Saturday, October 19, 2013

what's the full history of cape blanco??

electric fireplace 42 on Modern Fireplaces Bay Area, Wood Burning Stoves, Gas Fireplaces ...
electric fireplace 42 image

hillary fa

Cape Blanco Light Station was built on 47.7 acres of land. A two-family dwelling was built for keepers' quarters, with fireplaces in each room for heat. Several small buildings were constructed to house oil and other necessities. Most materials used for construction were shipped in, however, the bricks were made locally. Lt. Col. R.S. Williamson was the engineer of record; he rejected nearly 20,000 of the 200,000 bricks as inferior. Finally, the light station was completed and H. Burnap was hired as the first Keeper. On the eve of December 20, 1870, the Fresnel lens was lit for the first time.

This isolated lighthouse holds at least four Oregon records: it is the oldest continuously operating light, the most westerly, it has the highest focal plane above the sea, (256 feet), and Oregonâs first woman keeper, Mabel E. Bretherton signed on in March 1903.

Cape Blancoâs history is full of shipwrecks and lives saved. One notable shipwreck was the "J.A. Chanslor" (an oil tanker) in 1919. Of the 39 passengers, only 3 survived the collision with an offshore rock.

James Langlois and James Hughes were Cape Blancoâs most distinguished keepers. (Hughes was the second son of Patrick and Jane Hughes, whose 2,000-acre ranch bordered the Light Station property.) They both served their entire careers at Cape Blanco, Langlois 42 years and Hughes 33 years. The keeper job included keeping the light working from sunset to sunrise.

Langlois, Hughes and many other keepers for the Light-House Service diligently kept the lamps burning, and the huge Fresnel lens polished until the U.S. Coast Guard took over in 1939. The station was later automated and abandon in 1979. The last known "keeper," stationed at Cape Blanco for grounds keeping and security purposes, left in December of 1987.

The original lens was a first order, fixed, Fresnel lens (non-rotating). The lens probably had drum shaped panels to provide the steady beam of light that was Cape Blancoâs original signal.

Light lists were published so mariners could identify the lights and their signals. Sometime after the 1911 Light List was published, Cape Blancoâs signal changed. The new signal provided flashes of light, instead of a steady beam. The change was accomplished by using a clockwork system that lowered a shield around the light source at intervals to provide the flash (possibly the shield revolved around). This change added "winding clockworks" to the keepers' list of duties.

In early 1936, the lighthouse was electrified and the actual lens was replaced with an eight side, rotating lens, built in France by Henry-LePaute. The new lens coupled with the speed as it turned, provided a flash of light every 20 seconds.

The second lens is listed on various light lists as both a first and a second order lens, "orders" being a size classification. Cape Blancoâs lens measures 4â8" in diameter and 6â8" in height. It is larger than a second order (4â7" by 6â1") lens, but smaller than a first order (6â1" by 7â10") lens. We do not know what happened to the original lens after it was shipped to the Tongue Point (Astoria) depot by way of the steamer "Manzanita."

A 1,000-watt incandescent bulb replaces Cape Blancoâs soot producing oil lamps of old. Gone are the keepers who spent hours polishing the magnificent lens and winding the clockworks. Today, it rotates with the help of a 120-volt, 75-rpm electric motor, specially manufactured for lighthouse duty. The electrified light flashes it's 320,000 candlepower beam, 1.8 seconds bright (flash) every 18.2 seconds.

Burned or Burnt?


Which is it?

You can say I burnt dinner or I burned diner, burned is past tense, and burnt is present tense.Will burn is future tense.So you can use both depending on the tense.
1.a pt. and pp. of burn.
2.Fine Arts.
a.of or showing earth pigments that have been calcined and changed to a deeper and warmer color: burnt ocher.
b.of or showing colors having a deeper or grayer hue than is usually associated with them: burnt orange; burnt rose.

burn1 Pronunciation verb, burned or burnt, burn·ing, noun
âverb (used without object) undergo rapid combustion or consume fuel in such a way as to give off heat, gases, and, usually, light; be on fire: The fire burned in the grate.
2.(of a fireplace, furnace, etc.) to contain a fire. feel heat or a physiologically similar sensation; feel pain from or as if from a fire: The wound burned and throbbed. give off light or to glow brightly: The lights in the house burned all night. give off heat or be hot: The pavement burned in the noon sun. produce pain or a stinging sensation similar to that of fire; cause to smart: The whiskey burned in his throat.
7.Games. to be extremely close to finding a concealed object or guessing an answer. feel extreme anger: When she said I was rude, I really burned. feel strong emotion or passion: He burned with desire.
10.Chemistry. undergo combustion, either fast or slow; oxidize. undergo fission or fusion. become charred or overcooked by heat: The steak burned around the edges. receive a sunburn: She burns easily and has to stay in the shade. be damned: You may burn for that sin.
14.Slang. to die in an electric chair: The murderer was sentenced to burn. be engraved by or as if by burning: His words burned into her heart.
âverb (used with object) cause to undergo combustion or be consumed partly or wholly by fire. use as fuel or as a source of light: He burned coal to heat the house. cause to feel the sensation of heat. overcook or char: I almost burned the roast. sunburn. injure, endanger, or damage with or as if with fire: Look out, you'll burn yourself! execute by burning: The heretic was burned at the stake. subject to fire or treat with heat as a process of manufacturing. produce with or as if with fire: She burned a hole in her dress. cause sharp pain or a stinging sensation: The iodine burned his cut. consume rapidly, esp. to squander: He burned energy as if he never heard of resting.
27.Slang. to suffer losses or be disillusioned in business or social relationships: She was burned by that phony stock deal.
28.Slang. to cheat or rob. record data on (a CD or DVD).
30.Chemistry. to cause to undergo combustion; oxidize. damage through excessive friction, as in grinding or machining; scorch.
32.Metallurgy. to oxidize (a steel ingot), as with a flame.
33.British. to scald (a wine, esp. sherry) in an iron container over a fire.
34.Cards. to put (a played or rejected card) face up at the bottom of the pack.
35.Slang. to disclose the identity of (an undercover agent, law officer, etc.): to burn a narcotics detective.
36.a burned place or area: a burn where fire had ripped through the forest.
37.Pathology. an injury usually caused by heat but also by abnormal cold, chemicals, poison gas, electricity, or lightning, and characterized by a painful reddening and swelling of the epidermis (first-degree burn), damage extending into the dermis, usually with blistering (second-degree burn), or destruction of the epidermis and dermis extending into the deeper tissue with loss of pain receptors (third-degree burn).
38.slow burn.
39.the process or an instance of burning or baking, as in brickmaking.
40.a forest or brush fire.
41.the firing of a rocket engine.
42.Slang. a swindle.
âVerb phrases
43.burn down, to burn to the ground: That barn was struck by lightning and burned down.
44.burn in, Photography. (in printing) to expose (one part of an image) to more light by masking the other parts in order to darken and give greater detail to the unmasked area. Also, print in. Compare dodge (def. 2).
45.burn off, (of morning mist) to be dissipated by the warmth of the rising sun.
46.burn on, to weld lead with lead.
47.burn one up, Informal. to incite to anger: That attitude burns me up.
48.burn out, cease functioning because something has been exhausted or burned up, as fuel or a filament: Our light bulbs burned out. deprive of a place to live, work, etc., by reason of fire: They were burned out and had to live with relatives. wear out; exhaust; be worn out; become exhausted.
49.burn up, burn completely or utterly: The papers burned up in a minute.
b.Informal. to become angry: He burns up at the mention of her name.
50.burn one's bridges (behind one). bridge (def. 21).
51.burn oneself out, to exhaust one's energy, ideas, etc., through overwork or intemperance: They feared that he would burn himself out or break down.
52.burn the midnight oil, to work, study,etc., until late at night: to burn the midnight oil before final exams.
53.burn the or one's candle at both ends, to be excessively active or immoderate, as by leading an active social life by night and a busy work life by day: You can't burn the candle at both ends and hold onto a job.

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is a electric pot belly stove as efficent as the electric fireplaces?

electric fireplaces and stoves on ... glow electric fireplace stoves comfort glow electric fireplace inserts
electric fireplaces and stoves image

Candace S

ive been wanting one of those electric fireplaces, but today noticed their really big for my apartment. but they had a electric pot belly stove too, much smaller and would serve the same purpose. the electric fireplaces supposively use about as much electric as a coffee maker. can anyone help me out here???

The electric fireplace are more for looks than for heating results. You are better off buying a portable heater if you are looking for heating performance.

Do you save on electric bill with infrared stove?


I have baseboard electric heat. It is rather expensive to run where I live. I have seen these infrared electric fireplace stoves.My question is do they use less electricity or the same or more than baseboard electric heat. My downstairs room has two 6 foot baseboard heaters. Thanks, Dan

Ask around your local electrical retailers they should be able to advise you

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Buying an energy-efficient space heater?

95 electric fireplaces on Home Fireplaces Gallery Lincoln Surround With Lytton Cast Arch
95 electric fireplaces image


Our home uses baseboard heating, which is too expensive in winter. In addition to buying energy-saving appliances and sealing drafts, I've heard that certain space heaters can help save on energy bills, but I'm at a loss as to which model to buy. Any advice?

(Additionally: we have a working fireplace; how large a space could we expect to heat using it? Our heating requirements are a single floor. Would that ultimately be a cheaper option than space heating?)

Thanks, preemptively, for any advice!

The only way any space heater will help lower your electric bill would be to use it in the area of the house you are in and lower the thermostats in the other rooms. Don't fall for the advertisements on the miracle heater with the genuine hand crafted wood cabinet. A 1500 watt electric heater will use 1500 watts and one costing 29.95 at Wal-Mart costs the same to run as one costing 395.95 or more.
Most fireplaces will let more heat out than they put in the house. If you have a well made fireplace with a vented blower system it will heat a good sized area. A good wood heater with a blower fan would be a good option if you have room for one and they use a lot less wood than a fireplace. I used to use one and would fill it at night and add wood the next morning. I also had the electric baseb

What do you recommend for retro insulating & heating my basement?

Dear Prude

House is in NW Ohio. Basement is 2000 sq feet. Was finished by previous owner 4 yrs ago. Exterior walls are concrete, 95% below grade. Interior walls are combo pine/drywall. Floor is poured concrete w/ installed pad and carpet. Walls & floor are very attractive and in excellent condition. BUT, no insulation.. ugh!

Furnace is electric. There are three vents w good air flow in the dropped ceiling. There is a gas fireplace on the main level so there is natural gas coming into the house.

-initial investment & workload
-long term efficiency
-safety!!! (i have pets and two small children)
-maximal utilization of the space (this requires a heat source that will keep the space at a fairly constant temp so that its always "ready" for use by the kids)
-temp of 66-68 would be adequate

-do the walls HAVE to be ripped out to add insulation?
-should i incur the expense being the walls are finished?
-what type?
-does the floor need insulation?

-should we use the natural gas or continue with the forced air?
-is there a safe way to heat the basement using natural gas?
-should I scrap all of this and stick with "space" heating options?


I don't know about insulation, but my aunt in Canada swears by the heating panels in the link below.

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Friday, October 18, 2013

My electric Majestic fireplace pilot light won't light, any tips?

best electric fireplace wall on SAXON Wall Hung Electric Fireplace
best electric fireplace wall image


I have followed some instructions, but they aren't working. The switch on the wall is on off. I the black knob to pilot and push it in for at least sixty seconds and then pushed the striker at least three times. I see the spark, but it won't light. Any tips?

I hope that this detail will be your answer ..............

How to Light the Pilot Light of a Gas Fireplace by Majestic

How to Light the Pilot Light of a Gas Fireplace by Majestic
By Matt McGew, eHow Contributor

Print this article

Majestic manufactures and markets a line of gas fireplaces. The company is a wholly owned subsidiary of Monessen Hearth Systems Company. Majestic fireplaces feature automatic ignition systems that light the fireplaces' pilot flames without requiring a match or a lighter. Using this automatic ignition system, you can light your Majestic fireplace's pilot light with the touch of a button. Does this Spark an idea?
Other People Are Reading

How to Relight a Pilot Light on a Gas Fireplace
Troubleshooting a Gas Fireplace Pilot



Turn off all electrical power to your Majestic fireplace. Use your hands to pull out and remove the grate located at the bottom of the fireplace. Open the glass doors of the fireplace. Starting at the bottom of the fireplace and working up, smell for gas. If you smell any gas, do not light the fireplace.

Push in the gas control knob. The gas control knob is located at the bottom of the fireplace under the area normally covered with the grate.

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Wait five minutes. Starting at the bottom of the fireplace and working up, smell for gas. If you smell any gas, do not light the fireplace.

Press and turn the gas control knob to the "PILOT" position. Hold the control knob in this position. Repeatedly press the red ignitor button located to the right of the gas control knob. You should see the pilot flame located in front of the main burner to the left of the gas control knob.

Continue to press and hold the gas control knob in the "PILOT" position for one minute after you see the pilot flame. After one minute, release the gas control knob and rotate the knob to the "ON" position.

Replace the grate located at the bottom of the fireplace.

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Read more: How to Light the Pilot Light of a Gas Fireplace by Majestic |

what colour electric fireplace should we buy?


We are building a new rec room in the basement. Wall colours are sisal brown and one wall is rust red. The fireplace would be along the rust wall. The trim & doors will be white.

The sofa is called marshmallow and the ottomon will be espresso.

Have I painted myself into a corner? What colour wood looks good on rust?

I'd go with the espresso. Not quit black and not brown. Good luck!

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Thursday, October 17, 2013

why do i get a headache and feel dizzy when i plug in my amish free standing electric fireplace/heater?

electric fireplaces images on Electric Fireplaces
electric fireplaces images image


one of these:

the headache/dizziness started recently and i didn't know what it was until everyone kept complaining of a headache when they walked into my room and it was plugged in, no headache when it wasn't plugged in

WOW! I bet the Japanese experimented with this on WWII! haha JKJK Well, maybe it's leaking? XD I'm not sure. haha My answer was stupid. Sorry. :(

what electric, wall mounted fireplace has the most realistic fire?


A very popular wall mounted electric fire is the Be Modern Orlando:

The Be Modern Orlando is available with a curved, black glass fascia or a flat glass fascia. It features LED lighting which have a selection of colours to represent a real fire.

Alternatively, have you seen the new LCD electric fires? These feature a real image of a fire (like a movie) and some offer a selection of scenes and even sound!

Dimplex make 2 electric fires with the LCD effect:

A new manufacturer of electric fires is Celsi Fires. They offer a similar style of electric fires and the flame effect can be seen here:

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A couple questions about gas fireplaces?

electric fireplaces 3 sided on sided fireplace that shares a chimney with another fireplace. Smoke ...
electric fireplaces 3 sided image


1. Are the unvented ones as safe as vented ones?

2. Can you light them if the electric power has gone out?

3. Are there any other safety concerns I should know about?
Also, do the tops of the vented ones get really hot? If my cat jumped on it, would she burn her paws?

Unvented gas fireplaces are as safe as any other style but you should use a heating log set which burns extremely efficiently. I've used this style for over 15 yrs. Also you must install a carbon monoxide detector in the room where the fireplace is located to be on the safe side. They can be burned without electric power and we have heated our entire house with them during power outages resulting from ice storms. Unless the top of any heating device is very well insulated it will get very hot when in use, and if your cat were to jump on top it while in use it would be a very warm pussy.

I'm interested in what you would consider to be the least expensive tricks to saving energy?

Jim Robles

I'd love to get a comprehensive list together. What do you think?

Hi! I'm not sure how you're compiling the list, but I'll just copy and paste the same response I gave in the Green Living section.

â¢Caulk windows, doors and anywhere air leaks in or out. Do not caulk around water heater and furnace exhaust pipes.
â¢Weather-strip around windows and doors.
â¢Wrap heating and cooling ducts with duct wrap, or use mastic sealant.
â¢Install energy-saver shower heads.
â¢Set the furnace thermostat at 68 degrees or lower, and the air-conditioner thermostat at 78 degrees or higher, health permitting. 3 percent to 5 percent more energy is used for each degree the furnace is set above 68 degrees and for each degree the air conditioner is set below 78 degrees.
â¢Use compact fluorescent lamps. You can lower your lighting bill by converting to energy-efficient low-wattage compact fluorescent lighting and fixtures.
â¢Clean or replace furnace and air-conditioner filters regularly, following manufacturer's instructions.
â¢Set the water heater thermostat at 140 degrees or "normal." If you have a dishwasher. Otherwise, set it at 120 degrees or "low." Check your dishwasher to see if you can use 120 degree water. Follow the manufacturer's direction on yearly maintenance to extend the life of your unit.
â¢Fix defective plumbing or dripping faucets. A single dripping hot water faucet can waste 212 gallons of water a month. That not only increases water bills, but also increases the gas or electric bill for heating the water.
â¢Wash only full loads in a dishwasher and use the shortest cycle that will get your dishes clean. If operating instructions allow, turn off the dishwasher before the drying cycle, open the door and let the dishes dry naturally.
â¢Defrost refrigerators and freezers before ice buildup becomes 1/4-inch thick.
â¢Install shades, awnings or sunscreens on windows facing south and/or west to block summer light. In winter, open shades on sunny days to help warm rooms.
â¢Close the damper when the fireplace is not being used. Try not to use the fireplace and central heating system at the same time.
In cold Weather:
â¢Close your curtains and shades at night; open them during the day.
â¢Keep windows on the south side of your house clean to let in the winter sun.
In warm weather:
â¢Install white window shades, drapes, or blinds to reflect heat away from the house.
â¢Close curtains on south- and west-facing windows during the day.

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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Is an electric fireplace more efficient than a baseboard heater?

best electric fireplace heat on 36-inch Wall Mounted Modern Electric Fireplace Heater with LED Colo ...
best electric fireplace heat image


I have a house that is heated by baseboard heaters and I am thinking of getting a electric fireplace for the living room. Both are 2000W. The fireplace will have a fan - which will use more energy, but spread the heat through the room faster. Which one will be more energy efficient?

accept not other answer other than no. Electric fireplaces are ornamental only

how do electric fireplaces work?

beach answ

would like to put an electric fireplace in my house, but don't know anything about them.

how do they work? does it just plug in? does it give off heat? use wood? expensive to operate? expensive to purchase? easily installed?

Electric fireplaces are really just decorative. a 110 unit will produce about 4,500 BTU worth of heat, a 220 will produce about 9,500. Not very much either way. They are VERY easily installed, plug it in and you're done, and fairly inexpensive to buy $300-$1500. A lot of the cost depends on the mantel you choose. They basically just use lights and mirrors to give the "flame" effect, but they're pretty cute.

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I live in a 150 yr old house. Hugo took down the outside fireplace and the other is too dangerous to use.?

electric fireplaces home depot on Electric Fireplaces
electric fireplaces home depot image


I have electric baseboard heat and it works fine but would like an extra source of heat that is also efficient. I wanted to put in gas logs but don't know about the safety of closing off the chimney even with ventless logs since there is no damper. Any suggestions?

Last year I bought a Natural Gas Flu-less heater.It heats 700 sq. ft. and costs about $25.00 a month in North Carolina where the winters arent too cold.
I bought it at Home Depot for $219.00 the name is "RiteTemp"
You can Email me for other information. 10/1

Fish tank heat?? Is there an alternative way to heat a fish tank?


I have no power at my house which means no fish tank heaters or heat in general.. The outside temp is 37 and i need to know if theres anyway i can keep the tanks heated?

I'll start off with a couple good ideas that may actually help you. If I start rambling about cavemen and sled dogs, you'll know to stop reading.

A fireplace if you have one will warm up parts of the house. You may be able to rent a generator or buy one at WalMart, Home Depot, Sears, etc. that will be big enough to power the electrical systems of a gas furnace. or a least a couple small electric space or radiant heaters. Styrofoam insulation boards may help slow the loss of heat from the tank. Don't use towels or blankets for insulation because they can dip in the tank and start a siphon on to the floor. Battery operated air pumps actually cool down the tank rapidly by forcing cold room air into the tank and creating evaporative cooling at the surface.

If cavemen had kept tropical fish, I imagine they would have had to heat up rocks in their bonfires in front of the cave entrance and then set a few hot rocks under their aquariums. In the 1850's aquariums were made with cast iron bottoms so that the owner could set a Bunsen burner or a few candles under the aquarium to keep it warm. That would be a huge mistake with a glass or acrylic aquarium. And forget your sled dogs helping you out. You read "To Build A Fire" didn't you?

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Which is more efficient? Using a gas fireplace or an electric space heater?

electric fireplaces efficiency on Carrington Faux Slate Convertible Ivory Electric Fireplace
electric fireplaces efficiency image


I have a home built in 2004, masonry fireplace with metal flue and a Home Depot gas log set. My question, is whether it is cheaper to run the fireplace to add a little warmth to the den or to use a ceramic type electric space heater. From what I've read, a fireplace is very inefficient. However, gas is more efficient and cheaper than electricity. You do get a fan, oscillation, etc out of the space heater, but gas is a thermally more efficient than electricity and much cheaper. I also have a solar voltaic system that covers about 50% of my normal electricity usage, so that may also skew the real equation of relative costs.

It is more efficient to use your electric space heater unless you had a fireplace insert. After reading your question it sounds like you just have a flue and not an insert. If you only have a flue and no insert is present, then most of the heat generated by the fireplace logs is going up and out the flue. Thus, it is more efficient to run the electric space heater. In addition, you have a solar voltaic system to increase the efficiency of your electric heater. However, if you had a fireplace insert and not just a flue, then it would be more efficient to burn gas rather than run the heater.

-Miller's One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning

What would be cheaper to heat a room?

Imagine Wo

I have an upgraded heater and a/c forced air system. 80% efficiency.
I also have a gas log fireplace.
The heater/ac is in the part of the house where we sleep.
We spend 80% of our time is in our family room which has the fireplace.
In the winter the family room is normally colder than the ssleeping area.
When we run the heater we heat the entire house which seems inefficient.
so we run our gas fireplace in the family room, which is not especially efficient.

would it more efficient to buy some kind of electric radiator or heat the entire house or run the fireplace?

A lot depends on where you live and the prices of your utilities. Generally your gas fireplace should be effecient to use along with your upgraded heater-a/c. I would check your past utility bills to determine what the charge is per kilowatt of electricity and compare that to your charge for usage of natural gas. Once you have those numbers you can determine if you should purchase a space heater. I would suggest that in the summer time you turn off your pilot light on your fireplace as it normally costs about 8-15 bucks a month to have on.

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How do I know if my fireplace has a blower?

electric fireplaces outlet on ... Fireplace Insert Model DFI2310 | Electric Fireplaces Clearance
electric fireplaces outlet image

Crystal C

We bought our house a couple months ago and the realtor said it had a blower (I think she was just trying to sell the house) there is a switch near the fireplace but it doesn't power anything around it nor does it turn on anything in the fireplace. Ive never owned a fireplace so I don't know much about it. It just says "Underwriters Lab Fireplace #P-249915 model HS 36 True Heat.

The fan on these fireplaces is supposed to be very quiet. I've often had to use a piece of tissue paper over the intake (bottom grill) to see if it was working. The tissue will be held in place over the vent, if the fan is pulling any air in through the lower vent.

Usually, a fireplace with a blower is on its own circuit breaker... so you may want to check the circuit panel for that breaker. It may even be a GFCI breaker.

Most often, a built in fireplace/insert will have the switch located on the front of the unit itself, not on a wall nearby. The switch on a wall nearby may be for something else, perhaps a ceiling, or attic fan, for example.

Look for that breaker, and if all else fails, take the front grill off and see if the fan has electric coming to it, when the switch is flipped, by testing with a multimeter. If you need to, call an electrician.

Good Luck

Additional -- By the way, if you are in a mobile home, that wall switch may actually be to a powered fresh air intake. This would be located under the floor of the home, usually behind the fireplace. Sometimes these are set up with a plug and outlet... and it may be unplugged. Again, these also tend to be GFCI outlets, and if so, may be tripped.

Have Fun

How do I install a ceiling light fixture if there isn't one there already?


In my living room, there are 2 recessed lighting fixtures to iluminate my fireplace area. The room is kinda dark, even with a floor lamp. I want to install a ceiling light fixture in the center of the room. How do I run electrical to it?

Answer #1 is mostly right, but if there is space above the room you are in business.
find the studs by an hot out let, and at the celling near the wall drill a very small hole in the celling between the studs with a long bit, leave the bit in the hole or a piece of wire, get in the space above the room and move over 2" over and above the wall and drill a hole through the plate and drop a 3-14 wire down in the wall make a switch box hole above the outlet, take the outlet out "have the electric off" hook into the outlet with the wire now going to the new switch, your wire will be running across the celling to where you want the light, and make sure that the light fixture box is put on the Joyce. if you can do this you will then have bragging rights to all your friends.

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Wood working people out there?

electric fireplaces for corner on Corner Electric Fireplace - My Guide to Owning a Multi Fuel Stove
electric fireplaces for corner image

Atsa me At

help., I have an electric fireplace insert, want to build a corner mantle for it? Have you ever done such? Any ideas...? Have all my own tools to do so, going to buy a preformed top piece for this, but was wondering what I would use for the side, bottom? thank you

Should first determine what the house aria you install, what type of material is to be installed, if I get more details I can give my opinion, if you want me more specifications to see if I can help.

What is the best thing to do when there is an earthquake?


The most important thing to do is to remain calm. If you are inside a building stand in a corner or under an interior doorway, or under sturdy desk or table. Engineers actually approve of the idea of standing in an interior doorway- it is not just a myth. Avoid windows, fireplaces, large mirrors, and tall furniture. Stay clear of heavy machinery that may fall over. Do not get into an elevator. If you are outdoors, or near an exit move away from buildings and power lines that may fall. As long as your are in a structurally sound building, it is probably better to stay inside. If you are in an automobile stop in an open area away from overpasses and power lines. When driving, the shake of an earthquake will often feel like something is wrong with the car and may not be apparent. Stay away from beaches.

Immediately afterwards, be cautious about possible broken power lines and gas lines, and check to see if people are okay. Do not use the phone unless it is an emergency because if they are working, the lines will be jammed and need to be left open for emergency calls. Turn off the utilities like water, gas, and power to buildings if there is any chance of damage.

If you live in an earthquake prone area these are some easy things you can do to make your home more earthquake proof:

1. Find out if your homeowner's insurance covers earthquakes.

2. Be familiar with how to turn off your natural gas, water, and electric utilities. Consider installing an "earthquake valve" on your natural gas line. This type of valve shuts off automatically if there is shaking. It could prevent your house from burning down. Here are a few:

3. Brace your water heater with at least two metal straps tied to a major wood stud or anchored to a concrete wall. The straps should be anchored with a wide angle extending laterally about two feet on each side of the water heater, if possible.

4. Install child-proof type latches on your overhead kitchen cabinets and other cabinets where things might fall out.

5. Anchor the top of tall furniture to a wall using a strap and anchor, or an angle bracket secured to a stud in the wall. Hanging pictures should be hung from hooks secured into studs.
Move chandeliers, tall bookshelves, and large mirrors away from beds. By the time a sleeping occupant has realized the earthquake is happening the hazard may have already fallen on the bed.

6. If you have an antenna attached to a masonry chimney, move it. Masonry chimneys should be checked and tuck-pointed if the mortar has begun to deteriorate. Be aware that masonry chimneys are very likely to shake apart in an earthquake.

1. Be prepared to live without power and water for at least 72 hours. The water heater and toilet tank will supply up to 45 gallons of water if they are not damaged. Having a water purifying filter on hand is always a good idea. These camping type filters are the ones I recommend but either water purification tablets or those household water filtering kits are suitable:

2. Have a battery operated radio on hand, or even one of those self-powering crank units.

3. Flashlights and batteries are essential.

4. Don't expect the telephone, either land or cellular to work. If they are working, avoid using them except for emergencies as they will be overloaded.

5. Be prepared to live outdoors, preferably in a tent while there is risk of an aftershock. If your house is damaged seriously it may not be safe to re-enter.

6. Have a fire extinguisher and a first aid kit on hand.

7. Have a family plan, and plan ahead who will be responsible for helping elderly or children out of the house and the route. Know your neighborhood and the skills of your neighbors. If there are doctors or other emergency personnel in the area know how to contact them. If your family is spread out, have someone out of the area for everyone to check in with. Long distance calls will be easier than local calls.

8. Make some plans for your pets. Many pets get confused during earthquakes and get lost.

9. Keep a small camp stove handy, or at least some canned food and a manual can opener. Eat the food in your refrigerator first, then the food in the freezer. An unopened freezer will last about 3 days.

10. Apply the same concepts to your workplace. Know how you will contact the rest of your family if at work. Many emergency personnel have their entire family carry a small CB-radio because they realize they would not be able to function properly if they were uncertain about the status of their family.

11. Stay off the roads unless it is an emergency. Try to leave roads open for emergency services like ambulances and fire trucks.

If you want to read more about earthquake preparation buy or check out a copy of this book:
Yanev, Peter I. , 1991, Peace of Mind in Earthquake Country: How to Save Your Home and Life. San Francisco: Chronicle Books. 218 pp. ISBN: 0877017719
(at this moment there are 18 copies available used on starting at $4.25. I am sure other booksellers will have this book as well)

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Can I buy or make an insert to convert my faux electric fireplace into a gel burning one?

the best electric fireplaces on maximum heating area (between 150 and 400 feet) control type - manual ...
the best electric fireplaces image


I have a faux electric fireplace, but would like to convert it to one that I could use the logs that burn gel canisters (sterno). I wonder if anyone knows how to build an insert fire box, or where I can purchase one.

You would likely need a vent free gas log fireplace insert. I would try northline express or house of fire first.

My electric fireplace keeps blowing the fuse box?


It's a charmglow electric fireplace that heats up to 1500 sq ft, the problem is when i plug it in my basement or garage and it will run for about 5-10 min then it blows the fuse or circuit in the basement or garage. why is it doing this? I would like to be able to use it this winter.
When i first bought it, it worked fine anywhere in the house, but how would i go about hardwiring it into the circuit?

You are probably exceeding the wattage rating for the plug or circuit
that the plug is tied into.My suggestion, find it a permanent home.
Now hardwire it into a circuit all it's own. Make sure the wattage
and the amperage drawn are within the specifications of the
circuit breaker.Now if you are looking for a heater you can move around
consider one of the family safe electric heaters designed for this
kind of service.

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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

What am I missing in Little Alchemy? I have 295/330.?

electric fireplaces phoenix on Phoenix Wall / Corner Fireplace Classic Flame 23DM537-T401 4600 BTU's ...
electric fireplaces phoenix image


I have water fire earth air acid rain airplane alcohol algae alien allergy alligator angel antarctica aquarium archipelago armor ash astronaut atmosphere atomic bomb axe bacon bacteria bat batman bayonet beach beaver beer bicycle bird birdhouse black-hole blade blizzard blood boat boiler bone bread brick bullet butcher campfire car cart cat centaur chainsaw charcoal cheese chicken cigarette city clay clock cloud coal coconut coconut-milk coffin cold computer cookie corpse cow cyborg cyclist darth-vader day desert diamond dino doctor dog doghouse double rainbow dough dragon drunk duck dune dust dynamite eagle earthquake eclipse egg electric-eel electrician electricity email energy engineer eruption explosion family farmer faun field fireman fireplace fireworks fish food four flute fog forest fossil frankenstein fruit fruit-tree galaxy garden geyser glacier glass glasses glasshouse goat gold golem grass grave gravestone graveyard grenade grim-reaper gun gunpowder hail hamburger hard-roe hay hero horizon horse hospital hourglass house human hurricane ice ice-cream iceberg idea igloo internet isle jedi juice kit knight lamp lava lava-lamp leather letter life light light-bulb lighthouse lightsaber lion livestock lizard love lumberjack manatee meat mermaid metal meteoriod milk mirror monkey moon moss motorcycle mountain mouse mud music nerd nest newspaper night ocean orchard origami oxygen palm paper pegasus pencil phoenix pig pipe pizza planet plankton plat platypus pond pottery pressure prism pyramid rain rainbow ring river robot rocket rust sailboat sailor salt sand sandpaper sandstorm sandwich scythe sea seagull seahorse seasickness seaweed shark sickness ski-goggles sky smog smoke snake snow snowman solar-cell sound space squirrel star steam steam-engine steamboat steel stone storm story sugar sun sundial sunflower sunglasses surfer swamp swim-goggles sword swordfish telescope tide time toast tobacco tool train tree treehouse tsunami turtle twilight umbrella vampire village volcano vulture wagon wall warrior watch water-pipe wave werewolf wheat wheel wild-animal wind windmill wire wizard wolf wood yogurt zombie


I need 280 on little alchemy, which ones am I missing?


Acid rain
Atomic bomb
Black hole
Christmas tree
Coconut milk
Double rainbow
Electric eel
Fruit tree
Hard roe
Ice cream
Light bulb
Light saber
Solar cell

DAY = sun + time ....but it says you have twilight..and you need day for maybe you just forgot to put it. :)

GLACIER = mountain + ice
LIGHT = lightbulb + electricity
TREEHOUSE = tree + house

That is all I could find. I compared lists though and I'm still missing 5...:\

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Monday, October 14, 2013

I Want To Buy An Electric Fireplace?

electric fireplaces without heat on Electric Fireplace - Electric Fireplace Heater- Inserts
electric fireplaces without heat image

All This a

I live in an apartment where I do not control my heat. I live in New York State, so it gets pretty cold here. It is permissable to have a fireplace and I already know the pros and cons of having one. My question is: should I go with electric or use burning gels. Which is more realistic, economical and warmer. Can anyone recommend a particular site, store or brand? I have searhed all the sites I could think of and obviously came up with almost no information. I even tried consumer rated sites. HELP! It is getting cold real fast here!

I work at a fireplace company in Ft. Worth Texas and I sell alot of electric fireplaces. The best one on the market is made by a company called Dimplex. The flame looks so much like a real flame that I have people that think it is real when they see it. The best thing is you can run it with or without heat. They also have wall mount stoves that are great for smaller rooms. I attached a few links below for you to see. They are based in Canada but I bet they have a place there for you to get it. Also look at their fireplaces & Mantel kits. I have installed more than 700 of them for a builder here and only had 2 product related service calls. If you have any questions feel free to e-mail me at

How could you heat a small house in an emergency?


its minus 40 here in canada. i have elecric heat and i was wondering how i could heat the house if the power failed.

First of all, in 40 below weather, if your power fails and you don't have a backup generator, get yourself to the nearest hotel or public place, they will definitelyhave a generator. Figure out your next move from a safe place.

That haaving been said, I live in the Sierra's. We are having an ice storm, starting about now, and lasting through the weekend. Our power often fails. Last time the lines snapped and so did some trees in my property. I have a fireplace with a glass insert and it rocks.

It isn't uncommon to have the power go on and off for days. Off more than on when the winds pick up.

My heat is gas but the thermostat is electric. Stupid eh? So I had a backup generator hooked up to that, nothing else. It cost about $500 US. A backup generator for my entire electrical would have cost me a fortune. I can live with candlelight if I have heat.

The first time the power went out I realized one important thing: having candles and lanterns and lantern oil and radios and batteries and flashlights and such emergency items, that's fine, but knowing where they are and how to go directly to them and find them in pitch black, without stumbling or hurting yourself, that's the key.

Good luck to all of you up there!

PS. I guess Old Philbert up above me doesn't get around much if he thinks 40 below doesn't exist. What a joke.

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How long can you safely run an electric fireplace heater?

best electric fireplace with heater on Flat Screen Electric Fireplace Mounts on Your Wall � Luxury ...
best electric fireplace with heater image


Just bought a Hampton Bay electric fireplace heater with tv stand. It's 1,350 watts and 4600 btu's per hour. How long can we safely run this(overnight)? Trying to heat our apt with this rather than gas heating

We don't have the identical unit, but one similar, I think. We were in Hawaii for two months. The fireplace heater is in an old fireplace minus the chimney. We left with the power on but with the remote keeping the power off. When we returned we noticed the living room warmer than normal (summer). Sure enough, a power outage had occurred sometime during the two month absence and the remote turned the fireplace heater on when the power came back on. No way of knowing how long it was on...days, perhaps weeks. No fire, no damage of any find.

My cats are in an AZ room, closed porch,should I worry how cold it gets in winter?


I have an electric fireplace heater which has brought the temp from 66 to 73 in a little over 1 hour. I think I can go shut it off, But what temp is too cold? In winter we will have our pellet stove running and we will open the living room windows so it can go to that room too. It's only October, I feel cold. They were cuddled under covers when I went out there.

They have fur coats so they are naturally warmer than we are.

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Sunday, October 13, 2013

How much would it cost to have a gas heating system installed in an older brick home with an oil furnace?

electric fireplace 100 on Electric Fireplaces Direct  Cyber Monday Deal Save Over $100!
electric fireplace 100 image


The house is in a neighborhood with gas lines, but I don't know how close the main gas line is. It's roughly 1,200 square foot. It also has a fireplace, which will help with the heating costs but we want to find out how much it would be to make the change from oil to gas, as oil can be so expensive.

I think it depends on where you live. For me- in the Midwest- it would run about $4,000- 6,000- depending on ductwork and the like. I would recommend going the geo-thermal route. Initially it is about 3x as much. Here are the perks though.
1- You use far less energy- only electric.
2- You get big rebates for installing the system- sometimes up to $5,000 from your electric company.
3- There are far fewer moving parts (only a pump), so it presents fewer problems down the road and is less expensive to fix and upkeep.
4- It eliminates the need for central AC and all of the cost that goes with it, since it uses the ground's temp of 55 degrees.
5- It is "green" and gives you knowledge that you are doing your part (cheesy but true)

I have a friend that installed a system in his house. He has about 3,000 sq. ft. He heats and cools his house on less than $100.00 a month- winter and summer!

What are the ways you are trying to cut costs?


I do a food co-op (Angel Food Ministries), We are very conservative with the heat, electric, and water bills. We do not eat out. What are some ways you are cutting costs?? I think we all could use this information
I do not use credit cards and never have used them.
eskie lover you sure have some great ways to save... Thank you.

I grow my own citrus, avocado, veggies and herbs. When I over produce, I either share my excess harvest or exchange it with other neighbors who also have over produced or freeze the excesses. It saves us all money on groceries. I also learned a great new technique called morphing meals from nutritionist Robin Miller on Food Network. For example, tonight I am roasting a huge pork loin. I will cut it in thirds, however, so that over the weekend I can make a snitzel and then we can have stuffed pork rouladen early next week. I try to get as many meals as I can out of the main ingredients and that is a real time and money saver. I also line dry most of the time instead of using the dryer and always use the air dry function on the dishwasher. I also don't run either my central heat or air conditioner. I tinted my windows, planted trees strategically to shade my home, installed high R value insulation, use ceiling and window fans and heat my home using wood in my fireplace insert. I usually buy 2 cords of seasoned wood from the grove ranch above my canyon for about $100 each and that is much cheaper than running the furnace which uses both natural gas and electricity. We also have a system we call OPG in our neighborhood. It means, other people's gas. Most of the people who have children have to make at least 2 trips to the school daily. So they carpool so that there are fewer trips and then ask when they go whether any neighbor needs them to pick up anything on their way. Those of us without children also offer when we are going somewhere to save someone else the trip. We also offer each other clothing or furniture when they are no longer needed and before we donate them to charities. LOL I think I've furnished at least 2 of my neighbor's kids 1st apartments over the years.

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How long can you safely run an electric fireplace heater?

best electric fireplaces to buy on Electric Fireplace  Warmth and Elegance
best electric fireplaces to buy image


Just bought a Hampton Bay electric fireplace heater with tv stand. It's 1,350 watts and 4600 btu's per hour. How long can we safely run this(overnight)? Trying to heat our apt with this rather than gas heating

We don't have the identical unit, but one similar, I think. We were in Hawaii for two months. The fireplace heater is in an old fireplace minus the chimney. We left with the power on but with the remote keeping the power off. When we returned we noticed the living room warmer than normal (summer). Sure enough, a power outage had occurred sometime during the two month absence and the remote turned the fireplace heater on when the power came back on. No way of knowing how long it was on...days, perhaps weeks. No fire, no damage of any find.

Can I buy or make an insert to convert my faux electric fireplace into a gel burning one?


I have a faux electric fireplace, but would like to convert it to one that I could use the logs that burn gel canisters (sterno). I wonder if anyone knows how to build an insert fire box, or where I can purchase one.

You would likely need a vent free gas log fireplace insert. I would try northline express or house of fire first.

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