Monday, August 19, 2013

What is the best thing to do when there is an earthquake?

72 electric fireplaces on 1500 Watt Glass Panel Convection Heater - DGP1500-B
72 electric fireplaces image


The most important thing to do is to remain calm. If you are inside a building stand in a corner or under an interior doorway, or under sturdy desk or table. Engineers actually approve of the idea of standing in an interior doorway- it is not just a myth. Avoid windows, fireplaces, large mirrors, and tall furniture. Stay clear of heavy machinery that may fall over. Do not get into an elevator. If you are outdoors, or near an exit move away from buildings and power lines that may fall. As long as your are in a structurally sound building, it is probably better to stay inside. If you are in an automobile stop in an open area away from overpasses and power lines. When driving, the shake of an earthquake will often feel like something is wrong with the car and may not be apparent. Stay away from beaches.

Immediately afterwards, be cautious about possible broken power lines and gas lines, and check to see if people are okay. Do not use the phone unless it is an emergency because if they are working, the lines will be jammed and need to be left open for emergency calls. Turn off the utilities like water, gas, and power to buildings if there is any chance of damage.

If you live in an earthquake prone area these are some easy things you can do to make your home more earthquake proof:

1. Find out if your homeowner's insurance covers earthquakes.

2. Be familiar with how to turn off your natural gas, water, and electric utilities. Consider installing an "earthquake valve" on your natural gas line. This type of valve shuts off automatically if there is shaking. It could prevent your house from burning down. Here are a few:

3. Brace your water heater with at least two metal straps tied to a major wood stud or anchored to a concrete wall. The straps should be anchored with a wide angle extending laterally about two feet on each side of the water heater, if possible.

4. Install child-proof type latches on your overhead kitchen cabinets and other cabinets where things might fall out.

5. Anchor the top of tall furniture to a wall using a strap and anchor, or an angle bracket secured to a stud in the wall. Hanging pictures should be hung from hooks secured into studs.
Move chandeliers, tall bookshelves, and large mirrors away from beds. By the time a sleeping occupant has realized the earthquake is happening the hazard may have already fallen on the bed.

6. If you have an antenna attached to a masonry chimney, move it. Masonry chimneys should be checked and tuck-pointed if the mortar has begun to deteriorate. Be aware that masonry chimneys are very likely to shake apart in an earthquake.

1. Be prepared to live without power and water for at least 72 hours. The water heater and toilet tank will supply up to 45 gallons of water if they are not damaged. Having a water purifying filter on hand is always a good idea. These camping type filters are the ones I recommend but either water purification tablets or those household water filtering kits are suitable:

2. Have a battery operated radio on hand, or even one of those self-powering crank units.

3. Flashlights and batteries are essential.

4. Don't expect the telephone, either land or cellular to work. If they are working, avoid using them except for emergencies as they will be overloaded.

5. Be prepared to live outdoors, preferably in a tent while there is risk of an aftershock. If your house is damaged seriously it may not be safe to re-enter.

6. Have a fire extinguisher and a first aid kit on hand.

7. Have a family plan, and plan ahead who will be responsible for helping elderly or children out of the house and the route. Know your neighborhood and the skills of your neighbors. If there are doctors or other emergency personnel in the area know how to contact them. If your family is spread out, have someone out of the area for everyone to check in with. Long distance calls will be easier than local calls.

8. Make some plans for your pets. Many pets get confused during earthquakes and get lost.

9. Keep a small camp stove handy, or at least some canned food and a manual can opener. Eat the food in your refrigerator first, then the food in the freezer. An unopened freezer will last about 3 days.

10. Apply the same concepts to your workplace. Know how you will contact the rest of your family if at work. Many emergency personnel have their entire family carry a small CB-radio because they realize they would not be able to function properly if they were uncertain about the status of their family.

11. Stay off the roads unless it is an emergency. Try to leave roads open for emergency services like ambulances and fire trucks.

If you want to read more about earthquake preparation buy or check out a copy of this book:
Yanev, Peter I. , 1991, Peace of Mind in Earthquake Country: How to Save Your Home and Life. San Francisco: Chronicle Books. 218 pp. ISBN: 0877017719
(at this moment there are 18 copies available used on starting at $4.25. I am sure other booksellers will have this book as well)

Home Heating oil. How long will it last?


I would like to have an idea of how long it would take to burn a gallon of it with the temp set at 72 degrees
I just had 150 gallons delivered at Six hundred and fifty four dollars. Highway robbery! I guess I'm
trying to figure out how long I will get warmth in the house.
Thank you very much.

There are too many variables that effect the amount of fuel used like your home insulation, size of home etc..certainly checking the gage is the best way to get a rough idea, but as temps outside change so will your usage of fuel! To conserve energy you can seal windows and door cracks, check online for ideas.. turn the temp. down at night or when you are not home. Close doors of unused rooms, put small electric heaters ( or electric fireplaces) in rooms you use a lot and use this in combination with your regular heating. I was afraid up running up my electric bill but it was so much cheaper than the oil, especially if you can shut a door with a little heater inside ..and you can get it so toasty warm! Also 72 is high to keep your entire house unless you are not mobile or elderly. If not, you might want to lower that number significantly ( as far as you can stand it) and dress warmer by wearing sweaters, wraps and even scarves. Also make sure you have insulated window coverings and use them at night. This may sound silly but it could save you more then half your fuel cost in a season. your hand completely around every seam of each window and door on a cold day.. if you find any cold coming in your heating the outdoors! Seal up these areas right away.

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