Friday, December 6, 2013

I'm about to be 18 and I have some questions?

electric fireplaces new york on Garden room with electric fireplace, pvt. entrance and patio
electric fireplaces new york image

Starla Sul

Okay, well, I honestly don't know how to start. I guess I kind of need like a mentor or something? I don't want to feel stupid but I honestly have no one I can ask these to and I feel slightly over-whelmed. Well, I might as well start from the beginning, I live in Dayton, Ohio and I'm a 17 year old female, and I want to move out by the time I'm 18, and my birthday is in the beginning of June. I have so many questions I don't even know where to start and I'm just looking for someone to answer some of my questions, no matter how stupid they may be.

First of all, does anyone know what places hire people under 18? I know of McDonald's, Starbucks, Burger King, etc. I've applied to some of these and never got a call back and I really want to get a job as soon as possible because my parents won't let me get my license until I have one, which I understand completely but I have no way of getting around anywhere aside from walking, which is good for me, but sometimes it's just too much. Btw, I think sometimes I tend to go on and on... Like I'm doing now.
Anyway, how much does getting a drivers license cost? Including everything in drivers ed?
What are some typical appliances/furniture most people have?
With most apartments will I be using gas or electric or both? Add price estimates, if possible?
What is a reasonable price for one bedroom apartments?
Is it better to have a roommate? (I have looked this up many times, and done the math to the best of my ability and I always come up short, going by minimum wage and maximum prices, but honestly this all confuses me.)

I have so many more questions so if anyone could/would help me out reply here or send me an email at:

I appreciate any help. I think I need all that I can get right now.

You might get a job at Macy's or a place like Marshall's, Home Goods, Hallmark, etc. Also - all the fast food chain restaurants - Denny's, Taco Bell, Dairy Queen, Sonic; coffee shops too.

A driverâs license application will cost you about $10. The eye exam is free at the DMV. You will need to borrow somebodyâs car for the actual exam.
Are your parents buying you a car? If not, you might not be able to get one yourself just yet, because of your credit history (read below.) You will also need insurance - talk to them and see who will be paying about that.

Typical appliances/furniture: I'll tell you the very basic things that you'll need... a bed with box spring, a dresser (or two), a couch, table/desk with several chairs, coffee table and/or side table. You will likely need a microwave, a toaster, some plates, cups, silverware, utensils, knives, a frying pan (if you plan on cooking), tablecloth, trash can, towels, shower curtain and a mat, a laundry basket, a shoe rack, some hangers. You might want to get a TV and a computer. Think about the curtains/blinds.

Apartments usually use electricity for things like the fridge, microwave, washer and dryer, A/C. Most ovens and some fireplaces use gas. My husband and I pay about $180 for everything in a 1,200 ft. apartment in New Jersey (close to New York City.)

I looked at apartment prices in and around Dayton, Ohio for you. You can get a 1 or 2 bedroom for about $500+. Of course there are some cheaper options â like $375 for a 1 bedroom. Check out

Having a roommate - Do you have credit cards or a credit history? If you donât, it might be a challenge renting your own place. You will have to search for roommates who already have a lease. And even then a lot of people wonât be willing to share their space with you. Because you have no way of proving that you are âfinancially responsible.â Even if you have a job - being employed at a certain place for less than a year is not considered as a good enough âproof.â Plus, itâs always nice to share the utilities with someone. Itâs even better if you get several roommates, as there are nice 4 bedroom houses for $800. That means that youâd have to pay $200 for your room. And it could be fun to have some company since you are 18.
I had 4 roommates when I was your age.

You will also have to pay for Internet, TV and phone â that should be around $100 a month for the regular service and about $165 if you want to add the premium channels and some insanely fast Internet (like Verizon FiOs.)
Water is about $30-50 if you do a lot of laundry.

Iâd be happy to answer any other questions that you might have. Drop me a line if you'd like.

Im writing a book, is this good so far?


Im Writing a book about a Sub-Species of the human race called Promethians.
this is a passage from about the 3rd chapter of my first book and i dont really expect it to be
understood because you have to read the first 2 chapters but this poor kid has just woken up in a strange place and i really just want your opinion on the writing style and detail. Im only 14 so let me know if you can tell it was written by a 14 year old :/ thanks alot.

My eyelids fluttered as i slowly woke up, i tried to recall where i was, but all i
remembered was the excruciating pain
then the girl from the park, siloetted against the glaring sunlight. I sat up, and
then almost lost consiousness once again,
there right in front of me, was a mirror, i stared, in the mirror was a boy, it was
me more accuratley, but at the same
time, it was not me...because i did most definitletley not remeber having eyes of
blue fire. I blinked, again and again,
trying to wake up from this nightmare. My eyes were gone, replaced by electric
blue flames, the same color my eyes had
been. I could still see everything just as i had before, however i looked like some
sort of video game charachter!
"you dont like the eyes?" said a male voice sounding slightly amused. I jerked my
head around, to find
the source of the voice and immediatley wished i hadnt as pain shot up my neck
"unghh" i groaned.
"i take that as i no" said a boy, about my age sitting on a bench about 3 feet away from the bed i
was laying in, he seemed to be
amused by my apparent confusion, and was smiling slightly. His eyes also were in
flames but instead of blue they were a
burning amber color, like coals in a fireplace. "where am i?" i moaned. He laughed
"your in the new york Ordinance" he
stated as if i should already know. "the what?" i asked, confused.
"The ordinace you know, like a institute, a facility"
"A facility for what?" i asked, even more confused than ever. "for us,
for the Promethians". "the what?" i asked
"Josh!? is he awake?" a girls voice asked, sounding annoyed.
"Josh! Dont confuse him! hes been through a lot!"
Suddenly the girl from the park stamped into the room, barley glancing
in his direction, she rushed to the bed
i was now sitting up in. "do you feel alright?" "do you need anything?"
"did you just wake up?" "are you ok?" she
bombarded me with questions. "im fine, really im fine, but where am i?"
"and whats wrong with my eyes?" i asked eager for awnsers.
"your eyes look fine, what do you mean?" she asked confused.
"but there glowing! there on fire!" i almost yelled
"yes, of course they are, all Promethians eyes are like that" she said
slowly as if trying not to startle me.
"whats a Promethean?" i asked. "oh...well," she seemed lost for words.
"Promethians are a race of warriors, it is our duty to protect the
world from danger, like Alienites or Demonai." josh interjected.
"Our duty?" i asked. "Yes, of course our duty,
we are the promethians, protectors of the human race." he said, as
o matter o factly. "Look, youve been
through alot and i know this is alot to absorb but youve got to learn
it sometime, so i might as well fill you in
now." the girl said gently. " and by the way, my name is Natasha,
but you can call me Tash." "im Max, Max Defter" i said
then 3 things happened at once, Natasha and Josh both seemed soo
startled that it would have been comical,
if the situation had been a bit more clear, then my eyesight suddenly
seemed to flicker and i felt a strong tug
from within me, as i someone was pulling me forward, just as a boy
walked in through the small door at the other
end of the room. He gasped as soon as he met my eyes, dropping a
large pitcher of some sort of green liquid that spattered all over the white walls of the room.
and then he spoke, "its you!" he whispered, shocked "My brother."
and i know there is lots of typos and mispelled words but that will be fixed later so just try to ignore those.

Other than the minor grammatical errors, meaning how you would put a separate quotation around every question, whereas you can group the questions together, you wrote very well. I hope you decide to continue this. In fact, it would be a good idea to post this on a website. I know a very good one. It is posted below in my sources v. Anyways, I hope that you fix the errors, and post this. I very much hope you continue on with writing. I only dream of writing like that. You are very descriptive, which is good. I find that very helpful. Because, strangely, I found that I already understood that. And if you want to be an author, that is always a good way to go. So, overall, very great writing. It was indeed unique. Which is good.

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Title Post: I'm about to be 18 and I have some questions?
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Author: Unknown

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