Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Which fireplace is nicer?

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electric fireplaces images image



no they are different

I say the second one, because the first one was too 'chunky' and 'blocky' yet the second one was sleek. Also because the edges on the first one was very sharp, which could lead to injuries in the future. The second one wasn't very sharp.

Renters Insurance theft?

Kim B

Hello... I have renters insurance for my "single family home" I rent. I have some questions as this is the first ( and hopefully the only) time I have ever had to file a renters claim. I do have Assurant, if that helps. last Wednesday I arrive home from work to my front door wide open, the first things to go through my mind were, did i shut it all the way did i run out and not pull it closed etc.. we live in a relatively safe area, although there have been some home thefts in the past 6 months or so. Anyway, U have 3 young kids and with that comes the hustle and bustle of every day (kids are 9, 4,5) i got them fed bathed off to bed, picked up kitchen from dinner and finally plopped down on the coach at around 10/1030 when I looked up I noticed the Xbox missing from the "mantle" (electric fireplace with storage and shelving under my flat screen). It hit me I had been robbed, DING DING DING thats why the door was open... I was robbed 7 yrs ago (by a cops son high on drugs we later found out). All the anxiety and fears and stress came back, I didnt call the police immediately because I did not want my kids to get up and see police in the house, my girlfriends house was broken into last yr and my oldest would not go back over there for 6 weeks she was afraid something would happen. I called them first thing in the morning on my way to work (745a) they said to call back that evening when I was home and they would come out. So i did. They came out and took the report. I was missing xbox 2 controllers, my daughters kindle and ipod 4th gen, a camera, my laptop and my tablet... all in all about 2500 worth of our stuff, most stuff between 1 and 2 yrs old. I made the report with my insurance company, they called back tuesday and I sent in all information. Spoke today and she said she didnt need anything else her next steps were review.. but that could take 30+ days??? Is that true? When I call them the call center folks are wonderful kind and nice, my adjuster is so unkind and gruff, short and snippy with me, I feel like she doesnt trust or believe me, is this normal... should I expect to be put thru the ringer? I havent told my kids about the theft and am hoping to get it settled out in a reasonable amount of time (and expressed this to the adjuster) because I want to, at the very least, get my daughters items replaced, i went so far as to borrow a family members xbox (my brother with no kids) because my kids watch DVDs on it daily and they would notice if that was gone.... when I was robbed years ago we did not have isurance, I was pregnant, my house was destroyed the person beat my dog with an ice pick, back and forth to court for his hearings etc... it was so very stressful and I do not want to relive that at all! Any advice? I submitted images for nearly everything as well as bank statements from my laptop and a phone that went missing, the statements also show that my bank balance is over 2k currently so I hope they dont think I am trying to "get off" with anything???? I just dont know what to expect based on my story here?
Thank you, I know I sound like a nervous sketch ball LOL... but all that goes through my head is the past and the icky feelings it gave me... I dont want to think I am not forthcoming with anything...thanks for your answer, was hoping it wouldnt take 5 weeks.... but who knows!

Actually, your current experience seems pretty typical. Sorry for that.

I rented years ago, had a theft of the laptop, the police took a report and it took 5 weeks to get my check after sending it in. The adjuster was so-so, but I suppose there are people trying to rip them off all the time. My advice is to just explain what you can... and leave the drama out of it. They'll want to know how careful you were. They really don't care for drama and it does not affect the amount that you'll receive. It might affect their attitude, though. But I try not to annoy people that I want something from...

My ex had her fancy BBQ stolen and her insurance paid on that.

Renter's insurance is a pretty decent deal, if you ask me.

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