Sunday, June 30, 2013

Feng shui cure for mechanical problems?

electric fireplaces under $200 on Pelonis safety furnace with 4 ceramic discs heaters.
electric fireplaces under $200 image


I have a friend that has had a series of mechanical failures in the past 2 weeks. It just seems to go on and on. Is there a feng shui remedy for this problem.

Classical Feng Shui does not recognize electronic or electric devices as a
remedy because there are serious environmental issues raised by this
"cure.² Prosperous households in ancient Chang¹an featured heaters (not
just fireplaces), mechanical fans, artificial fountains and ice-cooled
rooms. One medieval emperor had an air-conditioned hall and a misting
system to cool his guests. But these ancient systems were created to be in
harmony with nature, not defy and destroy it.

Feng Shui was invented before the harnessing of electric energy and relies
on methods that have little to do with it. Anyone claiming that electrical
devices are part of authentic Feng Shui must have beamed in from another
planet. Though it is marketed as some kind of Asian environmental
Band-Aid, modern Feng Shui caters to American consumer obsessions and
feeds on their environmental excesses. After all, we are the ones who own
the most electric and electronic devices on the planet. It arrogantly
defies America's Rio Summit goals, it conveniently sidesteps the issue of
Global Warming and the sober pronouncements of the conference in Kyoto
(December 1997), and Principles 8 and 9 of the Rio Declarations (1992). It
dismisses all responsible environmental policies. It aids and abets our
environmental wastefulness and irresponsibility. The fact that it also
disagrees with traditional Feng Shui barely registers next to its overall
environmental insanity.

One wonders how to accomplish this Feng Shui ³cure² in the developing
world. Electrical objects are a luxury in the homes of Africans (who have
an average per capita electrical consumption under 200 kilowatt-hours per
year, which is roughly the equivalent of one light bulb burning a few
hours each day), and in homes of the nearly 2 billion people worldwide
with no access to electricity. In the U.S., electrical consumption is
primarily generated through coal-burning plants that contribute to the
greenhouse effect. Though energy companies have advised consumers to save
energy, in the 1980s electric consumption jumped 11 percent. Petrochemical
products also account for global warming. Fifty-one pounds of carbon
dioxide are released into the atmosphere for each barrel of oil we
consume, according to Syracuse professor Charles Hall.

A study published by the Sierra Club in 1996 says that a personal computer
that is on but ignored for three hours a day (left on, we assume, for
those "enlivening and stimulating" wisdom benefits only an unattended
computer can give) is responsible for some 200 pounds of CO2 pollution
each year. That's about 2 percent of the annual CO2 emitted by a car
that's actually doing something!

Air conditioners, which consume more energy than any other household
appliance, are responsible for 2 or more pounds of CO2 pumped into the
atmosphere every operating hour. They also have a litany of health-related
complaints associated with them. A dirty filtration system in an air
conditioning unit harbors biological agents that can cause anything from
allergic reactions, asthma, and flu to deaths from Legionnaire's Disease.

Air conditioners also account for one-sixth of the voracious American
appetite for electricity. Yet by simply following the principles of
traditional Feng Shui (which echo sound environmental policy) and planting
more trees and using lighter colors for roofs and pavement, our cities
would suffer less air pollution and would be cooler than the surrounding
countryside. We could reduce the need for air conditioning and create less
energy "brown-outs." By following sound, Classical Feng Shui principles we
could effectively reduce our pollution problems, our energy consumption,
and drastically cut global warming. We'd live more equitably and
sustainably on the planet these faux Feng Shui "cures" are working so hard
to irrevocably damage.

For all their shifting powers and emphasis this curative is often sharply
contradictory. In the book Subtle Energy, author William Collinge says
that ³our use of electrically power dramatically alters our magnetic
environment, and unnatural fields have potentially serious impact on us,²
and ³appliances we use every day are potentially hazardous² ; yet Feng
Shui as he explains it uses electrically-powered objects ³such as air
conditioners and televisions² to stimulate ³disharmonious or undesirable
energy patterns.² Terah Kathryn Collins believes electrical equipment has
a ³demanding physical and energetic presence² and that they ³dominate
their surroundings.² And although ³computers and microwaves can emit
enough EMR to be harmful to us,² Qi is ³activated by electrical
equipment.² Considering that practitioners of this kind of Feng Shui do
not use geomagnetic sensing devices to determine the local magnetic field,
how do they differentiate from beneficent and maleficent energy patterns?

What do you check for when your electric bills doubles?

Melissa F

In November my electric bill went from $250 - $682.00 now for december it went up to $800. What are some things in the house I can check to see why my bill is going up so high? I live in Texas so its rarely very cold here (like maybe 2 times a week) and even in October and September we were running our AC so I don't see why it would suddenly jump up so high. The electric bill is getting to be almost an entire paycheck of ours and we only have 2 paychecks a month. We have a 3 bedroom house but all the rooms are very small and the house is under 1000sq feet. I was paying only $200 a month for my 1400sq feet apartment last year. I asked my landlord if the bill was normal and she said no but wouldn't give me an estimate on how much hers was last winter (when she moved out to her new house we moved in). So if anybody can help me by things I should check around the house please do so?
I've done that. We use to use about 1500 kWh a month. Last month we used about 3800 kWh and this month 4500 kWh. I know my bill is correct and I know were using a tremendous amount my question is if anybody knows what could cause it to do this type of jump like if there is anything around the house we can check?
The thermostat is actually set to about 70 and at night I turn it down to like 67 or so. I use my dishwasher like twice a week, I use my washer and dryer like 2 times a week, my kids take warm showers and together their showers are like 10 minutes usually every other day, my husband takes pure cold showers as horrible as that sounds, and my showers last just about 10 minutes. Our water heater is electric and the only thing on our stove that is electric is the clock. During the day there are probably like 2 lights on at all times with like 1 tv (sometimes 2 tvs as me and my daughter are always at home). At night there are usually between 3-4 lights on for about 4 hours a night. Before our electric bill doubled I ran the dishwasher and W&D every other night now I do whatever I can to not run these items. We make sure if nobody is in a room lights go off, tvs are on sleep timers at night, theres only 1 computer on 24/7 the rest get plugged in 1 time a day at home and our electric goes up

Everyone I talked to had the same issue (also Texas). My meter was read on 12/26 and they tried to tell me it was because of Christmas lights, etc. I live alone and don't do Christmas. There was nothing different that month than there was any month prior. And even though we had a couple of cold days, I used the fireplace and it shouldn't be up that much. All I can figure is the meter was read incorrectly the previous month because my bill was shockingly low, but that wouldn't explain the neighbors.

I don't know what to tell you. Check to make sure no one is plugged into any external outlets that are on your meter. Read the meter yourself (they will tell you how. It's confusing). Get a programmable thermostat and make sure you're not in a flex rate program. Go to and research another provider. I'm changing mine this month.

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