater is.

Furnace: This is the biggie..........converting to electric from gas will probably run you $1000-2000 because of the complexity involved with where a furnace is, how much is involved.

Hope you will leave the fireplace as gas........electric ones dont look good!

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Friday, January 24, 2014

Do you have the ad for the electric amish fireplace heater from today or yesterdays San Fransisco Chronicle?

electric fireplaces at sears on Government Auctions Blog: 4/26/09 - 5/3/09 Archives ...
electric fireplaces at sears image


I saw the ad yesterday and called today, but they say I need a promo code from the ad, and I don't have the paper. It may have also been the Contra Costa Times. Please help I have one day left to order. Thanks!


See this website and put in your email. It might help.

I think you should try to find one of the heaters that are sold at all the Home Depot stores, Sears, etc.

I have one I bought from Walmart 2 years ago. THe ones they have now are nicer. My heater part isn't working. The artifical flame still looks good. I paid under $200, but it was smaller and looks like a mini wood stove. It's cute.


Check out this website:

They say that the price is too high. How much does the promo code save.

Fish tank heat?? Is there an alternative way to heat a fish tank?


I have no power at my house which means no fish tank heaters or heat in general.. The outside temp is 37 and i need to know if theres anyway i can keep the tanks heated?

I'll start off with a couple good ideas that may actually help you. If I start rambling about cavemen and sled dogs, you'll know to stop reading.

A fireplace if you have one will warm up parts of the house. You may be able to rent a generator or buy one at WalMart, Home Depot, Sears, etc. that will be big enough to power the electrical systems of a gas furnace. or a least a couple small electric space or radiant heaters. Styrofoam insulation boards may help slow the loss of heat from the tank. Don't use towels or blankets for insulation because they can dip in the tank and start a siphon on to the floor. Battery operated air pumps actually cool down the tank rapidly by forcing cold room air into the tank and creating evaporative cooling at the surface.

If cavemen had kept tropical fish, I imagine they would have had to heat up rocks in their bonfires in front of the cave entrance and then set a few hot rocks under their aquariums. In the 1850's aquariums were made with cast iron bottoms so that the owner could set a Bunsen burner or a few candles under the aquarium to keep it warm. That would be a huge mistake with a glass or acrylic aquarium. And forget your sled dogs helping you out. You read "To Build A Fire" didn't you?

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Is it tacky to buy a fireplace tool set to set beside an electric fireplace?

electric fireplaces that look real on Fireplace Xtrordinair / Lopi Electric Fireplaces
electric fireplaces that look real image


An electric fireplace is obviously not real but I am considering buying a nice brass fireplace tool set just to complete the "look" if that makes any sense plus I think it would look nice beside my oak/brass electric fireplace. Any thoughts (yay or nay)would be appreciated.

I think it would be a super cute idea. Who cares if the tools aren't "necessary." The look and feel is much more important, in my opinion!

Good luck!

Do electric fireplaces really look real?

Richie Ric

The ones I saw at walmart and homedepot look like crap. I looked online and some some from a company called Dimplex that looks pretty real. Has anyone bought one of these? Do they look real? I don't want to be be embarrassed with some piece of crap that I bought online and can't return. Does anyone have any other companies to suggest? Thanks.

do electric fireplaces look real?...well they kind of do, but the better electric fireplaces are not going to be at a big box store, you really need to visit a specialty fireplace shop. Any shop worth its bricks will carry a good brand that looks more realistic.
Overall though you are not going to fool anyone that an electric fireplace is a real one. They are an aesthetic all their own.
Personally i like the look of them and they are easy to operate but they are not going to fool anybody into thinking they are real.

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What setting do you leave your thermostat on in the winter?

best brand of electric fireplaces on Fireplaces and Stoves: Shop the Best Rated Brands and Models | Sylvane
best brand of electric fireplaces image

Jenn M

My husband and I have an ongoing disagreement... I want the heat on seventy during the day (we have an infant and a two year old and I am a stay at home mother) and sixty eight at night. He wants it on 65 day and night. So I would like to take an informal poll to see what is the average heat setting in the winter.

73 Day
72 Night

Live in VA.

Went as high as 75 during the 10 degree days/nights.

Did you know the average rate you pay for gas goes down the more you use? Not to say your bill goes down, but the point is, a 1 to 2 degree increase may actually cost you a lot less money than you think.

Look close at your next bill. Works the same for electric.

Incidently, we also run a gas fireplace sometimes too.

My house is 3000 sq. ft. and it cost $300 to heat it with natural gas in December. How does that compare to you? Our furnace is brand new and 94 percent efficient.

I want to get an outdoor fireplace for my newly redesigned patio. Help?


Any suggestions? Brands? wood vs. electric? Size recommendations?

I don't think you need to spend much money or buy new on this. I have a number of outside fireplaces (big yard) as follows:

Old woodstove, got it at a yard sale for $20.

Two chimeneas, one huge iron one, came from the estate of a friend, the other is a mid sized ceramic, yard sale for $10.

One antique french woodstove/fireplace, given to me by a friend when she moved.

One firepit, about 3' x 1', appears to be one end of a huge old barrel or tank, was on property since I was a kid.

All of these burn wood, one advantage of wood burning outdoor fireplaces is the smoke keeps the bugs away. You do want to be sure they are not burning under or near anything that can catch fire.

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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Does anyone own a EdenPURE room heater 1500 watt do u like it and how much does it cost u to run it ???

electric fireplace 1500 watts on ... -Deluxe-Wood-Wall-Mount-Electric-Fireplace-Space-Heater-1500-Watts
electric fireplace 1500 watts image

Pine Ridge

Don't believe the hype about this heater. There is nothing magic about it. All electric heaters work at 100% efficiency, and it doesn't matter if they are oil filled fake radiators, or resistance wires, or Quartz radiant heaters...1500watts will cost 1.5 times whatever your kwh rate is for every hour you run it.
The ONLY way such a heater will save you any money is if you turn down the heat in the rest of the house, and only use it in the room you are in, and take it with you wherever you go. And even THEN it's not a done deal, because if your regular heating system is gas, it might still be cheaper to run the regular one.

Ok...there is one way you might save money with electric space heaters, and that is with a "radiant" type heater that has exposed quartz rods. This kind of heater will only heat what it is pointed at, so you can set it where you are and it will feel like a fireplace. It will still use whatever the watt rating is, but it won't be trying to heat all the air in the space, like the Edenpure unit does. Plus, they are a lot lighter so they are easier to move around, and they are a lot cheaper to buy.

advice for oil heat and propane emergency help?


Moved into new house in new state (CT) today. Bought house last month, had heat on low, all electricity turned on etc. Never NEVER had oil heat or propane before, nobody said anything, however, it is snowy and it seems the oil is empty. ALSO the propane is for the fireplace but there is NO GAGE and we don't know how much propane there is. ALSO the water is super super cold it is 47 degrees. How do we stop the pipes from freezing, and how long can we use the propane fireplace, will it just go out when it runs out of propane? Long drive from the south and now in trouble already in the new house what should we do overnight? We will call people in the am I guess but I don't want the pipes to freeze. I don't know how safe it is to leave the fireplace on.

The fireplace will just go out when the gas runs out. If it uses bbq grill tanks, you can buy them at Lowes or Home Depot. They should only be stored or used outdoors. You can check the level by pouring some warm water down one side until it warms up. The liquid lp will not warm up. Quickly dry the tank and run your hand up and down to see where the temperature change is.

Call your oil supplier and get an emergency delivery. See if they can bleed the air from the system. If not, call some heating companies and see how quick they can get someone out to bleed the air out after you get the oil. Ask the Tech to show you how to bleed the air, if you want to do it yourself next time. Also ask him how to check the oil level.

Go to Wal Mart buy some electric space heaters. Plug one in each bathroom, the kitchen and any other room that is getting really cold. If you happen to plug two of them into the same circuit the breaker will trip. Reset it and move one of the heaters to a different location. Do not use extension cords. The oil filled radiator styled heaters are the safest since they don't get hot enough to start a fire. All electric heaters have the same efficiency, irregardless of what they tell you. They all produce 3.412 BTU's per watt. They are all 1500 watts maximum, also.

Leave all the faucets trickling both hot and cold water to keep pipes from freezing.

An electric blanket will keep you warm at night.

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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Suggestions to save on electric bill?

electric fireplace 400 sq ft on Muskoka Phoenix 400 Square Foot Electric Fireplace Stove | Wayfair
electric fireplace 400 sq ft image


Anyone will better understanding would be greatly appreciated; my husband and I live in a entirely electric (no gas) home, and I'm trying to find ways to cut down on our electric bill. We cannot, at this time, afford new appliances, and obviously we cannot unplug some of our appliances when not used (deep freezer, refrigerator). I try to limit the amount of laundry we do, but don't know some things- would it be more efficient to primarily use toaster oven and microwave vs. oven (of course, depending on amount of time), or turn off computer (I've been told it takes more power to stat and stop than let run idle), unplug small appliances (cable boxes and alarm clocks) that have a constant display time, etc...

We try to keep the temp at a regular not adjusting if possible (1200 sq. ft, 2 bed, but last month's bill of $400 is pushing our budget limits.
Any ideas?

Older model freezers use up LOTS of electricity.
Could you do away with the need for it and use your refrigerator's freezer?
That would save a lot.
Also, your computer should have a power-saving setting when not in use.
Small appliances like clocks and such don't really use that much power.
Your furnace and water heater use the most.
Try turning down the thermostats and bundling up.
If no one is home during the day for say, 8hrs, turn the furnace thermostat
all the way down,
but if your just going shopping or something,
just turn it down slightly.
Otherwise it will have to run longer to get the temperature back up to "comfortable."
Use your fireplace if you have one.
Also, check your insulation and weatherstripping around the house.
Thick drapes over your windows will keep a lot of the cold from coming in the house.
Best of luck.

how do you heat your house in winter?

Q. I am just curious as to how others are heating their house during the winter months. We are looking to reduce our propane bill it just seems that every option we choose ends up being about the same cost without investing $10,000 for geothermal (after rebates). We just installed a 91% efficient furnace last year so our furnace is good to go. We also have a free standing wood stove that we use on occasion. The wood stove is old and we don't trust it while we are sleeping or away for very long. Last year we used about 700 gallons LP and burned probably 1/2 cord of wood. We have a single level 1500 sq. ft. house. We were considering putting a pellet stove in but are unsure how many tons of pellets it would burn to determine if it would be worth it. We also though about installing some of the new ceiling fans that have the space heater in them, but they are $250 a pop and still cost a lot to operate. Just looking for some opinions and no, I don't want to hang blankets up or shut rooms off because we use all of them. Does anyone use a pellet stove? How much pellets do you burn? Do you like it? Thanks in advance!!!!!

We have a 3-story, 4,200 s.f. center-hall stucco-on-brick colonial built in 1890 with 46 windows and five glass (French) doors. We have hot-water radiators and burn natural gas to to heat, as well as we have three functional fire-places built with the house. Natural gas in the PECO service area is approximately $1.14/therm (100,000 BTU), about 43% cheaper than #2 fuel oil at this time. We moved into the house about 2.5 years ago, and when we moved in the existing heating system had been allowed to freeze, the boiler (400,000 BTU oil-burner) had failed and 17 of 34 radiators had also failed along with four of six risers. Yes, we knew this going in.

When we replaced the radiators, we installed thermostatic valves. We installed a 96% efficient gas-fired modulating condensing boiler (230,000 BTU) that also handled domestic hot water via a super-insulated low-loss storage tank. The total cost of the conversion and replacements including the registered master plumber to do the boiler install and the inspection and utility certification was just over $12,000 - I did 80% of the work myself. My plumber stated that if he had done the entire job, it would have cost just under $20,000. I believe him. But the payback against Oil is pretty fast at any price.

Our cost last year (Philadelphia region) for all energy for 12 full months was under $3,600, inclusive of heat, hot water, cooking (gas) drying (gas) and electricity. We do not have central AC, but we do have large window units on the first floor and smaller units in each bedroom, of which three are going at any one time, typically, in very hot weather. Under most conditions only the bedroom units are on and only when occupied. Large masonry houses neither get so not nor so cold as frame houses in weather extremes. We are on track in 2010 to be slightly lower than in 2009 overall. We heat to 58F when the house is empty (during the day) and 68F during the evenings and on weekends, or when we are home (vacation or days off). We use a "smart" thermostat with an outside air sensor that works with the boiler to have the house at-temperature when we want it to be, not just starting the system at that point. We are not fanatical about heating (or cooling) at all. We use the fireplaces (library, dining room and master bedroom) quite often in the winter - they draw well and permit good modulation - so we do feel that they are net-positive for energy. Many are not. If we run the fireplace in the bedroom with the door partially closed it does get warm pretty quickly.

The thermostatic radiator valves allow us to reduce heat in unoccupied rooms even when the rest of the house is warm - which results in large savings - yet have the convenience of just turning them up if needed. We have considered a pellet stove (we have an ideal location for one) and also fireplace inserts. The cost-benefit ratio is not quite there yet - based on our use and habits, we have calculated that when natural gas reaches about $2.00/therm they will be a worthwhile investment - as long as good burning wood (oak) remains at $125/full cord or less.

A 200,000 BTU (net) geothermal system will set us back in excess of $25,000 in our environment - that is simply not going to happen. The payback will be beyond our lifetime.

All our rooms but the four majors (library, dining room, living room and kitchen) have ceiling fans - and we use them pretty much all year. Up in the winter, down in the summer. We do have electric space heaters - basic ceramic plug-in portables - that we use here-and-there as needed. Spending $0.21/hour to make one or two people and/or two cats comfortable in one room is a bunch better than heating an entire house for $2.63/hour to the same temperature - although I repeat - we are not fanatical about heat - we just will not heat all 4,200 s.f. if there is only one of us at home during an odd time. So, calculate on that basis when you are considering alternate fuels or heat sources.

Other things we have done: Install tight storm doors (high-quality), repair windows, caulk cracks, insulate and install the correct vapor-barrier system in our crawl-spaces, use only high-quality energy-star appliances sized for our actual needs, move to CLF lamps for general use, water saving faucets and shower-heads and so on and so forth. Each and every little bit helps. No one item overly costly and nothing exotic or hard to maintain.

Good luck with it.

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Technological products after 9/11?

electric fireplaces youtube on Stainless steel wall mounted Electric Fireplace - St. Louis Gadgets ...
electric fireplaces youtube image

em. shadow

Has there been an emergence of technological products as a result of 9/11 that have aimed to make families feel safer?

Braille Glove invented by Ryan Patterson.
Phone tooth invented by James Auger and Jimmy Loizeau.
Nano-tex - nanotechnology wearable fabrics invented by Nano-tex LLC.
Birth control patch invented by Ortho McNeil Pharmaceutical.
Foveon Camera Chip invented by Richard Merrill.
Date Rape Drug Spotter invented by Francisco Guerra.
Solar Tower invented by Jorg Schlaich.
Virtual keyboard invented by Canesta and VKB.
ICOPOD invented by Sanford Ponder.

Optical Camouflage System invented by Susumu Tachi, Masahiko Inami, and Naoki Kawakami
Toyota's Hybrid Car
Ice Bike invented by Dan Hanebrink
New Toy Robots Max the robotic cat invented by Omron, LUCKY, THE ROVING ROBO-RAPTOR invented by Walt Disney Imagineering, and Sony builds Aibo a companion called Orio.
New Fabrics, Salmon Skin Leather invented by Claudia Escobar and Skini, and Luminex a glowing fabric invented by Luminex.
Java Log a log for your fireplace made from used coffee grinds and invented by Rod Sprules
Infrared Fever Screening System used in public buildings to scan for people with a high temperature from a fever or sars invented by Singapore Technologies Electronics and the Singapore Defense Science and Technology Agency
The No-Contact Jacket invented by Adam Whiton and Yolita Nugent, protects the wearer by electric shocking any attackers.

Adidas 1 the thinking shoes with a built in microprocessor that decides how soft or firm support the wearer needs. Chosen by Popular Science magazine as the best recreation invention of 2004.
Translucent Concrete developed by Hungarian architect Aron Losonczi and called LitraCon and is based on a matrix of parallel optical glass fibers embedded into the concrete that can transmit light and color from the outside. However, this is not the only translucent concrete out there. Inventor Bill Price has been developing another variety.
Ka-on or Flower Sound are plants that play music invented by the Japanese based Let's Corporation. Flowers bouquets will act as loudspeakers when placed in a special vase that has electronics hidden in the base.
Intel Express Chipsets - Grantsdale and Alderwood are the code names of Intel's newest chips that will provide superior and inexpensive built-in sound and video capacities for the PC including the ability to do high definition video editing without additional computer cards.
SonoPrep invented by bioengineer Robert Langer, is a device that will deliver medication by sound waves rather than injection. According to the Sontra Medical Corporation, SonoPrep's manufacturer: The small, battery-powered device applies low-frequency ultrasonic energy to the skin for 15 seconds. The ultrasound temporarily rearranges lipids in the skin, opening channels that let fluids be delivered or extracted. After about 24 hours, the skin returns to normal.

YouTube - the online video sharing and viewing community - was invented in 2005 by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley and Jawed Karim. YouTube was named Time Magazines Invention of the year in 2006.

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Is it better to keep the door open to a wood burning fire place or close the door.?

electric fireplaces modern on Fireplace Designs Ideas
electric fireplaces modern image


My argument is to keep the door open, we are only trying to keep our living room warm. I get the concept that keep the door close heats the metal and warms throughout, but I live in new Zealand and if you don't know heating is non existent. anyways the goals is to heat only our leaving room which is blocked off with blankets. Some of us say keep the door open as it gives direct heat into the room, and other argue differently. Let me know IF you ACTUALLY know what is right! Pretty sure door open is best.
To add to the comment below, by heating the metal i mean that the fireplace is metal, and the assumption is by keeping the heat in, the metal chiminey going up through the house preserves the heat as well as the actual fireplace. My flatmates argue that this preserves heat, but in contrast I say the costs (aka amount of wood required to heat entire chimney) do not meet the benefits. It is a 7 bedroom uninsulated house (small for 7 bedrooms) therefore the goal is to at least keep the living room warm. We have looked up multiple things, and some say keeping the door open burns through wood much quicker, but we all have agreed there is more direct heat comes out when the door is open. So long story short which 1.) Creates more heat into the room once fire is going? 2) what is more efficient? and 3) what is better for our Cause which is that we want our living room warmest possible as it is winter here!

YIKES! It depends 100% on the age and design of the fireplace and how it was installed. There are essentially three types of solid-fuel fireplaces. Many more, but they may be grouped into three basic types:

a) The conventional wood-burning decorative fireplace installed in centrally heated houses to be used, but not to be depended upon for heat (first link below): This fireplace is designed to direct most of the heat and all of the smoke up the chimney. The smoke-shelf is designed to increase the draw and prevent any smoke at all from getting into the house. Further, the more efficiently it works the more air it takes *from inside the house* to function. At best, fireplaces of this design are energy neutral. Many are considerably energy negative. If you have a fireplace of this design and want it to heat **leave the doors CLOSED**. Only in that way will you get the benefit of radiated heat from the fire itself.

b) Solid-fuel burning heating fireplaces (may burn wood, bituminous coal, peat, lignite and in some cases anthracite - second link): These fireplaces are designed to exhaust fumes but direct heat into the room. As you can see, the firebox is slightly extended into the room, there is a ventilated back and an iron firebox to keep the fuel elevated. There is no smoke-shelf and ventilation is strictly by induction (draft). Starting a fire in these beasts is a trick, and if allowed go cold one must start over from scratch, but once going they are relatively efficient, about 30% of the heat generated comes into the room. These fireplaces were not normally installed with doors, but if you have one, leave them OPEN.

c) Modern sealed fireplaces or inserts (third and fourth links): These are pretty much late 20th century developments and may be anything from a purpose-built sealed heating fireplace that draws combustion air from the exterior and often have electric booster fans on them. These can be up to 60% efficient, some very recent units claim up to 80%, and some hybrids have catalytic converters on them for even more efficiency. Also not cheap. These are typically installed as complete units. Doors closed in these cases.

We have a Type C in our summer house that will keep 900 square feet quite toasty even at 20F on the outside. We have three Type As at our main house, and we run them for decorative reasons only as if all three are going (family occasions) the house will get quite cool quite quickly from the draw.

Last Bit of Lecture:

One perceives heat in three ways:

Conduction - touch something hot. This is pretty obvious.
Convection - stand in a stream of warm air and get warm. This is generally how central heat is perceived.
Radiation - stand in front of something very hot and feel the heat coming off it. This is primarily via infra-red radiation and how many passive electric heaters operate. And this is what you are feeling standing in front of a hot fire. BUT- BUT! the flue is still drawing smoke *AND* warm air from the rest of the house -meaning that you are warming yourself yet cooling the house. Local benefit, general negative.

Hope this helps.

What are the best fireplace boxes?


I need help with the best fireplace boxes, I can't seem to find a link to any. It would help a lot, if anyone can link me to or tell me what the best fireplace boxes are. I guess it's the box that you put into the actual fireplace? I don't know. Anyways its an easy 10 points and It would help a lot.

It's a matter of taste. Here is a list:
Gas..fake logs with lit gas, convenient but expensive to run
Electric..cheaper than gas (nowadays) but looks it. gives off heat but fire is fake.
Wood burning..real as real can get but needs to be maintained, watched, and kept going
Vent-less..this is my favorite because its fake logs with real fire (gel fuel cans you pour in)
Outdoor..this could be wood burning, coal burning, or gel fuel (expensive)
Metal..(not sure) it might be fired up stones (modern)
Vent-free..needs no vent.

Fireplace boxes are called fireboxes which are fireproof constructed boxes that comes with mantels (if you don't have one) and are put into the wall or up against the wall (up or down) and well as weather proof ones outdoors.

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I'm trying to find the fireplace/heater that looks like a flat panel tv. Can you help me?

electric fireplaces amazon on Classicflame 28mm764 c253 Carmel Electric Fireplace With Home Theater
electric fireplaces amazon image


Hi. This is actually a very interesting question to ask. I have come across a few websites that are especially useful for you to compare fireplace models.

If you are looking for a fireplace that looks like a flat panel TV, you have asked the right person! Upon doing a little investigative research, I have provided the following websites to get you started:

The Bionaire BFH5000-UM Electric Fireplace Heater with Remote Control looks like a hot buy this winter season to keep you warm and refreshed as you watch your favorite TV shows from the comfort of your own couch. It is priced at $249.99 and is ready to be shipped by Amazon.

If price is not a huge deal, check out the following line-up on
Models start at $599.99.

If you look at
the Napoleon Fireplaces EF39HD Wall Mount Electric Fireplace with Heater model features greater heating capacity at 5,000 Btu's (1,500 Watts) and comes with a remote, turning the fireplace on & off and also control for the embergo green bed intensity & heater. It's listed at $719.10.

Just imagine: your own flat panel TV screen look-alike. You can't go wrong with the aesthetics and the functionality to match!

I hope you have a fulfilling holiday season. Remember: stay warm.

Cheap Electric Fireplace?


I am in the process of redoing my room...I'm looking for a electric fireplace that is a deep mahagony color...not black...thats not bigger than 2 feet thats no more than 150 dollars...similiar to the CLASSIC FLAME Americana Bronze Electric Stove...does any one know where i can find one for that price?

Hi, You might like these electric fireplaces Hope this helps.

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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Thinking of buying an electric fireplace?

electric fireplaces at lowe's on Arrowflame 24
electric fireplaces at lowe's image
Q. who has one and how did you decide on the right one?

I got one last year at Costco's. I had wanted a fireplace for a long time but since a real one was out of the question I got an electric one. It also has a heater in it that blows out hot air. It was a good price and I didn't have to buy the mantel piece seprately(like I would have had to if I went to Lowe's)the whole thing came together. Its a nice cherrywood and it looks good with my x-mas stockings hanging on it. I like the look of cherrywood but they come in white, black and even have onesthat will fit in the corner. Think about where it will go first and then try to picture it. Also Costcos has a lifetime warranty on all non computor items.

Electric fireplace?


We bought a beautiful house that is perfect in every way, except for a very ugly fake fireplace. My house is traditional, but the mantel is light oak. Well, actually, it is just about perfect after I have spent 4 years and a lot of money. My last project is the fireplace, and my budget can't take a custom-made job. We are total electric so I don't have the choice of using gas. The electric fireplace w/mantel that I found at Lowe's is made of fake, cheap looking material. If I go through my decorator and her carpenter, it would be perfect, but would cost $6,000 to $10,000. I've done a lot of searching on the web, but I'm confused. I would appreciate any suggestions. My furniture is cherry, some dark antique pieces, and I have a black baby grand, so I need a fireplace that is not only functional but fits with my decor. Thanks!
There is no indention into the wall. They just put Italian marble (strange) where the fireplace would be. It's all flat with the wall. I have a hand-painted screen in front of it, but it is still a useless waste of a long wall. The dimplex is beautiful. Thanks for recommending that. Not sold here, but is available within 200 miles. Such nice people here! Some of the categories have such *angry* people. I was prepared to be insulted. :)

if you already have a fireplace replace the mantel with one that matches your decor and then just order the logs and a log stand then insert them into your fireplace and plug in when they are on they look real especially if you keep the doors closed a little no one will know we did something simualar but we made a box inserted it into the wall witch backed up to a closet and then we put the screen on and then the logs and when ever any one comes over they think that it is real cause no one looks that close to a fireplace to know if it is real or not good luck hope all works

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Hello, I am wanting a electric fireplace and i waited too long i guess. Home depot and lowes?

best selling electric fireplaces on Top-Selling TV Stands
best selling electric fireplaces image


and stores like that are sold out. Does anyone know any places that sell them year around? I live by Dayton Ohio but any stores would be great. Thank you
Well i could call the electric company but we installed solar panels last year so that is definelty helping with my electric. My panels can run the fireplace. But thank you anyway.

Google "Dimplex". That's the brand HD sells. Look for local distributors and start calling.

I Want To Buy An Electric Fireplace?

All This a

I live in an apartment where I do not control my heat. I live in New York State, so it gets pretty cold here. It is permissable to have a fireplace and I already know the pros and cons of having one. My question is: should I go with electric or use burning gels. Which is more realistic, economical and warmer. Can anyone recommend a particular site, store or brand? I have searhed all the sites I could think of and obviously came up with almost no information. I even tried consumer rated sites. HELP! It is getting cold real fast here!

I work at a fireplace company in Ft. Worth Texas and I sell alot of electric fireplaces. The best one on the market is made by a company called Dimplex. The flame looks so much like a real flame that I have people that think it is real when they see it. The best thing is you can run it with or without heat. They also have wall mount stoves that are great for smaller rooms. I attached a few links below for you to see. They are based in Canada but I bet they have a place there for you to get it. Also look at their fireplaces & Mantel kits. I have installed more than 700 of them for a builder here and only had 2 product related service calls. If you have any questions feel free to e-mail me at

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Monday, January 20, 2014

I Want To Buy An Electric Fireplace?

electric fireplaces without heat on Costco - Bionaire� Electric Fireplace Heater customer reviews ...
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All This a

I live in an apartment where I do not control my heat. I live in New York State, so it gets pretty cold here. It is permissable to have a fireplace and I already know the pros and cons of having one. My question is: should I go with electric or use burning gels. Which is more realistic, economical and warmer. Can anyone recommend a particular site, store or brand? I have searhed all the sites I could think of and obviously came up with almost no information. I even tried consumer rated sites. HELP! It is getting cold real fast here!

I work at a fireplace company in Ft. Worth Texas and I sell alot of electric fireplaces. The best one on the market is made by a company called Dimplex. The flame looks so much like a real flame that I have people that think it is real when they see it. The best thing is you can run it with or without heat. They also have wall mount stoves that are great for smaller rooms. I attached a few links below for you to see. They are based in Canada but I bet they have a place there for you to get it. Also look at their fireplaces & Mantel kits. I have installed more than 700 of them for a builder here and only had 2 product related service calls. If you have any questions feel free to e-mail me at

which one to choose, a wood stove or a fireplace insert?

I am planning to convert an existing fireplace into a heating source for my home. I would like to determine the most efficient solution: either a fireplace insert (wood - we do not have gas lines) or a wood stove.

I would go with the stove. Their construction and shape are geared towards maximum recirculation of all combustible gasses making them very efficient with minimal particulate output. I would also recommend the NON-catalytic kind. The catalytic kind have expensive catalysts, like in a car exhaust, that need replacing after a time. The non-catalytic kind have stainless steel tubes in the top of the burner box that recirculate the gasses and burn them. They also make a lovely 'firewash' effect that cause the flames to flow and dance differently without smudging the glass door.

An insert may have some of those technologies too; you'll need to ask/research it.

The stove is smaller and takes less space in your room. It can use the existing chimney as it's flue with an adapter to the stove pipe. Some come with built in fans that circulate the air, or get one of the thermo-electric kind that don't use power and sit on the stove top. You can also use assorted 'steamers' on the stove top to put moisture in the room during dry winter days. Don't think you can do that with a fireplace insert.

Hope this helps!

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Did Jason voorhees ever use a hockey stick as a weapon?

electric fireplace 56 on electric wall fireplace, discount fireplace, cheap electric fireplace ...
electric fireplace 56 image


No, but he was hit in the head with one.

Here are all of Jason's victims

1 : Alice - stabbed in the temple with an ice pick
2 : Crazy Ralph - garotted with barbed wire
3 : Policeman - hammer claw to the head
4 : Scott - throat slit with machete
5 : Terry - knifed
6 : Mark - macheted in the face
7 : Jeff and
8 : Sandra - double impaling with a spear
9 : Vickie - knifed
10 : Paul - disappears, presumed dead

11 : Harold - meat cleaver to chest
12 : Edna - knitting needle to back of the head
13 : Fox - pinned to rafter with pitchfork through neck
14 : Loco - pitchfork to the stomach
15 : Shelly - throat slashed (offscreen)
16 : Vera - spear fired into eye
7 : Andy - macheted in half while walking on hands
18 : Debbie (pregnant) - knifed from beneath hammock
19 : Chuck - electrocuted on fuse box
20 : Chili - impaled with fireplace poker
21 : Rick - head squeezed until eye pops out
22 : Ali - bludgeoned with a wrench; later recovers and is macheted.

23 Axel - surgical hacksaw to the throat, neck broken
24 Nurse Morgan - chocked
25) : Hitchhiker - knife through the neck
26 : Samantha - knife through the torso
27 : Paul - spear to the groin
28 : Terri - spear in the back
29 : Mrs. Jarvis - killed offscreen
30 : Jimmy - corkscrew through hand, cleaver to the face
31 : Tina - thrown through a window, lands on a parked car
32 : Ted - knife to the head through movie screen
33 : Doug - head crushed in Jason's bare hands
34 : Sara - axe to the chest
35 : Rob - garden harrow to the throat

36 : Allen - heart ripped out.
37 : Darren - impaled on a spear and tossed aside.
38 : Lizbeth - speared through the mouth.
39 : Burt - arm ripped off, impaled on a tree branch
40 : Stan and
41 : Katie and
42 : Larry - triple decapitation with a machete
43 : Martin - broken bottle in the throat
44 : Steven and
45: Annette - double impalement with a machete on their motorcycle.
46 : Nikki - face crushed against RV wall
47 : Cort - hunting knife in the head
48: Roy - pieces of him are found strewn in woods
49 : Sissy - head ripped off
50 : Paula - hacked up with a machete
51 : Officer Thornton - dart in the forehead
51 : Officer Pappas - head crushed in Jason's bare hands
53 : Sheriff Garris - broken in half

54 : Jane - tent spike in the neck, impaled to a tree
55 : Michael - tent spike thrown into his back
56 : Dan - Jason's hand through his body, neck broken
57 : Judy - bashed against a tree in her sleeping bag
58 : Russell - axe to the face
59 : Sandra - pulled underwater and drowned
60 : Maddy - scythe in the neck
61 : Ben - head crushed in Jason's bare hands
62 : Kate - party horn in the eye
63 : David - butcher knife in the stomach, beheaded
64 : Eddie - throat sliced with a machete
65 : Robin - thrown through a window
66 : Amanda Shepard - speared from behind
67 : Dr. Crews - tree-trimming saw in the stomach
68 : Melissa - axe to the face

69 : Jim - impaled with a spear gun
70 : Suzi - stabbed with a spear
71 : J.J. - bashed in the head with her electric guitar
72 : Boxer - hot sauna rock in the chest
73: Tamara - stabbed with a mirror shard
74 : Jim Carlson - harpooned in back
75 : Admiral Robertson - throat slit with a machete
76 : Eva - strangled
77 : Wayne - electrocuted on a control panel
78 : Miles - impaled on a deck post
79 : Deck Hand - axe to the back

80 Gang Banger #1 - stabbed through the back with his own syringe
81 : Gang Banger #2 - bashed and scalded on a steam pipe
82 : Julius - decapitated by punch
83 : Cop - dragged into an alley, killed offscreen
84 : Charles McCullough - drowned in a barrel of sewage
85 : Sanitation Worker - bashed in the head with a wrench

86: Coroner - eats Jason's heart and becomes possessed
87 : Coroner's Assistant - Autopsy probe in the back of the neck, face pushed through a metal grating
88 : FBI Agent #1 - pencil through his spinal cord (offscreen)
89 : FBI Agent #2 - fingers through his skull (offscreen)
90 : Alexis - slashed up with a straight razor
91 : Deborah - stabbed through the back with a barbed wire spike ripped in half
92 : Lou - head crushed (offscreen)
93 : Edna - head slammed in car door
94 : Josh - possessed by Jason, shot in head and impaled with poker, later melts away

(XX) : David - head bashed against faucet (cut from theatrical prints)
95 : Diana - knife-sharpening pole in back
96) : Robert Campbell - possessed by Jason, later shot in head, run over with car, impaled on a barbecue skewer
97 : Officer Ryan - head bashed against a locker
98: Officer Mark - and
99 : Officer Brian - heads bashed together
100 : Ward - arm broken, falls dead through the diner doors
101: Diner Patron (plaid shirt) - crushed onto diner counter
102 : Shelby - burned to death on a deep-fat fryer and grill
103 : Joey B. - face bashed in
104 : Vicki - impaled on a barbecue skewer, head crushed by Robert

105 : Randy - possessed by Jason, later his neck is severed with a machete
106 : Creighton Duke - bearhugged to death by Jason

107 : Private Johnson - head wound, chain wrapped around neck
108 : Guard 1 - machine gun to the head
109 : Guard 2 - choked and thrown, shot by Guard 3
110 : Guard 3 - face bashed in by noose pole
111 : Guard 4 - choked by chain around neck
112 : Dr. Wimmer - impaled by noose pole
113: Sgt. Marcus - thrown through metal door
114 : Adrienne - face frozen in liquid nitrogen and smashed on counter
115 : Stoney - stabbed in stomach with uber-machete, which is then pulled through blade first
116 : Azrael - back broken over knee
117 : Dallas - head crushed against wall
118: Sven - neck broken 119 : Condor - impaled on large mining drill
120 : Geko - throat slit with uber-machete
121 : Briggs - impaled on large claw hook
122 : Kicker - Cut in half with uber-machete
123 : Fat Lou - hacked to bits (offscreen)
124 : Professor Lowe - decapitated (offscreen)
125 : Crutch - electrocuted on pilot console
126 : Waylander - back broken, dies in walkway explosion
127 : Janessa - sucked through grate into space
128 : Sgt. Brodski - impaled on spike, stabbed with uber-machete, dies entering Earth 2's atmosphere while riding Uber-Jason

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How was made electric fireplace?

electric fireplaces cheap on Classic Flame Closeout / Clearance Electric Fireplaces - ADDCO ...
electric fireplaces cheap image


I want to know more about electric fireplace, and make myself

What parts in it?
how it was made?
and I need the cheapest manufacturer.

an electric fireplace is just an electric heater in a package with a (typically opto-mechanical) display to look like a fire.

is it cheaper to use electricty to have my wall heater on or to plug in a portable heater?


It is so cold out and I am curious to know if it costs more to run my (not gas) wall heater or to purchase a portable heater. I really want to purchase one of the electric fireplaces that home depot sells, just wondering if it would help save my power bill.
Thank you
I am in Seattle

your wall heater should be more efficient than a plug in heater. The wall heater is most likely hooked to 240 volts which will use less energy to heat up a room than a plug in 120 volt heater. having insulated walls and attic and "newer" windows will keep the heat in. Check with your power company for windows or insulation, Most areas will pay for some of the work, depending on if your on low income or not. Good luck

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Sunday, January 19, 2014

Did Jason voorhees ever use a hockey stick as a weapon?

electric fireplaces for rv on rv fireplace
electric fireplaces for rv image


No, but he was hit in the head with one.

Here are all of Jason's victims

1 : Alice - stabbed in the temple with an ice pick
2 : Crazy Ralph - garotted with barbed wire
3 : Policeman - hammer claw to the head
4 : Scott - throat slit with machete
5 : Terry - knifed
6 : Mark - macheted in the face
7 : Jeff and
8 : Sandra - double impaling with a spear
9 : Vickie - knifed
10 : Paul - disappears, presumed dead

11 : Harold - meat cleaver to chest
12 : Edna - knitting needle to back of the head
13 : Fox - pinned to rafter with pitchfork through neck
14 : Loco - pitchfork to the stomach
15 : Shelly - throat slashed (offscreen)
16 : Vera - spear fired into eye
7 : Andy - macheted in half while walking on hands
18 : Debbie (pregnant) - knifed from beneath hammock
19 : Chuck - electrocuted on fuse box
20 : Chili - impaled with fireplace poker
21 : Rick - head squeezed until eye pops out
22 : Ali - bludgeoned with a wrench; later recovers and is macheted.

23 Axel - surgical hacksaw to the throat, neck broken
24 Nurse Morgan - chocked
25) : Hitchhiker - knife through the neck
26 : Samantha - knife through the torso
27 : Paul - spear to the groin
28 : Terri - spear in the back
29 : Mrs. Jarvis - killed offscreen
30 : Jimmy - corkscrew through hand, cleaver to the face
31 : Tina - thrown through a window, lands on a parked car
32 : Ted - knife to the head through movie screen
33 : Doug - head crushed in Jason's bare hands
34 : Sara - axe to the chest
35 : Rob - garden harrow to the throat

36 : Allen - heart ripped out.
37 : Darren - impaled on a spear and tossed aside.
38 : Lizbeth - speared through the mouth.
39 : Burt - arm ripped off, impaled on a tree branch
40 : Stan and
41 : Katie and
42 : Larry - triple decapitation with a machete
43 : Martin - broken bottle in the throat
44 : Steven and
45: Annette - double impalement with a machete on their motorcycle.
46 : Nikki - face crushed against RV wall
47 : Cort - hunting knife in the head
48: Roy - pieces of him are found strewn in woods
49 : Sissy - head ripped off
50 : Paula - hacked up with a machete
51 : Officer Thornton - dart in the forehead
51 : Officer Pappas - head crushed in Jason's bare hands
53 : Sheriff Garris - broken in half

54 : Jane - tent spike in the neck, impaled to a tree
55 : Michael - tent spike thrown into his back
56 : Dan - Jason's hand through his body, neck broken
57 : Judy - bashed against a tree in her sleeping bag
58 : Russell - axe to the face
59 : Sandra - pulled underwater and drowned
60 : Maddy - scythe in the neck
61 : Ben - head crushed in Jason's bare hands
62 : Kate - party horn in the eye
63 : David - butcher knife in the stomach, beheaded
64 : Eddie - throat sliced with a machete
65 : Robin - thrown through a window
66 : Amanda Shepard - speared from behind
67 : Dr. Crews - tree-trimming saw in the stomach
68 : Melissa - axe to the face

69 : Jim - impaled with a spear gun
70 : Suzi - stabbed with a spear
71 : J.J. - bashed in the head with her electric guitar
72 : Boxer - hot sauna rock in the chest
73: Tamara - stabbed with a mirror shard
74 : Jim Carlson - harpooned in back
75 : Admiral Robertson - throat slit with a machete
76 : Eva - strangled
77 : Wayne - electrocuted on a control panel
78 : Miles - impaled on a deck post
79 : Deck Hand - axe to the back

80 Gang Banger #1 - stabbed through the back with his own syringe
81 : Gang Banger #2 - bashed and scalded on a steam pipe
82 : Julius - decapitated by punch
83 : Cop - dragged into an alley, killed offscreen
84 : Charles McCullough - drowned in a barrel of sewage
85 : Sanitation Worker - bashed in the head with a wrench

86: Coroner - eats Jason's heart and becomes possessed
87 : Coroner's Assistant - Autopsy probe in the back of the neck, face pushed through a metal grating
88 : FBI Agent #1 - pencil through his spinal cord (offscreen)
89 : FBI Agent #2 - fingers through his skull (offscreen)
90 : Alexis - slashed up with a straight razor
91 : Deborah - stabbed through the back with a barbed wire spike ripped in half
92 : Lou - head crushed (offscreen)
93 : Edna - head slammed in car door
94 : Josh - possessed by Jason, shot in head and impaled with poker, later melts away

(XX) : David - head bashed against faucet (cut from theatrical prints)
95 : Diana - knife-sharpening pole in back
96) : Robert Campbell - possessed by Jason, later shot in head, run over with car, impaled on a barbecue skewer
97 : Officer Ryan - head bashed against a locker
98: Officer Mark - and
99 : Officer Brian - heads bashed together
100 : Ward - arm broken, falls dead through the diner doors
101: Diner Patron (plaid shirt) - crushed onto diner counter
102 : Shelby - burned to death on a deep-fat fryer and grill
103 : Joey B. - face bashed in
104 : Vicki - impaled on a barbecue skewer, head crushed by Robert

105 : Randy - possessed by Jason, later his neck is severed with a machete
106 : Creighton Duke - bearhugged to death by Jason

107 : Private Johnson - head wound, chain wrapped around neck
108 : Guard 1 - machine gun to the head
109 : Guard 2 - choked and thrown, shot by Guard 3
110 : Guard 3 - face bashed in by noose pole
111 : Guard 4 - choked by chain around neck
112 : Dr. Wimmer - impaled by noose pole
113: Sgt. Marcus - thrown through metal door
114 : Adrienne - face frozen in liquid nitrogen and smashed on counter
115 : Stoney - stabbed in stomach with uber-machete, which is then pulled through blade first
116 : Azrael - back broken over knee
117 : Dallas - head crushed against wall
118: Sven - neck broken 119 : Condor - impaled on large mining drill
120 : Geko - throat slit with uber-machete
121 : Briggs - impaled on large claw hook
122 : Kicker - Cut in half with uber-machete
123 : Fat Lou - hacked to bits (offscreen)
124 : Professor Lowe - decapitated (offscreen)
125 : Crutch - electrocuted on pilot console
126 : Waylander - back broken, dies in walkway explosion
127 : Janessa - sucked through grate into space
128 : Sgt. Brodski - impaled on spike, stabbed with uber-machete, dies entering Earth 2's atmosphere while riding Uber-Jason

How much do you think my house is worth?


My house is in Hayden, Idaho in a very desirable neighborhood. It was built in 1977, and we payed around 150,000 for it. Then we put around 210,000 in to it, totally remodeling it. It is 6 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, with two of the bedrooms being master sweets. It is 3,400 square feet on a beautiful acre with great landscaping, a 1000 square foot deck, a 2 story tree house, a road leading to the back, rv parking, a hot tub, and a storage barn. It has great curb appeal, newly painted (white with black shutters), 2 stories with a nice front porch. The family room is about 17 - 17 square feet and very open with a stone fireplace to the ceiling. The kitchen is very large with granite counters, and there are wood floors the whole way through. 2 bedrooms down, 4 up. The master is way bigger than most masters, with wood walls and ceiling with carpet, and also has a stone electric fireplace. The living room is huge and beautiful, with wood ceiling, yellow walls, and so much sun coming through. Its about 25 - 30 ft, and is used as a music room (for harp and piano). The stairs are average, and the upstairs rooms average about 14 by 15 feet each, other than the master which is large. All the bathrooms have marble, and one is Greek looking with a stone shower. There is an intercom, a movie closet, a large laundry room with an attic down the hallway to the master, only a 2 car garage but lots of parking, but the inside can be dark sometimes if all the lights are off, but all in all it is great. We listed it at 675,000 and have gone down to 595,000. Realitors think it should be about 625000. What is your opinion.

Do you honestly think that random strangers on the Internet are somehow going to be able to evaluate your property better than the Realtors who actually saw it? If their opinion is that it's worth $625K, then that's what it's worth.

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physical science test part 2?

best rated electric fireplace logs on Breckwell  Fireplaces | Wood Burning | Gas Fireplaces | Pellet
best rated electric fireplace logs image


15. The phase change in which a substance changes from a solid to a gas or vapor without changing to a liquid first is (1 point)sublimation.

16. Which phase change is an endothermic change? (1 point)condensation

17. How was Bohrâs atomic model similar to Rutherfordâs model? (1 point)It assigned energy levels to electrons.
It described electron position in terms of the electron cloud model.
It described how electrons gain or lose energy.
It described a nucleus surrounded by a large volume of space.

18. What is the difference between an atom in the ground state and an atom in an excited state? (1 point)The atom in the ground state has less energy and is less stable than the atom in an excited state.
The atom in an excited state has one fewer electron than the atom in the ground state.
The atom in an excited state has more energy and is less stable than the atom in the ground state.
The atom in an excited state has one more electron than the atom in the ground state.

19. The usefulness of Mendeleevâs periodic table was confirmed by (1 point)the discovery of subatomic particles.
its immediate acceptance by other scientists.
the discovery of elements with predicted properties.
the discovery of the nucleus.

20. The atomic mass of an element is (1 point)the sum of the protons and neutrons in one atom of the element.
twice the number of protons in one atom of the element.
a ratio based on the mass of a carbon-12 atom.
a weighted average of the masses of an elementâs isotopes.

21. Which general statement does NOT apply to metals? (1 point)Most metals are ductile.
Most metals are malleable.
Most metals are brittle.
Most metals are good conductors of electric current.

22. Among the alkali metals, the tendency to react with other substances (1 point)does not vary among the members of the group.
increases from top to bottom within the group.
varies in an unpredictable way within the group.
decreases from top to bottom within the group.

24. The formation of an ionic bond involves the (1 point)transfer of electrons.
transfer of neutrons.
transfer of protons.
sharing of electrons.

25. In a polar covalent bond, (1 point)electrons are shared equally between atoms.
a cation is bonded to an anion.
electrons are transferred between atoms.
electrons are not shared equally between atoms.

26. Beryllium, Be, and chlorine, Cl, form a binary ionic compound with a one-to-two ratio of beryllium ions to chloride ions. The formula for the compound is (1 point)Be2Cl.

27. When magnesium carbonate, MgCO2, reacts with nitric acid, HNO3, magnesium nitrate and carbonic acid form. Carbonic acid then breaks down into water and carbon dioxide. Which two types of reactions take place in this process?

(1 point)synthesis and decomposition
single-replacement and combustion
double-replacement and decomposition
double-replacement and combustion

28. In terms of energy, how would you classify the following chemical reaction?

2Cu + O2 2CuO + 315 kJ (1 point)endothermic
both endothermic and exothermic
neither endothermic nor exothermic

29. A log is burning in a fireplace. The combustion reaction requires oxygen as a reactant. If the amount of oxygen reaching the log is decreased, which of the following statements is true? (1 point)The reaction rate increases.
The reaction rate decreases.
The reaction rate remains the same.
The reaction rate depends only on the temperature.

30. A student dissolved equal amounts of salt in equal amounts of warm water, room-temperature water, and ice water. Which of the following is true? (1 point)The salt dissolved most quickly in the warm water.
The salt dissolved most quickly in the room-temperature water.
The salt dissolved most quickly in the ice water.
none of the above

31. A solution that contains more solute than it would normally hold at that temperature is said to be (1 point)saturated.

32. Which of the following is NOT a property of an acid? (1 point)tastes sour
usually reacts with a metal
changes the color of an indicator
feels slippery

33. A base is defined as a compound that produces (1 point)hydroxide ions in solution.
hydrogen ions in solution.
hydronium ions in solution.
sodium ions in solution.

I am not your science teacher. Even if i was, I would probably send you to detention.

How can I convert several small, battery operated lights to run from an ac outlet?


My girlfriend and I recently moved to Texas. Our apartment has a fireplace but we have no plans to use it to actually light fires. Instead of having a dark, black pit in our living room, she wants to use flameless candles to illuminate the area. Instead of switching some 20 odd candles on one at a time and using battery power to run them, we would like to wire all of the flameless candles together, in parallel, to a wall outlet so that we only have to flick the switch and we will have an instant fire in our fireplace, without using batteries at all.

I can handle splicing wires, it's just the details that get the better of me, i.e. math.

I know that I need an adapter, but I don't know how to determine what size adapter I need.

Once I figure out what size adapter, what measures can I take to allow me to add or take away lights from the circuit as I see fit?

At the moment we have 3 types of candles: the large type requires 3 double A batteries. The medium type come wired together in twos, They use 3volt batteries. The small uses a 3 volt battery as well.

I have access to a multimeter but I can't figure out how many amps something like this uses. Also, I am under the impression that while adapters have to be specific to the voltage, it's usually better to overestimate on current. Working under this presumption, would my circuit work if I were to find an adapter rated for my circuit's voltage but rated for the highest number of amps?

If someone could give me some instruction so that I know how to adjust my system in the future if I need to change anything, that would be awesome.


There's a far easier way.
Electric logs. Vintage one on sale for $15 now on EBAY.
It uses a 25 watt bulb.
No need to re-invent the wheel (or fire either!)

Is an electric fireplace more efficient than a baseboard heater?

best electric fireplace heater on Find the Best Electric Fireplace Heater for Your Home
best electric fireplace heater image


I have a house that is heated by baseboard heaters and I am thinking of getting a electric fireplace for the living room. Both are 2000W. The fireplace will have a fan - which will use more energy, but spread the heat through the room faster. Which one will be more energy efficient?

accept not other answer other than no. Electric fireplaces are ornamental only

What kind of heating can I expect from an electric fireplace?

owen h

I was planning on adding another electric heater to my house but the electric fireplace will only be a few hundred more. Some models say they heat 400 sq. feet and it will look great in my bedroom.

Im planning on getting one that I can hold a tv and other media devices too. Anyone with experience with a website or a department store? Thanks.

an electric fireplace is pretty much equal to a space heater

in both .... area heated and cost of heating

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How can I get the flames in my electric fireplace to work again?

best electric fireplace heat on Amish Heat Surge Electric Fireplace Heater- Fireless-Flameless ...
best electric fireplace heat image


My electric fireplace gives off heat, the fan works but the flames won't flicker and move anymore. They just look like they are frozen in time. Any thoughts on how to get them moving?

It sound like you need to replace the flicker motor that rotates a rod with fingers on it.
As the motor turns that rod it simulates the effect of flames flickering.Thus the term flicker motor.

What kind of heating can I expect from an electric fireplace?

owen h

I was planning on adding another electric heater to my house but the electric fireplace will only be a few hundred more. Some models say they heat 400 sq. feet and it will look great in my bedroom.

Im planning on getting one that I can hold a tv and other media devices too. Anyone with experience with a website or a department store? Thanks.

an electric fireplace is pretty much equal to a space heater

in both .... area heated and cost of heating

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